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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. If you get hilly enough terrain or street fighting an ATR can take out a MKIV through top armour. And I suspect other tanks but the MkIV is the only one I have done in battle. Killing MkIV with 0.50's I have done three times.
  2. I once had a crack 6pdr crew fire 10 shots into a MkIV at very short range before they bailed. What you suffered does seem to be excessively unlucky ... but you have to love the game system : )
  3. Who would have thought this could have happened. Perhaps this will be a warning to consider all the possibilities before these "advances" become widespread
  4. If they were going to go for a shorter name: MD disease would have been so fun.
  5. What I was shocked at was the viciousness of the law. ASLVeteran - I am a little hurt that you feel I might be unaware of eugenics, the birth control movement - though admittedly the US angle I had not read. It seems to me that the effect of the law will be for the richer to go to a more civilised State and the poor to go to a back street abortionist - with the attendant risks. Superb result. However the fundamental concept is that those who are not involved in any way are dictating in a personal choice matter. Now if the right wing feels that the State should control peoples lives that is surprising. So is it actually the fundamentalist Christians actually dictate the Right wing agenda. It seems that must be true. SO , to me it is a religion forcing its views through legislation. But it is the vindictiveness of the legislation that is so unChristian. Or is it? Wonderful. I find it deeply saddening that the US appears to be in a downward spiral of dumbness and intolerance. At least their state legislatures appear to be.
  6. Strict Abortion Measures Enacted in Oklahoma By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. Published: April 27, 2010 HOUSTON — The Oklahoma Legislature voted Tuesday to override the governor’s vetoes of two abortion measures, one of which requires women to undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion. Though other states have passed similar measures requiring women to have ultrasounds, Oklahoma’s law goes further, mandating that a doctor or technician set up the monitor so the woman can see it and describe the heart, limbs and organs of the fetus. No exceptions are made for rape and incest victims. A second measure passed into law on Tuesday prevents women who have had a disabled baby from suing a doctor for withholding information about birth defects while the child was in the womb. Opponents argue that the law will protect doctors who purposely mislead a woman to keep her from choosing an abortion. But the bill’s sponsors maintain that it merely prevents lawsuits by people who wish, in hindsight, that the doctor had counseled them to abort a disabled child. Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat, vetoed both bills last week. The ultrasound law, he said, was flawed because it did not exempt rape and incest victims and would allow an unconstitutional intrusion into a woman’s privacy. Of the other measure, Mr. Henry said, “It is unconscionable to grant a physician legal protection to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impose his or her personal beliefs on a patient.” The Republican majorities in both houses, however, saw things differently. On Monday, the House voted overwhelmingly to override the vetoes, and the Senate followed suit on Tuesday morning, making the two measures law. “This is a good day for the cause of life,” said State Senator Glenn Coffee, the Republican majority leader. “The voice of the people has spoken twice now this session in the Senate and twice in the House, and I sincerely hope those who would reverse the people’s voice would think twice before acting.” .......... Several states have passed laws in recent years requiring women to undergo an ultrasound before having an abortion, and at least three — Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi — require doctors to offer the woman a chance to see the image. But Oklahoma’s new law says that the monitor must be placed where the woman can see it and that she must listen to a detailed description of the fetus. “The goal of this legislation is just to make a statement for the sanctity of human life,” State Senator Todd Lamb, the majority floor leader, said in an interview after the vote. “Maybe someday these babies will grow up to be police officers and arrest bad people, or will find a cure for cancer.” **************** It does seem very strange that in a country where the rights of the individual are so close to the heart of the Republicans they appear to be happy to be highly prescriptive when it does come to people rights where they do not agree with them. And more all from here http://www.alternet.org/story/146991/catholic_leader_says_woman_should_die_with_her_fetus_--_when_did_woman-hating_go_mainstream
  7. Previously he was a two time mayor of Bogota. He and his successor have been given great credit for what they did for the city. Firing the entire transit police for corruption. Mooning students : )! Anyway a good chance to be President. http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2004/03.11/01-mockus.html http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/28/business/worldbusiness/28iht-wbspot29.html
  8. http://www.craftsmanshipmuseum.com/park.htm Really amazing to see the detail. And the bit on the mustang ammo boxes was new to me.
  9. As for Boola Boola http://www.yalealumnimagazine.com/issues/00_10/boola.html October 2000 by Philip Hirsh '60 Philip Hirsh, M.D., is a member of the Class of 1960 and practices medicine in Lynchburg, Virginia.
  10. Try joining one of the clubs. The AI can be pretty stupid and once you , perhaps subconsciously, start playing to expose its deficiencies it will cease to be fun. Not to say that some good designers have made scenarios where the AI weaknesses are factored in so as to still make it a challenge. I generally would not play the AI at all but at WeBoB we have a game of the Month to play the AI and many of the club take up the challenge. The current one is "A Present for Guderian" which I believe I am the third lowest scorer with only about 20% separating me from the leader : ) The feedback hopefully goes back to the Scenario Depot.
  11. Some gems BTW liters or litres? I thought the latter spelling was the European spelling.
  12. I went to Rumania on holiday in the early seventies. Liked it but things like an hour between couses at pukka hotels in the Carpathians, stair carpets more like trip-wires, and generally bad food were off-putting. I'll be seeing the blog : )
  13. To save yourself anguish FK you can do as I do and increase in your settings the number of items to a page. I am on page one : ) oos page two now.
  14. regarding counter-battery fire. I have just read a report where an FOO and two Piper Cubs spent most of a day taking out seven German batteries. If I can only remember in which book I read it I could give details!!! I distinctly recall one of the Piper observers was giving shell by shell results. Edit : found it pages 131,132 and 133 "United States Tanks of World WarII" by George Forty. The Pipers flew seven two hour missions during the day and 2623 rounds were fired . The FOO on the ground recorded 43 fire missions though the Battalion [58th Armored FA Battalion] records record it as 16 counter-battery missions. The difference being that they were logging off after a series. The amount fired well above average. However it would seem that each target would be getting round 50 rounds - think what BF gives us! Interestingly the effect was - bythe end of day the German batteries left had been reduced to one or two guns and by dark no counter fire. Apparently in the afternoon when things had slowed down the Airborne FOO's would wait for the gun crews to return to their guns from their slit trenches before ordering firing again. He does also record a US tank unit getting fifty rounds of 150mm which was deemed pretty heavy. The unit took casualties.
  15. From reading the Wiki link I get to the spy and in that article we get this: Well I did not know that. I assumed they had satellites. Well done the US in nabbing him .... one might think somebody in Argentina was working for the US.
  16. I mentioned the US gallon was tiny - now do you believe me : )
  17. Some of the Wiki links are good. I like this report anf feel that there should be some witty heading like a Leopard should not change its spots!
  18. Yep it surely is. The combined growth of all the hairs on the average human head is about 30m (100ft) in a day, or 11km (7 miles) in a year. "You go to bed feeling very comfortable just thinking about two and a half billion males with hair growing while you sleep. No one at Gillette has trouble sleeping." WARREN BUFFET Now if we include legs and that sort of area ..
  19. I am surprised its only 5 hours ahead - its normally decades : )
  20. I like books and occasionally I get really good ones from my local library - in fact one is so good I have taken anecdotes and posted on the CMAK forum today- I had only got to page 62 so far. On Saturday I was at a local second-hand bookshop in Oxted just checking on the military stuff and was quite pleased to find a book by Delingapole [signed] on the 79th Armoured plus some others. On my way out I noticed some boxes on the pavement outside ---- military books £2 a pop! They had just bought someones collection. ***79th Armoured Division : Hobo's Funnies Accidental Warrior Artillery through the Ages ***August 1914 ***Battle of the Bulge 1944 Bombers of WW2 *** Churchill's Secret Weapons: Story of Hobart's Funnies Churchill's Wizards ***Crete: The Battle and the Resistance German Tanks of WW2 Guards VC : Blitzkreig 1940 Hist Maps WW2 Europe Historic Military Vehicles Directory Ill. Hist of WW1 & WW2 Airforces On the Psychology of Military Incompetence Only the Enemy In Front *** Patton's Third Army at War Propaganda: The Art of Persuasion WW2 ***Resisting the Nazi Invader Take These Men Tank Warfare in WW2 The Berlin Raids: RAF Winter 1943-44 ***The Blitz: Then & Now Vol1 ***The Churchill: Armour in Action Series The Fall of France: Act with Daring The Second WW in Colour Touchlines of War ***United States Tanks of WW2 US Tank & Tank Dest Batt. in the ETO ***Vanguard to Victory: The 79th Armoured Division War Behind Enemy Lines War on Wheels Only the ones with *** are the new ones. The rest of those are ones I have started to put on Google so me and mates do not duplicate books. Only probaly another 200 to load!
  21. I have been fortunate to borrow from my local library a memoir called: "Chasing the Beast" By George Greenfield. Very well written with some great anecdotes: At Alemein his platoon of the Buffs was adjacent to the NZ division. There Maori battlaion had an aggressive streak and when bored would get some volunteers and slip through the wire to find sleeping Germans. Their preference was a group of five and just slit the throats of four of them .... they thought it was funny when the fifth one awoke. And of course it would do wonders for enemy morale. He is very scathing of General Horrocks and some others and I am only on page 62.: ) " Monty - the vainest man I ever met, and in along, and chequered career I met many self-lovers ....." Freyberg comes out well. Another NZer Major Sandy Thomas had fought in Greece and then Crete. When Crete was overrun he had taken to the hills and later got down to the coast stolen a boat and sailed to Greece [no navigator!] He was hidden in a monastery until his wounds were healed and then worked his way across through Greece, Turkey and then into the northern Lebanon. The first man he met was a sentry from his company of from the New Zealand Division. Despite it being ten months later the sentry recognised him: "G'day, sir" he said, slapping the butt of his rifle in salute. " Took your time, didn't you"
  22. Commissioned into the RN 15th May 192. I like this: I think thats the highest gallon to mile I have ever seen! Of course it is more gallons if using in the tiny US gallon ....
  23. Nuking and warfare. Serious stuff. A dead warship - not so bad. Better ASW a priority - a good idea.
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