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I/O Error

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Everything posted by I/O Error

  1. A popular one in the FPS game Counter-Strike: "Go to console and type "gg money" for extra cash to buy weapons" (typing gg anywhere in the console immediately crashing your game, go figure) ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  2. I think he means a human defender playing against ANOTHER human would not have many difficulties. I would say that if two equal players played that map, the defender would win most of the time.
  3. I suspect the common feeling was that if it was German, big, made noise, and killed American, than by God it was an 88. Anyway: Although we can all agree that SPR (along with most modern war movies) is woefully inaccurate. But surely we can all agree that it's a superb movie, yes? I mean, I loved U-571, even though I knew the only thing they got right was the basic timeline. Entertainment is what movies are meant for. I might wish for a lot more historical accuracy in my films, but in reality that's what documentaries are for. Movies = Fantasy, escape from reality, sheer entertainment Documentaries = Cold hard facts presented in as unbiased a way as possible. (with various degrees of success) Anyway, that's just my $0.02 I just wish folks would enjoy the movie and not say it was bad BECAUSE it was inaccurate at times. *shrug* ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  4. Don't hit ESC to skip the Intro Movie, that will take you back to your desktop. Hit SPACE to skip it correctly. Sounds like perhaps you need to update your video drivers? What card do you currently have on your machine? Any other specifications of your box you can give us? ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  5. For Future Reference: www.postmypic.com is a good place for free picture hosting, they will give you a URL that's good for two-three months. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  6. Yet again, I am impressed with the depth of the CM engine! w00t!
  7. I doubt the game engine would model that, but then I would also be surprised if a Sherman had the power to both get itself up a hill AND push another Sherman at the same time. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  8. I agree with Chupacabra. Jesus Dittohead, did you forget to jump-start your brain this morning? You just went WAY over-the-top on that one. Your statement was just... sad.
  9. I agree with Chupacabra. Jesus Dittohead, did you forget to jump-start your brain this morning? You just went WAY over-the-top on that one. Your statement was just... sad.
  10. hey hammer, I'm just curious, but why edit your posts? Just feel it's a moot arguement? ("Your" man did win, anyway... ) *Yawn* Anyway, I'm off to bed, like I SHOULD have been 6 hours ago! ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  11. hey hammer, I'm just curious, but why edit your posts? Just feel it's a moot arguement? ("Your" man did win, anyway... ) *Yawn* Anyway, I'm off to bed, like I SHOULD have been 6 hours ago! ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  12. Personally, I DO like the idea of micromanagement of the Bow and Coax MGs. If nothing else, it would also be a good way to end the complaints of "My tank wasn't facing the right way" I would LOVE the ability to ensure my tank was facing the way I KNEW would be correct. Sometimes the TacAI has been known to do... interesting things with regards to turning the vehicle around in odd directions.
  13. Deanco: Pop off the keys with a flat-headed screwdriver, (they snap right back on) and use Q-Tips dipped in a cleaning agent (Formula 409 is perfect) to clean it up. Oh wait... were you kidding? [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 01-28-2001).]
  14. Deanco: Pop off the keys with a flat-headed screwdriver, (they snap right back on) and use Q-Tips dipped in a cleaning agent (Formula 409 is perfect) to clean it up. Oh wait... were you kidding? [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 01-28-2001).]
  15. Okaley-dokaley, let's keep this civil, shall we? My, the tension in this thread... Good lord. Anyway, my rebuttal: (note: I like bits and pieces from both party) 1.) Gore never actually said he invented the Internet. It is a frequent misquote, one that I welcome you to find the actual video clip. What he was ATTEMPTING to say was that he was on some Senate committee that ended up accepting the idea of the Internet and from which came some Federal funds. He said it VERY poorly, but what he is quoted to say is not actually the factual quote. He screwed up, and the media had a field day with it by making it seem even worse. (You wanted facts? There ya go. ) 2.) Bush actually left the Texas Air National Guard before his legally mandated service period was completed. He also joined it in the first place to avoid being drafted. (Clinton ran off to Canada, Bush ducked into an easy and safe method of pretending he wasn't a coward. Both cowards in their own way, both good candidates for minor contempt) 3.) Too many rumors exist about the reasons WHY Bush got into Yale and why he managed to graduate. I am unable to simply throw away all the stories I have heard, as Bush has a quite well-known reputation for being a serious party animal and former borderline cocaine addict. Neither candidate really brought forth incredible grades in college, but that is not an issue I place a great deal of importance in. I mean, it's a lot more important what they actually do AFTER they graduate, agreed? 4.) Bush has a history of poor basic knowledge of domestic and international events, places, and people. He has a collection of "social faux pas" surpassed only by Dan Quayle, the man famous for insisting that a student spell the word potato like this: "potatoe". Oops. *End Note*: I'm just slightly to the political right of Attila the Hun, but even I can see the faults our new President possesses. Surely you do not believe he is a perfect White Knight out to fix all the ails of the country, do you? P.S. jackhammer, that really was a little over the top, IMHO. C'mon, jump in the debate with civility, we won't bite. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  16. Okaley-dokaley, let's keep this civil, shall we? My, the tension in this thread... Good lord. Anyway, my rebuttal: (note: I like bits and pieces from both party) 1.) Gore never actually said he invented the Internet. It is a frequent misquote, one that I welcome you to find the actual video clip. What he was ATTEMPTING to say was that he was on some Senate committee that ended up accepting the idea of the Internet and from which came some Federal funds. He said it VERY poorly, but what he is quoted to say is not actually the factual quote. He screwed up, and the media had a field day with it by making it seem even worse. (You wanted facts? There ya go. ) 2.) Bush actually left the Texas Air National Guard before his legally mandated service period was completed. He also joined it in the first place to avoid being drafted. (Clinton ran off to Canada, Bush ducked into an easy and safe method of pretending he wasn't a coward. Both cowards in their own way, both good candidates for minor contempt) 3.) Too many rumors exist about the reasons WHY Bush got into Yale and why he managed to graduate. I am unable to simply throw away all the stories I have heard, as Bush has a quite well-known reputation for being a serious party animal and former borderline cocaine addict. Neither candidate really brought forth incredible grades in college, but that is not an issue I place a great deal of importance in. I mean, it's a lot more important what they actually do AFTER they graduate, agreed? 4.) Bush has a history of poor basic knowledge of domestic and international events, places, and people. He has a collection of "social faux pas" surpassed only by Dan Quayle, the man famous for insisting that a student spell the word potato like this: "potatoe". Oops. *End Note*: I'm just slightly to the political right of Attila the Hun, but even I can see the faults our new President possesses. Surely you do not believe he is a perfect White Knight out to fix all the ails of the country, do you? P.S. jackhammer, that really was a little over the top, IMHO. C'mon, jump in the debate with civility, we won't bite. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  17. The Scots have always and will always play bagpipes into battle. I think they should in CM too! (Interestingly enough, all Scottish units in the British Armored Forces have added electronic speakers to their Challenger II tanks. It's not quite as good as the real thing, but it'll do in a pinch... ) "After being beaten bloody, the only way the British could convince the Scots to play nice was to offer them the chance for worldwide conflict. The British offered the Highlanders all the plunder they could steal, and they carved out an empire for Britain" ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  18. It will be interesting seeing what happens in four years, as the Democratic party might choose to support Gore again, or they MIGHT decide they want to push Hillary into the White House. Would be interesting, wouldn't it? First female President being also the wife of a former President? Anyway, I suppose that Bush should be okay, but I think his aides are really going to save his hide. Colin Powell is an IMMENSELY popular choice for him to have made, both domestically and to some extend abroad. One thing I want to comment on: Well, he also has a wide-spread image of a serious party animal and possibly of a former cocaine user. Only recently has he "shaped up", so to speak. His record of executions in Texas annoys me quite highly. Why? Because although I support the Death Penalty absolutely, it REALLY bothers me how many times the people executed in Texas were PROVEN to be innocent. Ummm... Okay, that's something that would infuriate most people. A few problems with that: 1.) Not justice if the wrong guy gets "offed". Oops. C'mon, kill the RIGHT murderer/rapist/abuser, will ya? 2.) Really hurt the entire Death Penalty movement nationwide. It's opponents will be able to use the Texas record to convince the public to do away with the service. That displeases me. Ah well. Anyway, you know what I think will be Bush's biggest problem? Whether it is his fault or not, he IS going to be blamed by the American public for the economic downturn we're expected to be hit by soon. Everybody wants a scapegoat, and Dubya will be the patsy for this one. Not fair, not just, but the mob is going to eat him alive unless he pulls off some serious magic soon...
  19. It will be interesting seeing what happens in four years, as the Democratic party might choose to support Gore again, or they MIGHT decide they want to push Hillary into the White House. Would be interesting, wouldn't it? First female President being also the wife of a former President? Anyway, I suppose that Bush should be okay, but I think his aides are really going to save his hide. Colin Powell is an IMMENSELY popular choice for him to have made, both domestically and to some extend abroad. One thing I want to comment on: Well, he also has a wide-spread image of a serious party animal and possibly of a former cocaine user. Only recently has he "shaped up", so to speak. His record of executions in Texas annoys me quite highly. Why? Because although I support the Death Penalty absolutely, it REALLY bothers me how many times the people executed in Texas were PROVEN to be innocent. Ummm... Okay, that's something that would infuriate most people. A few problems with that: 1.) Not justice if the wrong guy gets "offed". Oops. C'mon, kill the RIGHT murderer/rapist/abuser, will ya? 2.) Really hurt the entire Death Penalty movement nationwide. It's opponents will be able to use the Texas record to convince the public to do away with the service. That displeases me. Ah well. Anyway, you know what I think will be Bush's biggest problem? Whether it is his fault or not, he IS going to be blamed by the American public for the economic downturn we're expected to be hit by soon. Everybody wants a scapegoat, and Dubya will be the patsy for this one. Not fair, not just, but the mob is going to eat him alive unless he pulls off some serious magic soon...
  20. Homer Simpson: "Hmmmm... Donuts...." Tank hit by 14" Naval Shell: "Hmmm... Arty..." Is there a connection?! (Don't flame me too badly, I tried. I really did...)
  21. The man scares me a little, but I'll give him a chance. (That's only because I haven't got any choice in the matter... ) Ah well. At least he has good aides, yes? ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  22. The man scares me a little, but I'll give him a chance. (That's only because I haven't got any choice in the matter... ) Ah well. At least he has good aides, yes? ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  23. This is the only method I've actually seen/used that works: 1.) Set up all the observers you can in one spot, on that big hill. Use one platoon leader, and have him control all the mortars and FOs you have. He should be the ONLY one able to be seen by the enemy, put everybody he commands behind the hill's horizon. Then, stick him in those tall pines, and hide him. He should be able to see far enough for you to call arty on that 75mm bunker with 105mm, and that 150mm Infantry Gun with 81mm. Then, put all the tanks and infantry you can on the LEFT flank. That flank is weak, and has no defense against armor. (The briefing tries to subtly hint that when they mention that their second pak75 got shot up the other day) Now, the execution: Have your artillery pound the aforementioned targets for a few turns, and get the 60mm mortars ready to pop some smoke in from of the 75mm bunker. (They can also lend a hand offensively by attacking that Company HQ next to the bunker, the guy who's directing the German 81mm mortars.) Have your 105mm Shermans charge straight into the German lines, taking out the MG bunker as they go. Your tanks will be moving to fast for the bunker or the infantry gun to take a shot at them. So, if your tanks can take out the bunkers with side shots fast enough, and the arty fire can disable the 150mm Infantry Gun, you will be able to bring up your tank reinforcements and keep the enemy infantry pinned long enough to bring up your infantry for support. (The only sticking point is the enemy Panther reinforcement, so you can't afford to dilly-dally too long) Okay, hope that helps some folks! (God, I need a new hobby... ) ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  24. Nobody should EVER "like" war. War is a terrible, horrible thing. There is no question, war should be avoided at all possible costs. I mean, the whole point of a modern military these days is to pour BILLIONS of dollars into it, and PRAY that it NEVER has to be used. I mean, we would be ESCTATIC if it turned out we were just wasting our money!! (Imagine the alternative... ) The only cavaet however, is that there ARE things worth killing and dying for. To wipe out Hitler's thugs. To protect or gain personal freedom. To defend life and property. (These are only examples, but the fact is, as horrible as war is, it sometimes MUST be called upon to solve the even greater evils we are sometimes presented with.) Problem is, every generation we forget the lesson and costs of war... ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... ------------------------ "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"
  25. Oh don't worry von lucke, the "You think..." part wasn't directed at you, just at anybody who read what I wrote and thought I sounded like a total freaking cabbage-patch nutjob who was just kidding. Well, I'm NOT kidding. Am I a nutjob? Well, I leave that opinion up to the interested student. jackhammer: Oh come now. Can't you come up with something better than that? I lay myself wide open for flames, and all I get is, "quit smoking crack"? Really now. I expected more from you chaps! *Random Side Note*:I've only lived in the United States for the last two years of my life. I've spent my entire life living overseas, primarily in Saudi Arabia. I include this point just to make sure you folks don't start thinking I'm like "all my countrymen", as I think you'll find most of them cringe in disgust at my post. So don't worry, the numbers of people like me (totally amoral) are quite small. Don't lose ALL faith in humanity, the majority are quite peaceful and rational. (You just need to watch out for my minority, we tend to form the "barbarian hordes" who end up storming the palace gates...) [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 01-27-2001).]
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