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Posts posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Originally posted by mpeck74782:

    Has anyone been able to put the launcher back in the vehicle after using it? Also, Is there a way to transfer Javelin rockets from one unit to another? (sort of like you could in Soldiers: Heroes of WWII)

    You can't transfer squad to squad, but you can have a squad board another IFV other than their own that still has missiles and acquire those.
  2. Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    OK, I have to ask... what does this mean, and when did it start? Or do we have a LOT of moms on this board?? ;)

    ND, its a common post in a thread that is going to be locked.

    And snakeboy, you gonna have to get your pathfinding and self-preservation routines fixed for my mom, or sister, if I had one.

  3. Originally posted by ARFF1Tampa:

    The one thing I don't like about the camera controls is it sems that you can only do one camera movement at a time, where in CM1, CMBB, and TOW you can pan (encircle) and move the camera forward/back, ect. at the same time. Which made for a cool effect, and a truly free camera. In CBSF if your panning and you hit the move forward, ect. button, it stops all movement and you have to repress forward to start it moving again and can only press one. I know this is how CMSF is, I just liked it better the other way.

    Not exactly the case. If you hold down left click and move the mouse, you can fly all over the map. Keep your left hand on Q and E to pivot at any time.

    I am actually starting to get used to the new camera. Can't say that I love it yet, but who knows, later on.

  4. Originally posted by Fetchez la Vache:

    How much does a Double Post cost in QB?

    Therein lies the problem. Figuring a point cost that won't be endlessly debated. Is a double post from a cesspooler worth several from the rest of us, or only a fraction?

    Martin says no way are they going to take that monkey on their backs, so I guess we'll just have to live with SF double posts as is.

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