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Everything posted by nedlam

  1. This is a very good tactic if it's possible in the particular battle. Best case scenario would be to do a river crossing at night as far away from the bridge as the map allows. Then the next morning attack from both sides. It really varies from battle to battle. But screening your movements (i.e. smoke) is a must.
  2. When I use an AT team. I usually hide them until they make contact with the enemy vehicle (usually a sound contact). Then I stop them from hiding (maybe rotate them towards the target if needed) and let them attack when they want to, as they have a better idea when they can get the best shotv off, just like Jason said. This works best for me. Another trick I try is rotate the AT teams totally away from the target. I did this once against a friend's armored column he had coming down an access road. I let the lead vehicle go by then hit the main column, it worked great! My AT teams 1st targeted the tank but could not rotate fast enough to get a good shot. Then the trucks full 'o troops rolled on by and where slaughtered. I only stuck around for 2 turns before retreating deeper into the woods. Bottom line, there are ways to tweak the TACAI into doing what you REALLY want them to do. Nedlam [This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 03-20-2001).]
  3. well read and plays CM to boot?!?!?! Marry me. Nedlam [This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 03-07-2001).]
  4. I just scored a Major Allied Victory. Of course that was against the computer. I can see in a PBEM it would probably be a slaughter for the Allies. Then again, I might of played a different Son battle than the one your talking about!?!?! Nedlam I'll post what I did here if you want to or just email you. [This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 03-05-2001).]
  5. I had a bazooka team hidden in a house and an infantry unit crawled right past it!! damn near crawled over him. I kinda thought it was cool, after all, the houses where not just a box with a roof over them. They had rooms, etc. Maybe my bazooka team was hiding in the closet? Nedlam
  6. Sorry, didn't read all the posts so I don't know if this has been suggested. With regards to a scenario, I usually set any game I'm playing (QB) or a scenario I made and I'm testing to the max number of turns (60 for the QB and 120 when you make one up). Depending on the size of the engagement (I've only once played a Battalion sized game). The battle is well over before the last turn. As the game progresses, if I have reached all of my objectives or if I feel I no longer can win. I secretly request a cease fire. This usually ends the game with the AI (unless your losing badly and / or he still has a sizable force. ) If there is no hope for a victory I will surrender (or the computer makes me if my moral goes down too low.) The computer will surrender too if this happens. I've never really liked the gamey quality of "turns" how many times have you finally pushed through and are about to make your final assault when you look and you have 2 turns left! DOH!!! I guess there a necessary evil. This game is GREAT! just like other players out there who make up mods for the game there are ways to get around stuff like "x" ammount of turns and cheesy capturing of VL's. Nedlam Chest wounds suck.
  7. I believe it. People do strange things in battle. Heck, in the Civil War troops would talk to each other aross "no-man's land" that in some places was only a 50 or so meters. They would activlytrade with each other too. In WWI a German and I believe a French unit (I think French) played a soccer game during brief cease fire (Germans won the game ) Again in WWI there was a story of a German and Allied men going into no-mans land, having a Christmas dinner and exchanging gifts only to fight and kill each other the next day. Man's inhumanity to man is most obvious during times of war but when it comes down to it the guy across the lines from you is still just another guy and neither of you want to die.
  8. It's the damnedest thing, Maximus. I did go under program files/Accessories/System tools and it's not there. I must have erased it somehow, sometime ago. I even did a search for any file called clipboard... nothing. I'll have to get out my Windows disk and see it I can install it. If it's not there then where in heck are all these files going wverytime I hit Ctrl + Print Screen Nedlam
  9. I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to mods. I have a ton of them in the game now, but is there something out there that lets me pick and choose what mods I can use for any given battle? Or can I use this mod (as an example) with the other grass I have now? Where do I get the program if it exsists and whats the IP address of the CM outpost. I don't have it saved as a favorite. Nedlam "When the enemy is coming at you from three sides, run like hell the other way."
  10. On the eve of the Battle of Thermopylae, King Xerxes of Persia sent a demand to King Leonidas and the 300 Spartan defenders calling for them to lay down their weapons. Leonidas' reply was simply "Come and get them". Don't know if it's true but I heard it somewhere. Thought you might enjoy it. Nedlam Oh yeah, my name is my hometown spelled backwards.
  11. Oh, okay. Have it your way!! Harv, would you pass the mint jelly? Great site BTW!!
  12. Ohhhhh Harv, now you did it. I don't know but I think Ewe should stay out of this conversation, this could baaaaa d. >>sigh<< Nedlam [This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 02-15-2001).]
  13. Hehehe so sombody tell me why I don't have a clipboard viewer on this darn computer?!?! Even if I did I'm not sure how I would convert it to a BMP or JPG. DOH!!! Anywho, I guess I'll have to wait for them to put a screen shot command in. Most games like this have'em anyway.
  14. Ahhhhh, thank you. I figured it had something to do with the print screen button (hehehe) I was hitting shift + Print Screen and to be honest I still didn't know where the file would go or what it's name would be. But if it goes to the clipboard, I can find it. I hope Thanks again
  15. I once had an ambush set up on a road where basically I knew my opponent had to bring his column of armor through. My men waited and the ambush was set. I managed to let the 1st tank pass by me without firing by rotating my men 180 degrees away from the road. By the time they finished the order the tank had gone by (I had a AT gun further down to take care of it anyway. About a turn later the main group rolled on by. I attacked the column for two turns, then bugged out calling in artillery (I had already done so as the 1st tank went by). By the time my men got away the artty started to fall laying waste to the remaider of the armor and breaking up the column. In all I got 7 vehicles with that ambush (trucks and HT's included) Not to mention some several infantry casualties cause with the artillery barrage (almost lost my own men they where so close and it was rockets so they where falling everywhere). It's the ONLY time an ambush has ever worked for me and it would have been a lot easier if I could have told what targets where okay to shoot at etc.
  16. Is there a "screen shot" button or command or something in CM? I see all these great pictures but I don't know how to take any.
  17. I honestly don't know if you can make a bunker "duck for cover" I'm guessing you could but I've found the best way to take out a bunker is from the rear. I know, it's not as glamerous as the hollywood assault on a pillbox where the guy grabs the flamethrower and runs up to the bunker pouring hot death into it. If you get to the rear of a bunker it is defenseless, use your flame thrower, rifle, pea shooter, it don't matter. They can't fight back. If you really want to use your flamethrower, getting him back there is going to be a problem, since they are real slow. Get around it's flanks anyway you can, then make the long walk to the bunker. But always be careful of the enemy infantry in the woods behind the bunker running up to defend it. Nedlam
  18. Thanks Gremlin, that was a big help. I already see two or three things I could have done to stop the carnage that was!
  19. Okay, I'm desperate. Can somebody out there hook me up with a good article on using tanks and such. I can't defend with them, I can't attack with them. The last battle I fought my opponent (American tanks) went through my armor like a hot knife through butter. The killer was, I was on the attack, he was defending so when my tanks went bye bye he encircled my infantry and well, you know what happened. I know about "hull down" and I heard someone say before "keep them moving" Is it better to have the high ground when it comes to armor? or do you try to catch them as they're rolling over the hill from the bottom? (one of the choices I had to make in the last battle). Do I try to get as close as possible or try to kill from a distance? You see what I'm dealing with here! I'm desperate!! Nedlam "I soiled my armor!?!" [This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 02-11-2001).]
  20. Thanks guys for all the input. I experimented with using Ht's to do my recon for me. Seemed to work pretty good. It's pretty hard to get the HT's out of harms way after making contact with the enemy but war is hell I guess. Nedlam
  21. I like to think I know a thing or three about infantry tactics. When it comes to armor I can hold my own but I'm a little confused. So when you combine the two, hehehe it all falls apart for me. My question is this: When scouting ahead into unknown terrain, do you send your armor up first or your infantry? Or a combination of both? Sending infantry ahead to recon takes more time but when you send your tiger up into unknown hostile territory your just begging it to be ambushed and destroyed and a infantry squad can "get outta dodge" a lot quicker than a tank can. Thanks in advance for the help. Nedlam
  22. Been playing WB for two years or so now. With the 305th BG(H). I try to split the difference between the two. Probably 70-30 in WB favor right now. I play mostly with my squadmates. Nedlam
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