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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. WiE and 3rd Reich were two biggies, to be sure. But I think the most long-winded wargaming experience I ever had was World in Flames. We started the game (1939) the summer of my 8th grade year in school and ended (it drug on to almost '47) close to the end of my freshman year.

    Oh, and my reason why CM is better than ASL. Your mom can't vacuum up an entire battalion of panzergrenadiers when you're playing CM.

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]</p>

  2. The usual suspects, I see. smile.gif

    Panther, The textures used are the same as for Blowfish, minus the aquatic mines. As before, these will be included with the scenario and a player can use them (or not) as he sees fit. Magua's Normandy tiles provide the base from which these were created.

    (oh, and I'm on turn 30 of Fishcove and fairing well... more about that later.)

    [ 11-25-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]</p>

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