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Posts posted by Mord

  1. 15 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Steel Armor looks very good, Mord.  Do you use a joystick and thrust controllers like for aircraft or only mouse and keyboard?

    Keyboard and mouse. Which is fine, it works pretty nice once you get the hang of it. The cool part is you can play it completely in first person mode if you want complete immersion. There's a good amount of vids on Youtube if you want to do more research. Like most sims it's not a game for everyone.



  2. 7 hours ago, Liveload said:

    There's a Ukrainian developer that's touched on some of that stuff, but it's not in the same league as CM...not even close, imo. Apples to oranges really, but it's all that's there so far that covers that conflict. Iranian Frogmen in  Basra 86 and T-62 vs M-60, etc. I forget the name of the games. Operation Star or some such...regardless, my point it that there's a market for it for sure and the way CM covers conflicts is uniquely superior to anything else out there that I know of.

    Operation Star is the title most like CM, where you give orders to guys and vehicles etc. The much cooler version of this is the full on tank sim Steel Armor: Blaze of War. They have a Basra 86 DLC (which you mentioned) as well as covering 80s Afghanistan and Angola in the main game. Pretty immersive but I have to admit I don't have a ton of time invested because of being dragged in so many other directions. But I do recommend it. Put some head phones on and jump in the tank and you will feel like you are there! A VERY cool little known gem.




  3. To give one example, I read a post a few months ago on another forum where a guy was slinging crap about BF because they don't support CMBO etc. anymore. You know, because why doesn't a company keep a 19-year-old game up to date? The guy paid money almost 20 years ago he should have his game fixed every time Windows releases an upgrade. Because that's what every game company on the planet does. (<---Sarcasm). I could spend all day giving examples like that. It's just one of the reasons I won't join off site CM forums. Besides that, I can't influence a thing talking about the games where BF doesn't post. If I am gonna be involved in a circle-jerk I prefer it to have some effect on the outcome of development.



  4. 2 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    The gaming forums I visit tend to view these boards as a place not welcoming to even the slightest criticism.  I don't wholly subscribe to that, but the over-sensitivity like the above just reinforces the perception without any context.

    Most of those guys are full of sh*t. They get mad when someone calls them out for acting like dicks. And that's exactly how a lot of them act. It has nothing to do with criticism and everything to do with attitude. I get so sick of hearing about the poor martyrs that are forced to post on other boards because this one is just so unwelcoming. Most of them just want a place they can bash the game without any repercussion or blow back. Some of them have even been banned from here because they can't function like normal humans. I think this forum is pretty dang friendly. And I like it here a 1000 times more than when I first joined.

    Yeah, I know that you don't completely share their views but I am just pointing it out. And again, sburke wasn't talking to you. He was talking about the other guy so that's a bad example.



  5. 3 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    Where is the criticism?  Being a little overly sensitive?  I was pointing out that at least we got the info, as opposed to going months without hearing anything. This kind of "the world is against us" approach to customer engagement sure doesn't help BFC's rep around the web.

    You're the one being "a little overly sensitive". He was referring to Buck72's comment not yours. Why would he criticize what you wrote? You were being positive for a change!



  6. On 8/2/2019 at 6:19 PM, Darknight (DC) said:

    These look amazing my friend.

    Thanks, brother! I am doing everything I can to make this the best one yet.


    On 8/1/2019 at 8:03 AM, Aquilas-ESP said:

    I wait to see the italian portraits.

    Here's a start. I had a lot of fun making him. He's made up of four different pictures. I think he came out really nice.






  7. On 7/30/2019 at 6:50 PM, sburke said:

    HA!  For when you are feeling recovered for Iraq

    -Badr corps
    -Jaysh al Mahdi

    blah blah blah...


    The only chance of that ever happening is if someone else hunts down those pics, deletes the backgrounds and turns them into pngs. That's how I completely lucked out with DC's CW stuff. He'd already done a HUGE amount of the tedious crap. Just about everything he gave me was a png file. I barely did any deleting. I was able to use that time adjusting and shrinking and fitting etc. His notes and prep work on the BN and FI mods is bow-worthy.

    The only reason all that Syrian stuff was added was because I found a single giant bmp with ALL the symbols on it assembled by factions (minus a few I found by researching other stuff). I then cut each faction section into separate sections and saved them. Then I cut each symbol out of that section, deleted the backgrounds, saved to a png file, then put them into the template and made a copy. I took one and kept it bigger for a background, adjusting it to best show itself behind the portraits. I then took the other and shrank it down and placed it for the small patch pics. ALL that before I could make a portrait. If I'd had to hunt all those down I'd still be making the mod.

    I did a form of the above for every single patch in that mod except for about a quarter of the Army colored patches, 'cause I already had some from BN and FI.

    See why I am not jumping out of my skin at the thought of more? LOL.

    AND all that is nothing compared to what it takes to make ONE German shield! Thank the Mod Gods it's a one time process! But still a massively, massively laborious process.



  8. 3 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

    This highlights one of the many strongpoints of CM in my opinion. The lack of borg spotting makes the battlefield much more realistic. Borg spotting in an otherwise great simulator/game can go a long way to hindering any other features of the simulation, like what you mentioned in Armored Brigade. I think its just one more example of how even in a similar genre of games (simulation/wargame) CM still stands above. 

    One of the many things I DON'T miss from CM1 days. You could count the life span of an AT gun in seconds once it was spotted. It'd go from nothing to 20 target lines laser beamed in on it as soon as something saw it. You really don't get just how crappy Borging is until you no longer have it.



  9. 12 minutes ago, Trooper117 said:

    Thanks Mord... just got the free download for OOB WWII, played the boot camp missions. The game is really enjoyable!

    I'm going to get the Blitzkrieg, North Africa and Marines campaigns now!

    You're very welcome! Yeah, it's a blast. I am in the middle of the Japanese campaign in China (Morning Sun). I play off and on, here and there. It's a nice change of pace from heavier games like CM or Total War. I like the change of scale and play style plus all the really cool theaters. I can get a fun history (WWII) fix at a nice leisurely pace. I am so glad I quit being a stubborn CM snob LOL.



  10. 5 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    The development of the games is a disaster.  HPS has stiffed a number of people in taking $90 for a game (POA2) that really never worked.  Its been under development for at least 12 years and still only releases beta updates that break more than fix.

    I'll see you POA2 and raise you 82nd Airborne. That f***er has been in "development" for 19 years and they still claim it's being "worked on". They post once, about every five years. The last time they claimed they couldn't finish the game because Microsoft kept changing Windows! And all the "morons" are supposed to buy that b***s*** line. WORST developers in wargaming.



  11. 25 minutes ago, John Kettler said:

    Have yet to read his second book, but brother George tells me it's really good. 

    All four kickass. I read them when I first got into CMBO back in 2000. Along with Audie Murphy's book they are my favorite memoirs from WWII.



  12. Are you as amazed that you took to Modern like you did, as I was when I first tried SF? Night and day compared to BN or FI or RT. The very best part of stepping out of your warfare comfort zone is the pleasure of interacting with all the new, sexy, bizarre, exotic soldiers and equipment that you haven't experienced before. Half the fun is learning about and using all the alien weapons/vehicles and watching s*** explode. Glad you are having a good time! I always enjoy seeing other players enthusiasm when they experience anything CMish for the first time.



  13. 2 hours ago, Badger73 said:

    Hear, hear!!  Right on bro'!  I agree.  👍

    One of the best things I've done (entertainment wise) has been to expand my (history) gaming horizons over the last four years or so. It started with a friend talking me into trying Rome II and sloooowly mushroomed to my present state. For the longest time all I was playing was CM with an occasional foray into an FPS or a stray strategy title. Now, I've got a bunch of historical games/franchises I am in love with and seem to always have some new DLC to look forward to. I have a game or multiple games covering most major (and some obscure)  historical eras I am interested in, so I can change flavors or interests and then play in that setting any time it strikes me. Which makes moments like Elvis's heads up not so bothersome as it used to be. I hear/read a lot of people pining away about the good ol' days of gaming but as far as I am concerned, I am LIVING the good ol' days right now. I've never had as much gaming happiness as I have at this juncture. And it's only gonna get better!



  14. 21 minutes ago, Splinty said:

    I finally finished going through all your portraits. WOW! What awesome stuff you have hidden in there. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication, man!

    Thanks, brother! That's great to hear. I especially wanted to give the Syrian factions different faces for each sub-group. I lucked out (or not LOL) big time coming across that graph with all the factions. That's really what spurred that decision. I figured players/designers could use whatever they wanted, pitting whomever against Coalition forces or Civil War etc.

    Have any particular favorites?



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