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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Why so much words? For my own mods: Everything is forbidden without my explicit permission.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by von Murrin: Hope I didn't just add to the confusion. <hr></blockquote> It did The PSW was behind a wood and out of LOS, the Sherman in open and with direct LOS. Also, at the end of the battle the Axis had at all more casualties and a smaller force on the battlefield. All what saved them from a defeat is this occupied VL. About the distance of other forces: nothing that would explain why the VL is Axis. The result is so important, because it happens in a tourny I'm running. The Axis player will advance, the Allied not because of this result
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene: Btw, can PC names have more than one dot? "."? i.e: file.name.is.this.zip? <hr></blockquote> Yes
  4. Maybe someone can explain this. Scenario with 1 large VL Situation at the end of a battle: Axis has 1 PSW234/1(Vet) 85m away from the VL and 1 Crew(Vet) 79m away the Allies 1 M4A3(Vet) 46m away from the VL In the end game result, the VL is declared as Axis, the result is a 51 Axis : 49 Allies draw. How can it be? I could understand if the VL is in dispute - but Axis???
  5. I didn't mean how it works, I just asked how they are created? Are they created manually? And do you rename each single file manually? I'm just curious. I don't use a mod tool - I change the graphics only if a new mod is available that's better then the one I currently use.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by voidhawk: Neo???<hr></blockquote> Neo, from 'Matrix'...the movie
  7. I wonder how a 'rule set' is made? This sounds very complicated. About the CMMOS for Mac. I have only limited knowledge in C++, but isn't the sourcecode in princip independent from the platform and can be simply compiled?
  8. Michael, I'm already in contact with Gordon. Nevertheless it depends on Maximus' conduct.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Scipio, you have the right to protect your work, but my question is - why do you let others use them if you don't want others using them? I believe Maximus has put your mods unmodified into CMMOS as a courtesy to you. It makes it easier for others to use them. I don't want to get in the middle here, but isn't this really kind of a favour to you? I see non-CMMOS mods going the way of the dodo, frankly.<hr></blockquote> I have no general problem with the cmmos idea. Noone must share my opinion about mod etiquette, but I expect that they respect my wishes concerning the publication of my mods. If a simple request is to much for this community or even a single person, then I have only very limited possibilities. Beside that: yes he has revised them. Yes, he know that I don't want HIM to do this. And yes, I will never give my permission to this special person to publish my mods, revised or not.
  10. On my request, Maximus has written me this : <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Unless you want to rehash the ol' Tiger bitch and whine argument about what is good mod ethicate, then you're fighting a losing battle. Most mod authors have included in their readmes that the mods are "freeware" and that they may be modified and redistributed AS LONG as you give credit to the original author. If you've got a problem with this widely accepted policy, then you should refrain from publishing your mods on your site. <hr></blockquote> On the download page of WarfareHQ it's assertively written that it is NOT allowed to host, publish or alter mods without the permission of the original author. All what is expected is a simple request, as I always ask original authors for their authorisation before I publish a revision of their work.IMO, this is not expect to much, and also don't take much time. Mod ethicate MUST be self evident, especially because we don't have the possibilties to protect our work. Even if some people don't agree to this, they should respect the wish and opinion of other people. I have already told Maximus earlier that I don't agree to any 'silent agreements' he had refered to at that time. Because his answer on my request and his actions in the past doesn't shows understanding or a change in his conduct, I follow his proposal and protect my work from unallowed access by removing my mods from the public. I'm sorry that this is necessary. Maybe I act like a childish paranoid. But currently I don't see another possiblity.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cauldron: are these nice winter panthers in warfare HQ. If so they are HIDING eric<hr></blockquote> As I said, I have them on my HD only, and I don't have the permission of the original authors - I only 'winterized' some summer mods - to publish the mods. I'm not contented with the winterized mods, so I haven't asked them yet. [ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Trying to make Maximus cry? He just sent me his completed CMMOS Allied uniform file...<hr></blockquote> He did? I have never given him my permission to publish or offer my mods somewhere or somehow. This is the second time I hear that he did so - beside the old story when he felt the need to make me mods better, also without asking me. If there is something I really hate, then unfriendly people who take other peoples work as if it's there own. :mad: Maybe it's better to leave my mods on my HD only. [ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  13. - deleted because of third partys copyright violation - [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Måkjager: Nice work Scipio...really like the middle Panther Regards Måkjager<hr></blockquote> It's only on my HD. Is it based on a mod you made? I have forgotten the source. If I should once want to publish it, I will ask for permission first.
  15. :cool: :cool: :cool: [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  16. Heres some more oil for the 'tanks die to fast' fire. Just today I read from the Poland war about a German tank - not sure which one, but I assume it was a III or IV. One penetration through the driver hatch (by an AT Rifle) with only light damage. The drivers has reported it to the commander - the commander didn't noticed the hit. Then a 7.5 shell explodes under the tank and lifted it, with light damage on the undercarriage. The tank retreats now, and when they were out of action, the tank commander noticed that he couldn't move the turret anymore, and that another shell penetrated the rear hull into the motor, but didn't exploded. From Janusz Piekalkiewicz 'War of tanks'. Interesting for the 'the crews bails at the first penetration' and also for the 'a penetration is usually deadly' groups on this boards. Puff, go back into cave. I'm not a mad child. I'm a childish paranoid [ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: Aehm, and the gun would be moved from the tractor to the firing position (inside woods etc.)... how? And remember that the usual transport is horses, not tractors. Surely a guncrew is able to move the gun with manpower alone, read e.g. "Soldat" by Siegfried Knappe. It is certainly an undermodeling that the crew doesn't get tired. <hr></blockquote> The book ain't available in German. What does he said about the distance they carried the gun without transport? And which gun? We have no horses in CM. We will not have in CM2.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: The defender will simply have to use the "shoot 'till it burns" tactic.<hr></blockquote> He will have to in CMBB anyway - AFAIK, with the full new Super-FOW on you can not be sure that a tank is killed until it burns
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rodimzew: Yes you're right, the Pak40 was not intended to be transported without a kind of tractor. Even with a tractor, it was evaluated to be too heavy for towed transportation in russian heavy terrain during winter and spring. Nevertheless, a gun can (and must) be moved, even if it weights 1.5 tons. At least it should be able to change position over a limited distance, lets say 100m. But it should take time because normally the crew has to get the gun to the position, furthermore they should take the ammunition and other stuff (repair kits) to the new position. Several walkings between positions are necessary. But i think these different movements are already represented by the slow movement and the time to get a gun firing.. Over which terrain have you moved your gun a greater distance ??? Movement depends on terrain. It is even possible to move a mercedes benz on roads or flat grass, even woods, with several persons, which are usually not trained soldiers.<hr></blockquote> I let them move over 800m - transportclass 7 made it in 70 minutes. The crew (Regular) wasn't exhausted or even tired. Then I let them move on a hill with double map contoures, so they walked upon a hill of 100m. The needed the same time, and again wasn't exhausted. Applaus. I don't think that a gun of 1.5 tons be moved, except some meters to attach it on a transport. And the ammo? The 7.5 shells weights 4-7 kg, thats additional 200 - 350 kg. Not to speak about the bigger calibers, like 10.5 or 15cm Field Guns / Howitzer. Anyway, the crew should be at least tired or exhausted after more then 10 or 20 meters.
  20. AFAIK, only a few guns could be moved by the crew without transport, like the 3.7cm and 5cm PAK, or the small 7.5 infantry gun and mortars. The 7.5-Pak40 for example weighted 1.5 ton, without the ammo. The crew was not able to move it - in CM it is. Then the crew must transport all the ammo, too. Is it only to allow the gun to embark? Wouldn't it make more sense to order the vehicel to lade the gun? Then I have noticed that the crew can transport the gun over long distances, but never getting tired.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Viceroy: Just got this email from them.... seems like BS to me, but you can judge for yourselves. Public statement .... <hr></blockquote> Got the same. We will have an eye on it.
  22. intex-publishing.de Domainholder: Martin Boehmer Intex Publishing GmbH Jakobstr.9 D-53783 Eitorf Germany Here is the denic registration for the domain.
  23. I already send them best wishes. From my lawyer.
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