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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. Michael,

    Yep. Just the map is duplicated (right down to the fictional farm name and other landmarks), although I assure you the scenario is quite horrid. I must admit my weakness at being nonplussed upon discovery of this "scenario". The screenshots were posted in the haste which accompanies fresh ire, and it is just a game. I probably should simply have been flattered, I suppose.


    Yep. Magua's terrain. Gotta love it!

    [edits made to minimize vitriol]

    [ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  2. Recieved a scenario from a friend of mine who told me I'd be most interested in it. It's entitled 'OSS On Patrol' and was "created" by a fellow named Paul Cleveland.

    You'll know why I placed a set of quotes about "created" after you take a look at this pair of screens showing Paul's 'OSS On Patrol' next to my 'Commando Skorzeny' scenario. And not so much as a credit in his readme! How rude!


    If anyone knows where this dross is being hosted (the sender doesn't recall where he came by it, but says he's had it since February), let me know!

  3. Well if we're starting a symposium on scenario manager features, here's my .02

    I'd like to see these features:

    The ability to read the general briefing from the manager.

    The ability to preview screenshots of the scenario or other images (recon for FTC scenarios and such).

    Displays of the relevant info (the author, readers' digest briefing, version, etc.)

    The ability to install/uninstall at will any scenario specific mods that are to be used with the scenario for aesthetic purposes.

    [ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  4. At the beginning of a new battle, any reserve forces you have are brought in to fill the gaps caused by casualties.

    They don't arrive in a set number or group as do reinforcements. Rather they are doled out to you based on your superior's (read: the computer's) determination of how the situation is going.

    If you're not doing to badly from battle to battle, you may only be granted a small number of battalion reserves. This scales all the way up to divisional reserves when your forces are sorely depleted.

    This is, I assume, meant to model the higher-ups desiring not to commit "too many" resources to your area if they feel said resources aren't required.

    [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  5. Hal,

    Took a break on the mapper's friend to do the Utah bit. I'll get back to it when Pointe du Hoc is finished.

    As for defeating those persistent Germans in Victor South, see the other thread about Utah in this area. Manx should have the new version up soon, and it's weighted a little more in the Allies favor (although I feel they now have too much, others seem to think it's a good change).

  6. Friendly map edges can be retreated into, with a loss of global morale for the player who owns the units. They are not, however, counted as casualties or captures for the purpose of scoring. If they're gonna die, retreat off a friendly map edge to deprive the other player of victory points. A friendly map edge can also be withdrawn towards.

    The same features apply to a neutral map edge with the exception that you can not withdraw in that direction.

    A movement off an enemies map edge seems to gain points for the enemy, presumably due to capture in the rear areas, I suppose.

    Making the AI player's friendly map edge opposite the map from his startup does two things. It allows the computer (or human player for that matter) to withdraw towards the "front". And the AI is especially fond of being near it's own map edge. Being typically lackluster in an assault role, having the computer's friendly map edge "behind" the defender tends to give him a little extra incentive to push on.

    [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  7. Alright.

    Two of my four player test group have now beaten Victor South v1.0 with major victories. One on his first try, the other on his second. The fella who beat it in one try believes it's a little too easy for the Allies. The other thinks it's just right. The two remaining testers think the scenario is "impossible".

    It's interesting to note that the two who can't seem to make it off the beach are playing v1.1 wherein the Allies possess greater resources. The successful players are using 1.0 with a numerically inferior Allied assault group.

    And now, a little help if you're stuck:


    Be aggressive w/ your armor at the outset while the 88's are occupied w/ the sinking of the floundering landing craft out to sea.

    Move your armor across the open terrain landward of the seawall simultaneously. Don't give those 88's only one target at a time or rest assured, they WILL hit it. Moving them all virtually assures the survival of at least two of your precious Sherms. (precious because you really do NEED them to win)

    Look for inland defilade from the Uncle Red 4 bunker complex. It does exist (with a preferential eye to the 88's LOS deadzone created by the MG bunker hillock roughly in the center of the map).

    Put yourself in Jerry's shoes. Where would you put YOUR FO's were you him. Their death's can often be the herald of victory.

    Knock down exposed buildings. Rest assured, there is probably something in them.

    Smoke those bunkers! You'll find your tanks will often do this on their own while trying to cross the killing zone from the beach to road. When they do, MOVE YOUR INFANTRY. Some will get cut down by MG's, but the 88's would send them packing right back over the seawall in nothing flat. There are also a number of postitions on top of the seawall where your 60mm mortar team can blind those 88's. Smoke and move, smoke and move.

    Be thrifty with your powerful 8" naval artillery. Don't waste it on the pillbox 88's. Unless of course you think there may be an FO up on that hill! ;) It's much more effective against the small, fortified infantry positions.

    This next thing won't help you win, but it will raise your total score. Several essentially useless wooden MG bunkers are scattered down the seawall. A platoon of engineers moving when the 88's are smoked can reach and knock out all three.

    And finally. Forget about those boats! They're goners man! :D

  8. Well, the first group of soldiers on the ground at Utah was a primarily infantry only element. Having lost two of the three control craft prior to landing and not really knowing their exact location, the officers present didn't want to land their precious support resources too early on a piece of ground they were wholly unfamiliar with.

    I have fudged already with the M8 and extra engineers, however, so MG teams and sharpshooters may show up too. smile.gif

  9. If your one of 'em (and their are more than a few), you'll be glad to know version 1.1 has been sent to Manx w/ the following changes:







    Allies now have use of an M8 How. Mort. Carriage.

    Allies recieve an additional platoon of engineers, for a total of three.

    Allies recieve one TRP.

    More brush added to the general landscape (a place for your routed Sherman crew to hide).

    Blue Allied setup zone extended 100m up the beach for elbow room.

    Good news for those who can't beat it. smile.gif

    Overkill for those who can. :(

    Have fun.

  10. Single player is not an option for the Axis side. It is for the Allies. Assault boats will invariably make beach landing scenarios Allied only single player games.

    The Americans have a group of five useless assault boats stranded on a shoal a few hundred meters off-shore. This would be why you can't play the Germans single player, as with all assault boat included maps.

    Now these assault boats are entirely without conventional use. But, on the first round, they do serve a semi-valuable purpose. Their initial placement and exposure draws a hideous volume of fire. This is both aesthetically pleasing (fireworks!), and serves to give the Allied invasion force some important auditory clues as to placement of defenses (a thing they would have had some knowledge of anyway).

  11. Micheal,

    The single tile marsh (occupies 1 terrain square) uses a different .bmp for it's base than the single file line of marsh. The first is a small circle of marsh and achieves it's effect on the beach by never being placed adjacent to another marsh tile. It has a clear (that lovely pink) base. The second (line of marsh occupying a straight row) has a base resembling surf and achieves its effect by being placed adjacent to other marsh tiles in a horizontal column. Play around with the included scenario and you'll see what I mean.


    The beach and surf currently span a distance of almost 100 meters. In all actuality, this is probably too great a distance already. BUT, I can sympathize with your desire for a visually "deeper" beach. I'll work something out for you in the next week!

    Thanks for all the nods, guys!

  12. Lawyer,

    The beach mod comes with a scenario attached entitled 'Victor south'. Unfortunately, if used in a random QB the effect will be quite odd and most unattractive.

    At least one person is working on a Juno beach map and I've almost completed a Point du Hoc scenario.

    Hopefully a few talented mappers will set to w/ some landing scenarios.

    [edit: Manx beat me to the punch.]

    [ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

  13. Ok, the strengths of the ModManager lie in it's ability to add previews, readme's, and a variety of extras and options for a mod (different terrain swaps, vehicle markings, scenario specific mods, and so on).

    Like a great many things in life, you should probably READ THE DIRECTIONS before you use it, or you'll cause yourself headaches. But when you find yourself sitting on top of 200+ meg of mods, you'll likely wish you had a decent way in which to organize and swap them. ModManager offers this. It also lets you leave all your mods in zip files, cutting down on required drive space.

    My position is thus: Don't allow others to condemn it for you. Back up your existing mods and try it out for yourself. If YOU don't like it, then 86 it.

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