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Posts posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Scale looks fine to me. The trees in the middle east are mostly fairly small and scrubby compared to the towering trees of Europe and the United States, and the roads aren't always multiple lane highways, so I don't see any problem with the Bradley and the road, either.

    But the 9 man dismount squad, hmm......

  2. 1. Mk II's still do just fine vs Cruisers, as they have a high ROF, so they tend to hit first and they will score kills. They can't take a hit, but thats part of the fun.

    2. Dead Salute the Gods is very bloody PBEM. I played the American side and you must be extremely careful in using the terrain, which is abundant, to protect your Stuarts or you will have no chance.

    3. Ariete - The Ram is a great scenario until the Matilda's arrive. Then its over, as the Italians have nothing that can stop them. The 90mm trucks die to MG fire and fail to penetrate the Matilda's on almost any hit. Enjoyed this one immensely PBEM until the Matilda's waltzed in and cleaned house.

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