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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Let me sum up what we know for sure about CM2x: a) It will be a wargame It will be turn based, not RTS c) It will use 3D graphics d) It will use the 'we go' system e) We have to pay money for it Sounds all fine to me, I can't wait for the demo. For the long term game fun, I would prefer a random (quick) battle generator as we have it in CM1x. How often can you play the same (2,3) dozen of scenarios until they get boring? That's also a marketing strategy/question to keep a game alive. The only negative thing I see is this: since I prefer to play PBEM, I guess it will be a pain in the arse to list up if my opponent uses all the games/modules we need (including all updates) to start a match.
  2. You're making some pretty big assumption. The first is that you are representative of the bulk of the CM fanbase, and two that you'll be worse off with the new system vs. the old system. Bad assumptions to make on both counts. If you don't like what we release then of course you're going to have to wait or move on. What do you think a bunch of people did inbetween CMBO and CMAK? They waited 3 years for their next CM fix because they didn't want to play the Eastern Front. Our new strategy would probably have reduced that wait time to months, not years. And if they are like most of our customers, they might be interested in the 2-3 completely different games we'll release in that 2 year timeframe. Steve </font>
  3. You're making some pretty big assumption. The first is that you are representative of the bulk of the CM fanbase, and two that you'll be worse off with the new system vs. the old system. Bad assumptions to make on both counts. If you don't like what we release then of course you're going to have to wait or move on. What do you think a bunch of people did inbetween CMBO and CMAK? They waited 3 years for their next CM fix because they didn't want to play the Eastern Front. Our new strategy would probably have reduced that wait time to months, not years. And if they are like most of our customers, they might be interested in the 2-3 completely different games we'll release in that 2 year timeframe. Steve </font>
  4. Well, I give a damn on the trees, but the tanks looks as good as I always wanted to see them in CM. But I wonder what kind of PC I will need to run a 5000pp battle with 20 tanks moving on each side? :eek:
  5. Can somebody make a threat with all collected bones posted since 1997, please?
  6. Hi folks, Scipio is still alive (if somebody should still remember me...) I wonder if they will change something on the weather in any upcoming CMX title. Will weather change during a battle? It could start or stop to rain, fog can come up or disappear. Fog could be stronger on one side of the map... Wind should have influence on all types of smoke. Things like that. Sounds all realistic to me. For those who haven't gotten the influence on gameplay yet: it would change visibilty during a battle. Maybe I stand alone with this, but I think this would be a nice feature.
  7. Dust and smoke is a different things, works normal
  8. Well, new DirectX9 feature...we are talking about CMAK, not about the pre DX9 release CMBB. The fog problem applies AFAIK only to Radeon9xxx cards which support DX9. So the option to use the DX9 pixel fog would make sense, right? Your other question can simply be answered, don't buy a new computer. The CM graphics engine is the best of all in the turnbased wargames segment, but never the less out of time (it was already when released three years ago). So you best use out of time hardware as well.
  9. Because they don't need to. I contacted the ATI support, and they told me that FOG table emulation is not included anymore, because fog tables are already supported by DirectX.. Allow me to point you to the articel at the Microsoft Developers Network So what???
  10. Just wonder, will BTS use (at least optional) vertex fog for CMAK, or still support only fog table emulation as in CMBB? I love to see fog, and I must confess that I'm very diappointed that I can't see it with my Radeon. If the answer is 'No', then I'm really surprised about this. AFAIK, the Radeon cards lead the market already - at least in the lower price segment that is the greatest market segment in graphic cards. Shall the majority of players really wait for CMX2 that can not be expected before 2005?
  11. Mh...sounds like you are stuck to 1970s porn movies . But I guess we don't need the moustache in CM anyway!
  12. http://firingsquad.gamers.com/media/gallery_index.asp?media_id=9 Hehe, okay, it's from the upcomming game 'Call of Duty'. I guess BTS should license the graphics engine [ August 19, 2003, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  13. Just that a buttoned tank has no full surround view. But I can order a tank to target something that's right behind him. No I wonder how I can do this...except the commander is an owl.
  14. and BTW, isn't it excatly that what is done with a 'covered arc'??
  15. ...what wouldn't necessarily cause a better result...
  16. Just an idea... Ever attempted to point somebodys view on something...you know, like 'Hey, look at that funny tank at 1000m away to the left. No not there, more to right, left of that great tree. No, not that tree, the other one...'. Just wonder how a (non area) target command to a buttoned tank (with it's limited view) can work in reality...just wonder if it wouldn't make sense if target commands to buttoned tanks can be given only as 'covered arc' command.
  17. Yeah, yeah, just make fun with the poor Scipio Spelling has been corrected. THX :cool:
  18. WarfareHQ is happy to announce the 'King of the Steppe' tournament. Further details can be found here : http://www.warfarehq.com/Combat%20Mission/steppetour.shtml If you are interested, join our club and sign the tournament. And please bumb this threat, so it will stay a bit at the top to get more players
  19. I still wonder what the official BTS position is on that...
  20. This is exactly what I do NOT want. I don't think that many frontline companys have survived the east front. The casualties were terrible. Indeed your company wouldn't get better...they would loose quality, cause they always would loose some veterans, too, which will usually be replaced be less experienced troops. Really, I don't want some kind of 'Panzer General'. But in a timeframe of some weeks, maybe even 2-3 month...the timeframe of an operation (meaning not the CM kind of operation)
  21. I guess this has been requested already, but just to be sure... Well known, BTS doesn't like the idea of implementing any kind of campaign modus into CM. Well, okay, they have there reasons, and partially I understand them. However, campaigns were requested many times by many people. BTW, my personal idea of a campaign is a bigger version of operation, not a whole war issue. So, if BTS won't do it, I don't see a reason why they shouldn't support third parties to develop something if they want to. The worst thing in a campaign is to keep track of any casualties. So I guess it would be a good idea if the CM scenario editor could be altered to a) export/import a forces table into an extra file (IMPORTANT) extract the surviving forces from a closed battle c) join forces tables The rest could be done manually without extraordinary effort, as I think. Would an official please respond?
  22. Yep, found the sounds. Ogon was the word I've heard in that movie. THX
  23. Ah, thanks! BTW, is there a sound file in CMBB were I can hear this? I remember a movie I have seen about Soviet artillery, and what the battery leader said sounded very different than it sounds when I (as German) say 'Ogon!' [ July 15, 2003, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  24. Okay, not really a CM topic How is said in Russian to open fire? You know, in German it's 'FEUER!' in English it's 'FIRE!...but in Russian? Огонь!??? [ July 15, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  25. Nashorn - I tend to agree on that. Sturmmörser Tiger - Yes, medium class, because a)it's support weapon with a very slow fire rate (3 turns, IRRC) which I ussually put in the light class, but I think it's to heavy armored for this class. When it's available, the Soviets have T-34/85 and SU-152 already in medium class. Those tanks can match the Sturmmörser Tiger at all time. Hetzer - Will be added as medium class tank. I think he T-34/85 can handle this one, too. laxx - Yes, you can buy T-34. In an 800pp game one, in a 1500pp game two OR one KV and so on. This will make it difficult enough for the Axis. Those tanks were available, but not in large numbers in the first month'. I don't claim that my restriction is historic correct as I made it, but my issue is to make QBs a bit more equal. SlowMotion - Later phases are not sheduled. I think the battle tanks are equal to an degree that gives both sides a realistic chance after Sept 43. The T-34/85 can handle even most heavy class German tanks in the hand of an experienced leader. BTW, same for the Pz-IV with 75/L43 and L48 guns.
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