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Everything posted by CaSCa

  1. I've been away for a few days but it is now... Forty and a wake up!
  2. Actually, I believe today is 49 dtg, or 48 and a wake-up, but I'm too lazy to count it out again.
  3. I'm wondering if temperature effects upon armor brittleness and penetration have been explored.
  4. Book him Danno. Today is the big five-o!
  5. You are correct. Mea Culpa. Today it is 55 dtg, or 54 and a wake up..
  6. Call me a pansy sissy boy, but when my van pilgrimage idea failed to garner much interest I became depressed and made other plans. Please feel free to have a good time without me. Sob.
  7. Has anyone ever done a black and white mod for CM? I was thinking about it and I can't recall one, nor can I recall a thread about one. It's probably not high on any modders list, but since most of the film of WWII that we are all familiar with is in B & W it seemed to me that it might be a cool effect. An interactive documentary of sorts, one minute at a time, with no commercial interuptions. It would be a truly monumental undertaking. Every texture would have to be touched and then tweaked to look its best. Most people would probably not use it for long, before saying 'that's nice' and reloading their old .bmp file. Probably a waste of bandwidth (this thread for sure, and perhaps the mod). It's just an idea I thought I'd throw out there for consumption and comment.
  8. In noticed that 'by' as well. Perhaps it would be released a little earlier if we all went and stood on Steve's front lawn.
  9. For everyone's info, it was 109F in Sacramento today, and a "spare the air" day. We are as smutched with smog as anywhere down south or anywhere else, and perhaps more so. It's why we have Smog Check II, lucky us. But I can understand, Halfdane, if you are traumatized and don't want to return to SoCal. It is not my destination of choice, either, though I have been down there for business a few times in the last year and found it to be not as bad I had been lead to believe. I would think it was the 16 hours of travel that would be objectionable, and not the 8 hours actually spent in the Southland. Inside. Playing CM:BB. Eating the promised good food. Playing CM:BB. I've received two emails so far expressing interest in the pilgrimage, though neither is confirmed. For that matter none of this is confirmed. But if anyone else is willing to undertake this trip let me know and I will further research the costs, etc.
  10. Thanks ACTOR! If anyone is interested in such a pilgrimage as previously described, email me at tomn916@yahoo.com You do not have to live in Sacto only, we could make stops along the HWY 99 corridor as well. And by the way Bill, some of my best friends are from Southern California! Tom
  11. Tsk! Tsk! My friend. I am in Sacramento as well and if there are indeed no Northern California beta testers who are willing to invite the unwashed into their homes for a once in a lifetime experience I envision the following: A road trip in a rented van departing the Sacramento area at about 3 am on Saturday for Corona, about a 400 mile journey. Folks would sleep, fool around, and play hotseat CM:BO on my or their laptops. We would arrive, smelly and (as above) unwashed, at ACTOR's abode at about eleven. We would then be witness to great wonders. At the appropriate time we would depart Corona. On the way back people would fool around, sleep, and play CM:BO on my or their laptops. They would also discuss the wonders they had seen and talk bad about the SoCal CM'ers. We would arrive back in Sacto about 7 hours after departure, which would be early Sunday morning. Expenses could be split and with enough participants would be reasonable. Driving duties could be split amongst the willing and responsible. So does anybody want to give this a go? Provided Actor is willing to withstand an invasion from the Northlands, that is, as I haven't communicated with him yet. 400 miles is not really a long drive by California standards, especially when you have no life, and this destination has to be more interesting than that trip to see Aunt May in Turlock was last Thanksgiving. If interested post here and we can discuss the next steps. There are two weeks to plan this operation. Let me know. And ACTOR? Would you mind terribly? [ July 09, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: CaSCa ]
  12. If your theory is correct, the quality of the posts by member number 10,000 will be slightly worse than those of member 9999, and just a little bit better than those of 10,001. I hope this helps.
  13. They're on the BTS yacht counting their money. They just sold CM:BB to Hasbro.
  14. I have it on good authority that it will be released when the moon is in the second house and jupiter aligns with mars.
  15. If I remember my History Channel, the .50 cal was designed during or just after The Great War as an AT gun. It also had AP rounds. I'm sure that a .50 cal grog will chime in soon to elaborate.
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