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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. Sure Russell,

    Here's that link: Article.

    Thanks for the kind words Murph. FPcenter should start filling up it's fan fiction section soon.

    I don't know of any ony other sites for short fiction, but surely there must be some.

    As for me, it's my first real attempt at writing anything. I entered the contest on a lark and never expected to win. I did discover, however, that writing isn't nearly as tedious as I thought it might be. So I may try again soon.

    [ 08-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  2. To be blunt, the DFDR site may die. It has experienced a renaissance of traffic in the last month while my attentions were turned elsewhere. The bandwidth we're now consuming is from 3 to 5 times what our plan at Interland stipulates.

    Being a stingey, poor bastard, I don't intend to shell out any more cash. Our service plan will be prorated, and after a few weeks or maybe a month, DFDR.net will likely go the way of the dodo.

    I'll have to talk to Logan first, but I intend after the site's demise to make all of it's content available to any of you webmasters who would like to make it available on your sites.

    If you're interested, e-mail me and we'll work something out. I may not answer your mail immediately, but when everything coalesces I'll get in touch with everyone who has contacted me.

    Thanks for your time, fellas.

    (On a side note, I just won the Fan Fiction contest over at Flashpoint center. If you're into OFP or modern military fiction, swing by and give '15 minutes' a read.)

    (On another side note,

    Wargamer.Com just released a little article regarding DFDR. I'll admit to feeling a tad shortchanged in the article, but whaddaya gonna do? Stop by and give it a peak as well.)

    [ 08-12-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  3. Well, I've a few projects in the works that just need a little polishing prior to posting. After that, I'll be moving on. I still love CMBO and will continue to play any PBEM's I've got going, but I've been asked to participate in some modding work for Operation Flashpoint.

    I'll continue to post things submitted for DFDR and AussieJeff's Pale Packs, but other than that, my attention has turned to OFP.

    Thanks a bunch to everyone who makes this the best gaming forum around. You're a stand up bunch of guys and gals and I'll try to pop up again with the advent of CM2.


  4. A public service announcement for hunters...

    Super hick? Hatfield & McCoy? "Inbread" (is that when your weapon is baked right into the loaf)?

    Am I correct in my guess that the jibes are probably from those who've never hunted? (let alone boar, w/ a pistol no less!) Never seen a boar take a man apart? Never been charged by one that outweighs you by 100lbs.? Never had one give up the ghost during said charge only after 3 headshots and still slide into you with enough velocity to break both of your legs? Never seen them proliferate to such a degree that they slaughter and root about in the carcasses of your uncle's herd animals (as was the case for this year's hunt)? I've seen all of these things.

    Sorry, but hunting is quite dear to me and I suffer under it's criticism very poorly. I assure you that if there is any situation even resembling a "fair" hunt (which there really isn't seeing as we have opposable thumbs and self awareness and all that), then this is it.

    Lay off my sporting. I'd rather have you kick my dog. Now back to our programming...

    [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  5. Fieldmarshall,

    Go to the site and read up on the mod. All your points (missing armor, historical accuracy, etc.) have been covered to death.

    We can only do what we can do. We can't invent new armor for the CM engine. We can't make weapon loadouts beginning in June of '44 accurately model the equipment of '41 to '43. so on... so on...

    Please forgive the semblance of a terse response. This Manx CM's thing has my feathers ruffled.

  6. Ok fellas. Here's what it comes down to. If 500 people look at the site a day, and five of them send Manx negative e-mails, that's 35 "go f!@# yourself" e-mails he has to see every week.

    Ask yourself this. How many times have you sent an e-mail of affirmation directly to Manx to ease the pain. None? The angry minority is quite vocal, while the happy majority sits silent.

    Make it your business to get off of your collective asses and thank these people who are working themselves into a lather for your enjoyment. This stuff is a time consuming 2nd job for which none of us are paid.

    Now for the nay-saying crybabies (and I think I know who a few of you are, as well as your agenda which seems to be shaping up nicely). Manx hosts many unknown mod authors because he's not an elitist and wants everyone to have FUN. Send your biting comments and destructive criticism to mod authors, not the site which is kind enough to host them.

    Or better yet, shut yer ****in' pie-holes before someone blows the whistle about your identities and YOUR site collapses under the spam.

    As a former member of Manx's now defunct Dirty 1/2 dozen, my love for this gaming community has waned and is being replaced by that skunky, creeping "why bother" state of mind. After DFDR, SSM's and a skad of scenarios, it appears that our brand of fun has become particularly thankless.

  7. Got that next pale pack (#3) together.

    You'll see it next week after Logan and I return from our annual North Fork river float. A relaxing 2 day canoe float culminating with a 2 day handgun boar hunt. WOOOOHOOOOOO! Wish us luck fellas!

    Logan sports the old standby .44 Super Blackhawk with a 3x Leupold, while I'll be packing the far superior .475 Wildey automag w/ good ol' iron sights.

    [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  8. CMPlayer,

    Thanks for the nod, buddy. Glad you like it hot and dusty.

    As for the corrupted bmp issue (and you Mac guys slap me if I'm out of line), it's been my experience that these problems are typically caused by the unzipping of a PC compatible archive. Although I'm a PC owner, the DFDR site is run from and maintained with a Mac. We had gobs of problems until we began using Stuffit.

  9. Ok, here's the deal. We're not out yet, but we're rapidly running out of HD space for DFDR. Give us a chance to "clean up" a bit before anything appears for a couple of days.

    A revolting development to be sure. I imagine what will end up being cut are some of the older vehicle mods and the piecemeal copy of the entire mod (the one broken into 10 seperate files). It was a nice option, but we just can't waste space on it anymore.

    Hang in there, we'll get it cleaned up.

  10. You'll be happy to know that AJ's pale pack #2 changed hands even while the rockets were poppin' and Logan and I were devouring innumerable brats and bierocks (ahh, the German granny cooketh) and slurpin' up Warsteiners.

    "Tonight or tomorrow" has promised the balding brother-in-law.

    And you shall see bunkers, terrain tweaks, craters&foxholes, uniforms, a smattering of German armor (w/ a couple of variants for that elusive Tiger), and more!

    Jeff, perhaps a look at some of what's in store? I'd do it, but I've yet to set up a new photo account at fotki since photopoint went the pay site way.

  11. Rigghhhhtttt..... Which is why you're obsessed with a game that portrays the non-historical period of WW2.

    Allow me to rephrase my post:

    "Help wanted. A few Americans to share in fellowship on the day when we not only recognize the instant in time when we threw off the shackles of an oppressive nation, but more importantly recognize personal freedoms in general. Snippety over-seas types bearing 2 century grudges need not apply."

    And since everything offensive can be washed away with a cute little winking smiley...


    [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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