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Everything posted by BloodyBucket

  1. "How'd they get a rocket up before us? Is it our Germans?" "No, our Germans are better than their Germans." Great idea.
  2. I agree that SCII should do the whole war, with the same game system. A lot of board games make changes to the scale of the map in the Pacific and double movement costs, it would be interesting to see how this gets handled in a world wide SC game.
  3. Titan, there will be replay of opponents turn in PBEM.
  4. I think a gold demo is just the final version of the demo that we get. Depending on how the changes are received, the full version will not be far off. Wise of Hubert and crew (Is there a crew?) to release a second demo to give the tweaks a chance to get tested before release.
  5. It will get more active here when the next demo is released.
  6. Looks like there is going to be an updated demo, that has changes that are going to be a suprise even to forum regulars. Does this mean... </font> The full version is going to be delayed due to changes </font>The full version is just around the corner, the gold demo is the last step </font>Who cares how long it takes as long as HC keeps perfecting SC </font>SuperTed is holding the release back so it won't conflict with soccer </font> [ June 08, 2002, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: BloodyBucket ]
  7. Demo, good. Gold demo, better. Bring on the gold demo, so we can nitpick something new! Can't wait to see what tweaks are in there, wonder if any that were not requested in the forum have been added?
  8. Anyone played this boardgame? It is very simple, almost like SC on paper. I bought it to pass the time waiting for SC to come out.
  9. Hah! I knew the candy was behind his back all the time!
  10. Must...resist...urge...to...make...jokes.... The air unit to England thing is kind of strange from an historical aspect. You're right, the French and Brits were hardly best buddies by the time France fell.
  11. Spoken like a parent who has the candy behind his back while the two year olds throw tantrums. Seriously, I can only speak for myself, but just based on the amount of entertainment contained in the demo, I will be buying at least two copies of SC (I might have the honor of having the first quasi-pre release order, last month my brother's birthday gift was a certificate redeemable for a copy). The no-opponent-move-replay thing would be a negative in my book, but it wouldn't kill the game for me. One thing I've learned as I get older and moldier is that very few things in life are exactly the way I would like them. Hell, I've even learned to tolerate things I really didn't use to like. So if the replay movie turns out to be the cauliflower of SC, I'm not going to let is spoil my meal.
  12. Nope, not at this time. At least that is the latest word we have, and the only final say is Hubert's.
  13. I can see it know, a map draped coffin lowered slowly in to the grave, twentyone fellow gamers rolling six sided dice in silent salute, and as the first shovel of dirt is tossed in, the chaplain solemnly intones, "Defender eliminated". PS, I hope the game goes on for a very long time yet.
  14. Another fine AAR. They get more colorful as the war goes on. I can picture men jumping off the ships in the demo now! Interesting to note the way I view these has changed a lot since the demo, I now more or less understand what is going on. Your invasion of jolly old England is going to make the "Sealion should be tougher" and the "AI too timid while I'm doing other things elsewhere" crowds restless. Is the full version you are basing your AAR on the same build as the demo we have been playing to death, or does it include changes and updates that the great unwashed are not privy to?
  15. Hubert and SuperTed, etc. have been pretty quiet lately. Is it merely fatigue induced by soccer matches, chemical imbalances or is something brewing in SC land...?
  16. Agreed. Really agreed. Astonishingly and completely agreed. Hear, hear!
  17. I will re-read an old S&T or Moves magazine once in a while, but between the jobs, the wife, the cats and the two year old chit grabber, playing a game is pretty much a thing of the past... Good thing computers came along!
  18. While discussing how to get COS to run on a fast system may be off topic, SC will only gain if more folks get familiar with COS. COS is a fun game, if a bit long in the tooth, and anyone who enjoys COS will enjoy SC. The more COS players who get the scoop on SC, the better. Besides, it is a long wait for "early Summer", and COS is a great way to pass the time and whet the appetite for SC.
  19. Here is my wish list, gameplay first: </font> PBEM replay (optional, in a perfect world, otherwise default) </font>Strat bombers can hit resources under units </font>Allow players some choice in what units get the HQ effect </font>A subset would focus on the stong point of SC, sheer fun. </font>Seperate capitol city graphic, to be modded by the great unwashed </font>Some sort of graphic indicator of the time of year </font>Sound files for events like Declaration of War, Conquest and Plunder (Ka-ching!) </font>
  20. Monstrous AAR replete with purple prose? Bring it on!
  21. On this scale, the replay is entirely justified from the simulation standpoint. From a game standpoint, having no replay might add some guesswork to your evaluation of what your opponent has out there, and what happened. The negative is the long list of really annoyed gamers who want to see what happened, have a right to expect that information in a simulation of this time period and scale, and the fact that denying this intelligence is completely silly on a historical basis.
  22. Good post. French partisans dependent on German treatment of Vichy would give the Germans another reason not to attack Vichy besides increasing the real estate they need to defend and angering the USA. Spanish partisans seem logical, and the idea of giving Ireland a partisan seems good. I wonder what the US entry hit for taking Ireland is?
  23. I think the real issue will be what happens after the full version is released. We know that the TCP/IP patch will be coming, but it will be interesting to see if any other changes are made after SC goes gold. If CM is any indicator, tweaks after the release are an option. Another reason to be nice to Hubert!
  24. The Vichy tribute idea is an interesting one. Didn't Vichy France almost declare war on England after Mers-El-Kebir? Having Sweden ship resources to Germany also would be nice.
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