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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Gran Turismo 5 with over 1000 cars, plenty of tracks, accident damageable models AND 3D [gimmick] True autoporn - gorgeous graphics Damage - from Wiki The arrival of the Move - another possible reason to buy
  2. Soooo embarrassing and as for this, they need a word like hubris : )
  3. Just to mention the best version of Unbuntu comes out at the end of April v10.4 and that can load as another OS. This gives redundancy capability for your computer as Firefox etc will be included and you can load Windoze for emulating PC for Word 2007 etc. I am not a Linux fan boy but it seems silly not to upload the most complete system yet to allow your self some safety. I am not techy but I imagine browsing in Linux Firefox would mean your M$ system is safe. o doubt someone can clarify that. linky http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2010/03/23/ubuntu-10-4-beta-is-bloody-brilliant/ http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1
  4. I am 100% sure thats not a Bren Gun carrier!
  5. Perhaps the proper definition of a ship is then that it has the ability to carry a boat/boats. : ) Thansk for the link BTW
  6. Thanks for the link Affy but it does not actually explain why you think sporting yachts or small shallow draft Dutch naval vessels would be in a convoy in the Baltic around 1800. : ) My copy of The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ships, Boats, Vessels and Other Water-Borne Craft by Graham Blackburn 1978 does not actually provide any notes as to what is a boat and what is a ship [the book is light on note] but I tend to the boats are carryable. Anyway apparently cutters replaced yachts for the Dutch pilots and there were revenue cutters also so yachts as such were pleasure craft by 1800. In fact Blackburns sez post 1660.
  7. I think this might help get an idea of the numbers: and poor speler : )
  8. Yachts? Seems unlikely as with speed and shallow draft thye would be hard to catch. Of course what they would be doing in th Baltic anyway I have no idea - quite a rare vessel if one is thinking of pleasure craft. Yacht rigged is another matter. : )_ Anyway for serious convoy work: http://www.convoyweb.org.uk/ sorry should have included this good site http://ahoy.tk-jk.net/Style/Features.html
  9. Well its nice to know we are all liberals in the gay department Bugged - if it were only genetic then one would expect a very high correlation with genetically identical twins as it happens 50 or 20 per cent is pretty high but not absolute so yes it would seem to be something else. Given the rat studies on overrcrowding - perhaps it starts in the womb! Anyway I wonder if anyone has done a study on homosexuality rates in saparsely populated areas as opposed to densely populated areas. Curiously what does appear to be mixing from all this is bisexuality where it does not matter what gender is the sexual partner.
  10. Unfortunately the gender case is slightly undermined where identical twins are concerned. The first report suggested a 50% likelihood that the other twin would be gay but a later Australian study found 20% likelihood. One thing is for sure it does rather torpedo the straight genetic argument. : ) I do think there is very likely a genetic influence however I also believe that coaching can persuade youths to become homosexual/bisexual. Affy - if you read the story you would know there was kickback after it was cancelled. Whether animosity existed beforehand I know not but it certainly would have been amusing for the graduationg class to vote on the matter.
  11. Incidentally I almost looked at Smopes as it was a bit dubious and then thought sod it why not post as is. There are a couple of clues " freshman year!!?" Dave H - the original - not surprisingly has no sex mentioned.
  12. I had ostrich last month - very tasty but not cheep.
  13. Not waht you may think - its not about food : ) http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/03/stressed-men-fancy-someone-diffe.html?etoc
  14. I am not only surprised but totally disbelieving! This from April 1st http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/01/dining/01goat.html The figures seem to put pork ahead of goat by a small percentage, both in the 30% + area. however there does seem to be some pussyfooting abou the most eaten and the most produced which is interesting. So further research: However I do approve of the idea - "clean" meat.
  15. A decade or more ago there was a study that showed homosexual behaviour in rats increased as the density rose. So yes it looks like there is a genetic signal for rats at least. Costard - I am not sure you have seen the TV interview but a leader - I don't think so. Thoughtless , self-centred, stooge did cross my mind. I have no big problem with homosexuality - other than when children/teens are introduced to the concept. Rather like religion : ). But sexuality can be channeled also. Anyway my general gripe is that of people creating incidents and then relying on the "law" to force a "resolution". Smoking might be an example of someones rights being overridden - I understand smoking clubs are illegal in th UK. If I were to stand outside a mosque or synagogue to exercise my right to preach would I not be deliberately be seen to engineer an incident? Or am I a leader? I think it is very complex issue but my sympathies tend to be with the people who are put into the squeeze in administering. I do think there is a long term problem in that legislation and restrictions etc are making it highly unattractive to go into positions where you can expect aggro. Many decades ago I thought of being a teacher however nowdays I would regard it is as high risk and potentially unfulfilling. Keep your head down and get on with a safe life. Sounds boring but there are more idiots than wise men and in a society with rampant media and hungry lawyers why bother.
  16. Just as a thought, bestiality occurs in quite a lot of cultures [and is not illegal in some States] does that come under the heading of not inconveniencing others? YD BTW good answer with going ahead and using the law/parents to police the do but does not that ruin it for everyone else. Also it does presume that the parents are "safe". Incidentally the 15 year olds parents were not aware - but would not let her have gone. Nice.
  17. So you would make rules about who could asociate with who and enforce that because you have your own standards on what is a suitable age that you feel you can impose on others? Is this hypocrisy? - I don't suppose there is any law on this at all. I had visions of a big dyke with leather about 50ish arriving, for that matter it could be a man of your age dancing with an 18 year old and smooching. Do you think that might gross out some students? They really hate to know that wrinklies have sex. I mean would this be a downer for the prom?
  18. YD I love the rhetoric but can you give me your position if you were the School Board and you thought there was a high likelihod of discord, and possibly violence at the April prom. What would you do of a practical nature? Secondly is there an age difference that would be objectionable to you at the prom? BTW there are approximately 450 animals with homosexual behaviour recorded but that is irrelevant to the above questions. Sergei may yet get around to responding also!
  19. Sergei - I was mentioning the laws for that state. That people are bonking all over the place and what age they are does not bother me unduly. BTW sergei what do you think the minimum agae should be? Does it matter if there is an age difference? I have no problem with the dancing. My interest is in the difficulties of administrating. Perhaps if you forsaw violence and you were the sueable party responsible for the smooth and happy running of the event you might see things as more complicated. Please tell me how it should be handled in a backwards party of Mississippi?
  20. Its easy for us to make comments but if you were having to make the decisions about the High School prom I suspect it would be exceedingly vexing. If she had turned up on the night it may have been a lot easier alround. However once the put the case to them what could they do. She turns up and there is a fight/abuse etc who is going to get sued. Insufficient security, should have known there would be trouble/ - hell they are on a hiding to nothing. I imagine that the role of the School Board member will become distinctly unattractive to any normal person now. Of course if you are on Gods mission or have an agenda to force through you are probably not going to have many people to run against. Incidentally the girlfriend is 15 so it set me wondering whether they have any rules for how young or old partners can be. Would they be offended if she turned up with a 13 year old or a 50 year old? Incidentally actual lesbian behaviour would be criminal with a 15 year old.
  21. My stance is that if your behaviour upsets people or creates an unfortunate atmosphere should you modify your behaviour. Being polite and British I think this is the correct course of action. I would not go to the prom, or not go in an overt fashion. In the US the idea my be that it is the other peoples problems so let them deal with it. Also there are fringe benefits in that I may get a law suit pay-off and/or national media exposure. SO of course I am going to stuff it to them : ) In a society where she would be laible for legal costs to some extent then this course of action may not be so attractive. As it stands she loses nothing and has absolutely everything to gain. Of course we can expect a rash of these to follow. And after that some will have to think another way of inflicting their guaranteed rights on other groups. BTW. A couple of other points: a] the human brain is not completely formed in the teens - in males this can be as late as 21. Earlier in girls. b] it is innate for humans to feel disturbed by some other humans. Colour is the most common. Behaviour might actually trump that as most people are uncomfortable in the company of visibly demented. Sexual behaviour is another. Men going around with uncovered *****es [very few have more than one BTW] is fairly rare in most societies but exists in others and they would have problems having a ball! : )
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