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Posts posted by hobo

  1. Raptor -

    BF made a "strategic" decision many years ago to abandon dynamic campaigns in CM1 and to focus solely on building the world's greatest tactical wargame (although sometimes it feels more like a warjob) that we all know and love today as CMxx.  I disagreed this this decision from day 1 but BF has steadfastidly held to their decision.  Think of it as the broad vs narrow front argument that confronted Ike.  I want a broad front that includes dynamic campaigns as championed by Eisenhower.  BF has sadly selected the narrow front strategy as pushed by Monty.   I am not alone in my opinion as of there have been at least two attempts at great cost and time outside of BF to remedy their decision.  However, with that said, I have invested just a few hundred dollars while BF has their livelyhood invested in their decisions.  Frankly I think they are heading in to a box canyon but then again I am just a poster on a forum and do not have to live with my opinion.

    If I have not answered your question I will be more direct.  There are no major campaign system bugs.  The entire approach is flawed.

    Lastly to BF, thank you for your efforts with the entire CM series. 


  2. Slim - Thanks for taking the time to put this together as I really enjoy watching two skilled players going at it.  I really like the counter-attack strategy at the road bridge but have a couple of questions:

    1. Why commit the troops without using your panther to soften up the remaining Ami infantry first?  I figure a couple of turns lobbing HE at the tree lines would give your pixeltruppen more of a chance of getting across the bridge without taking too many casualties. 
    2. It looks like there is a spot down by the crossroad in front of the bridge where your Panther could provide great support for the village fight and your troops crossing the bridge.  Am I seeing it right?  BTW, I would really hate to be in that village right now.  Way too much led flying around for my comfort.

    What are the chances that in real life that ATG would get away from your troops and come crashing down the hill in to the road?  It would be funny as heck if gravity was modeled in to the game to that degree.  Perhaps a feature for CM4.


    Thanks again and out.


    - Hobo

  3. Sad to see this happen but like many expected it .  This project really needs a strong Angel with both deep pockets (Curt Schilling, are you out there..) and deeper experience (BF, this is how you build your legacy...) .  I was prepared to invest $500 but got turned off with an exchange not on this board.  I really hope the right person finds this project to be a worthy investment of their time and helps CO get to the finish time as their basic thesis is correct. 

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