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Posts posted by Mord

  1. I am not personally attacking you, just pointing out a fact. We've been interacting for at least 12 years and I know your personality fairly well at this point. You will say one thing and then contradict yourself down the road. That's all. Like I said, once they did what you ask you'd be complaining about it six months later.

    You can have your ideas, that's fine, but I am not gonna not respond to ideas that I feel are detrimental to my enjoyment of the games. Vehicles and equipment are a big part of why I love CM, especially seeing that they are one of the few game titles that doesn't hold back. BF gives us stuff that have rarely been seen. But once again you assume the way you play is the only way people play therefore ALL these other vehicles/units aren't being used. I've seen many times where you have pointed out that the forum doesn't necessarily represent the majority of CM players yet now, during this debate, somehow your view does. See, contradiction.

    But it is what it is. LOL. You drive me crazy sometimes, but I don't hate you or anything. So, unless I outright call you names don't take my comments personally.



  2. 50 minutes ago, sburke said:

    Damn dude, sorry. I never expected to see it blow out like that.

    Not your fault. I brought it on myself. I am the dumbass that went apes***. Once I get going, I GET GOING! There are 1807 just for the Syrians. I found a bmp graph with faction identifiers and went to town. Arguably just about everybody that has been involved in Syria in the last five years or so has got a portrait. Every faction has their own separate faces. IT WAS A LOT OF WORK but a lot of fun too.



  3. 43 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    If you fancy joining the Heaven & Earth crew, I for one would welcome you aboard.....Doubt I'm alone there.

    Appreciate it but I doubt I am gonna have any time to dedicate to it. Now that SF2 portraits are done it's time to move on to FI and beyond. I could possibly whip up a few portraits for this but I couldn't get real detailed with them nor do I know how long it would take me. I'd also need to know for which units. If it's all of them then I doubt I can do it any time in the foreseeable future.



  4. 1 hour ago, IICptMillerII said:

    Congrats on the release!

    February 2nd is when you and Sburke started discussing the US Army list I would use! Quite a journey. Thanks.


    1 hour ago, sburke said:

    F’n A. Thank you Mord! Looking forward to loading these. 

    Hope you like them! And yes, F'n A is how I felt when I zipped the folder on this bitch!



  5. 4 hours ago, Aquilas-ESP said:

    Thanks you, I'm going to up more videos of Shock Force 2 and Fortress Itally (I have this last preorder, big bundlee with the new dlc,Rome to Victory)

    You're welcome. And, good for you! You are gonna have a blast with Fortress Italy. Whole different play style and atmosphere. I am sure all the Spanish speakers out there will be happy to have some more vids in their own language. Good luck with it.



  6. ARE DONE!!!!



    Been a LONG time coming. Glad it's over.


    EDITED: Thanks, Bootie! It worked out well. I supplied Bootie with a DL link, a short description, and a splash screen that was in the zip and he did everything quick and simple. And as he said, he didn't have to worry about people misidentifying where their mod needs to go or other mistakes. So, any of you guys that have new mods to upload get a hold of him and he'll do you up.


    CMMODs link.





  7. Let alone not everyone plays just scenarios. Some people like QBs. Some people play QB multiplayer. Etc. I personally love all the weird s*** most people ignore. I want more, not less. Then again, Erwin is a master of contradicting himself so there's that. AS I said the LAST time he brought this up, he'd be the first one b*tching the second something was missing. And I'd be right there pissed off, beside him...difference is I wouldn't have been asking for BF to not do stuff before hand.



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