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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. A note to those interested. That Tiger pack is at least 2 weeks out. I'm going to get positively swamped when I get to work today and it's going to stay that way for, oh, some time. I work at an Aerospace shop and our entire facility is to undertake an RDC (rapid defense/related changeover) this week.

    No more Boeing, No more Shorts and NASA, hello Tomahawks, Amrams and Hellfires.

    Just thought I'd give you a heads up so you're not left scratching your heads.

  2. Manx,

    I can understand your reluctance. However (and isn't there always one of those), CM's would remain free to all who use it. Our assistance wouldn't be considered payment for the sites use, but charitable contributions from those of us who would just spend the money on smokes or beer anyway. And I get at least as much enjoyment from CM's as I do from my smokes and beer.

    Please consider this alternative. This is for our benefit as much as (or more so than) yours. The fact remains that whatever site steps up to fill a CM's gap will only collapse under the same conditions. Sooner or later, there will have to be a site that can handle the traffic. I say sooner rather than later.

    If there are further issues for discontinuing the site which you haven't brought forward, or you simply refuse to consider pledges as an alternative, we'll respect your wishes. But please consider this option before you make any final decision.

    [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  3. Manx,

    Regarding contributions: In no way will most of look upon you in an unfavorable light for accepting contributions. Check out the "KEEP MANX'S CM's ALIVE" thread to see who would be willing to contribute. A lot of us are mod authors and scenarios designers who view the service you provide as beneficial to us, not you.

    I know you won't be profitting, as do most of your sites loyal perusers. We just want the pipeline for the distribution of our work to stay open. If CM's dies, whichever site then recieves the lion's share of goodies that used to go to you, will go out the same way.

    Please consider the pledge drive option!

  4. Mr. Dorosh,

    I would challenge your contention that his provider is "unfairly" raising his rates. The amount of bandwidth his site is allowed to consume has a fair market value. He has surpassed his bandwidth limit regularly, and his provider wants compensation. This isn't the big guy bashing the little guy for no reason, it's just business. I don't think there is an 'evil internet company' conspiracy to be uncovered in this situation.

    And you're right. The money doesn't go to Manx, and people probably wouldn't send any if it did. We're interested in keeping his site alive for OUR benefit, not simply filling his pockets. Manx is providing us with a public service. Public services should be payed for by the public that uses them.

    And you're also right about this not helping other webmasters, although I don't comprehend the relevance of that statement.

    Manx buying his own server wouldn't help either. The amount of traffic his site supports would lock up and make worthless any private server he could purchase, unless he also wanted to by a huge bank of incoming routers.

    If you have some moral qualm with helping a chap out or are simply too strapped to give, then don't. But I think if you're looking for some evil corporate entity to blame, thus rationalizing not giving, I don't think you're going to find it or them.

    Everyone else,

    Good job fellas, keep it rollin'.

  5. This isn't sponsored by Manx nor have I talked to him about it. My purpose is, just for the sake of conjecture, to determine how many of you dedicated CM'ers would participate in a 'pledge drive' of sorts to keep Manx afloat.

    This would entail enough people putting forward 'donations' aimed at paying for the expenses to maintain and house Manx's site.

    This is similar to PBS or NPR pledge drives in that those who pay will be providing not only themselves with access to CM's, but everyone could continue to enjoy it's services.

    So, with a rough goal of $1200 yearly, who would give?

    I'll start the drive off with a pledge of $20. Please track this thread's progress thusly:

    pledge: $20

    total pledged: $20

    remaining: $1180

  6. I'd be willing to pay also. And to avoid the perceived elitism Mr. Dorosh referred to, instead of charging $5.00 for access to the site, $5.00 donations should be considered. I give NPR money every year so EVERYONE can hear it, and I'd be willing to donate money to CM's every year so EVERYONE could benefit from it.

    So with a goal of, say, $1200 US in mind, let's start a CM's pledge drive.

    My pledge is $20.00. That leaves $1180 to go.

    Count off everyone. State what your pledge would be and let's keep a running total.

    [ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  7. That was indeed the trick. Place standard or daisy-chain AT mines prior to adding water. They are triggered by assault boats passing over them about 35% of the time. This works out fine since those hertz horn aquatic mines were meant to destroy much larger craft. They also rarely stuck up out of the water like that, but hey, I needed some sort of graphical representation.

  8. ***SPOILER***

















    That is probably one of two things. The first is the result of an Infantry Sounds? contact the AI has percieved.

    The other alternative is that security is investigating the sudden destruction of the pillbox and (possible) eradication of a security squad by the dam. Security at the center of the dam and the garrison of troops at the vehicle park won't budge for fear of evacuating their large victory flags prematurely. So 'extra' security assets at the arty park are dispatched to investigate.

    This is odd, but in a way I'm glad it happens. It means that location specific security stay put, garrisoned riflemen stay garrisoned (initially), and some security troops conduct patrols in the event of strangeness.

    [ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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