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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Andrew H.

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Posts posted by Andrew H.

  1. Michael is basically right - this is *perfect* defensive territory for infantry. Infantry can hide and you won't spot them until they launch an ambush from 20m away. Halftracks are fragile and can be knocked out at this range by regular infantry (tanks aren't much better at these ranges). Hidden 75mm infantry guns probably can't be spotted until they open fire, and they can destroy a squad if they get the first shot. 81mm mortars will also be deadly due to airbursts (although they are deadly enough already).

    Basically, your opponent can hide in a well protected location, will spot you first, and may be able to destroy your units before you can reply. Attacking in the woods against infantry is *very difficult*, even for experienced players. And it is particularly difficult if it is a short battle.

    However, there are a couple of approaches you can take. The preliminary question is, how gamey can you be? If the answer is, "As gamey as I want to be," the approach is simple. You buy a forward observer and 6 batteries of 114 mm rockets (for a total cost of about 350 points). You run six linear targets over your opponent's setup area and victory location, and let loose with 6 preliminary bombardments (Immediate,Heavy, Maximum).

    It really doesn't matter what else you purchase...

    If that strikes you as too gamey, buy a lot of infantry and a lot of mortars, plus some more conventional OB artillery. A couple of M8's might be useful, but don't buy any HTs. You are basically just going to have to fight it out with infantry and mortars in the woods; it will be very bloody. But your general idea will be to lead with scouts (split them off from your squads); send them up to recon (with a short covered arc; you don't want them to fight) and find where the enemy troops are. Then drop mortars and use area fire on that location (as they do the same).

  2. I'm not sure that there is a problem with these results.

    AFAIK, the "snipers" in the game are just the designated marksmen from the infantry squads. They may be better shots than usual, but expecting them to regularly perform headshots under battle conditions at 300 meters seems pretty unrealistic.

  3. Thanks for the info Vanir Ausf B, sounds like the tungsten rounds will give the M10s a little help against the Panther and Tiger. I was concerned that they would be "nerfed" like they were in CMBB. I used to run a lot of tests like you did when I was playing CMX 1 but the editor in CMBN is still too confusing for me to do any testing.

    What's your evidence for the fact that they were nerfed?

  4. You're right. The game probably needs a defence boost in certain details. Just saying...

    The 3:1 maxim may be true or a leftover mechanism from the boardgame era. Of course, the higher the marginal odds the greater the predictability. Fact is, no battle was ever designed by any military staff to be 'interesting' in the CM sense. An interesting battle results from miscalculations and unexpected events.

    3:1 is a military maxim...but I'm not sure what it really means or whether it was ever correct. I mean, 3:1 what? Men? Artillery? Tanks? Divisions? Platoons?

    It's too general to be meaningful...and I'm not sure it was meaningful in WWII.

  5. But there is a LOT of reason to pick 2 60 mm mortars over all that 10 tons or whatever of ordinance. But yeah still 85 Points or whatever does seem pretty dang cheap. But that might be so people use them. you cant really shoot at anything in the area of the barrage for a long @$$ time.

    You didn't buy enough. (Seriously). Try a QB with 1 FO, 1 tank, and the rest rockets. Maybe 10-15 missions. Call in 80% of the mission as a preliminary bombardment on turn 1, targeting the back 1/3 of the board, overlapping. See what happens then.

  6. This shouldn't be in the game because: (1) it happened very rarely; (2) there is a very real possibility of blue-on-blue fire; and, most importantly, (3) if it were in the game, it would happen *all the time*.

    It looks like E8's already had two situations in which it would come into play...and if you know the possibility is there, it will happen much more frequently.

    What *should* happen is for players to realize that their SMGs (especially) will blow through ammo if not watched, and for players to use CAs to impose fire discipline, and/or to pull the troops back if they run out of ammo. (And resupply from live friendly units works extremely well IMO). This is what *should* happen, and what almost always did happen.

  7. Those German PSW coudln`t engage 2 Halftracks in Front of them Hatch up on 80m passing them from Left to the Right and got killed by their Second Gunner easily with 12mm API Ammo.

    You can have the Email to look at it. They got Second Gunner yes, but the Advantage they gain from that in CMBN is absolutly off the Board and dont match any Hitoric realitiy.

    This is absolutely realistic. The .50 cal eats up halftrack armor.

    Stay back and use your 20mm cannon from a distance. Don't engage from 80 m out.

  8. I think adding the casualties to the squad roster is a really good idea; it's too difficult to tell right now how many casualties a squad has taken. However, since some non-trivial percentage of the male population is red-green colorblind, just using green or red to distinguish casualties might not be ideal. Maybe you could turn the casualties red, but also put a box around the weapon (or something...).

  9. Trees in forests are pretty complicated - if you blow a hole right through a tree in forest, chances are it will fall...and then its branches will be caught in the branches of a neighboring tree at something like a 70 degree angle, with the trunk still providing cover. That's why bringing down trees in forests requires ropes and planning - you have to make if fall where there are no trees or you'll never be able to cut it up and remove it.

  10. Also (from the same field manual) -

    Fire and movement.--

    When the platoon comes under effective small-arms fire, further advance is usually by fire and movement. The enemy is pinned to the ground by frontal (and flanking) fire, under cover of which other elements of the platoon maneuver forward, using all available cover to protect themselves against hostile fire. In turn, the original maneuvering elements may occupy firing positions and cover the advance of the elements initially firing. The platoon leader hits weak spots in the enemy position by having his support attack against the point of least resistance, or by maneuvering his support around a flank to strike the enemy with surprise fire on his flank or rear.

    And this does seem to correspond to what happened historically. As does the frequent use of artillery - the US issued radios down to the platoon level and were able to call artillery on very short notice.

    But - to turn to the real point - I think it may only be the training scenario that is making you think of CMSF...in the regular scenarios the Germans are much less compliant.

  11. Do you have smoke toggled off (Alt-K)? I noticed during the training campaign that if a tank was completely obscured by smoke and I turned smoke off, the tank would be invisible. But if part of the tank was visible - even just the barrel - when I turned smoke of I could see the entire tank.

    I don't know whether the game consistently does this, or whether it would hid a mortar but not the gunner - but FYI.

  12. Superb Game and love playing but really struggling with Small QB. Can the AI select anything other than a full formation ? My force balance is way out of whack for automatic forces or am i doing something wrong. So far ive had on medium, all (lots) infantry 1 sherman. 5 panthers and a mortar team. Smaller games i tried a suggested force in purchase screen, it suggested a ton of paras and some mortars, no armour in that one. I have a feeling im doing something wrong.


    Are you selecting the battle type (infantry only, armor only, mechanized infantry, mix, random) you want?

    Also, if you don't like the suggested forces, you can hit the button again and it will give you a different suggested force.

  13. 1. With the full game, I have notice a lot of first shot misses. I don't think that anything is wrong with the accuracy.

    2. German turrets were not necessarily slow. A panther could rotated its turret 360 degrees in 15-18 seconds; a Pz IV took 25 seconds, a Tiger 2 took 12 seconds.

    3. US turrets were not necessarily fast - while a Sherm could rotate its turret 360 in 15 seconds, it took an M10 21/2-3 *minutes*.

    4. The gyrostabilizer didn't really allow shooting on the move in the modern sense - it only stabilized the gun on the vertical axis. But it might allow faster gunlaying after stopping, since the gunner might only have to adjust laterally (assuming (a) the vertical adjustment is correct; and (B) the stabilizer wasn't disconnected, which was common.)

  14. I had a comical man vs. tank incident in Closing the Pocket... I sneaked a panzershreck team into a building hoping they would take out a meddlesome Sherman that was lurking in the middle of the village. Just as I hit the 'Go' button I remembered that they would not be able to fire the 'shreck indoors... I was playing turn-based, so I had to wait out the turn hoping the AT team would stay out of sight so I could order them out of the building on the next turn. To my dismay, the 'shreck gunner hauls out his pistol, and both men open fire on the buttoned-up Sherman! Naturally, I expected the Sherman to send an HE round into the building and put an abrupt end to this nuisance - but instead he popped smoke and backed into the woods, clearing the way for my infantry to infiltrate the village!

    Maybe they shot the smoke candles!

  15. The QB system is fan-f***ing-tastic!

    Tiny battle, ME, all armor, computer selects. I get 4 Sherms and a HT. In CMx1, the HT would be a complete waste in an all armor battle. But in *this* game, I can "acquire" a bazooka and 4 rounds (they were lying in the HT), dismount the crew, and send them off to scout the VL and maybe snipe with the zook.

    The maps are beautiful. The StuGs and PzIVs are beautiful. So far, the AI has been really smart - it did a flanking maneuver that I wasn't expecting at all!

    Okay, time to blow some more stuff up!

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