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Robert Olesen

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Posts posted by Robert Olesen

  1. Originally posted by Snowbart:

    Ahh, I see...just b/c I rolled an "Inf only" battle doesnt necessarily mean I must use SS Inf just b/c that's my core force makeup. I could choose any kind of Inf(FJ, LW, Heer, etc)?

    Actually, I'm a bit unsure about that. I frankly don't remember how this works (have to try a campaign, there seems to be a series of questions these days). Searching on SS in the rules, I get a reference to the Exploit force (not support force) in 4.4.3 k). That's it. So, if you have the option to choose SS for your support force, then feel free to do it. Or let the troop quality decide. Whatever you like and feel to be reasonable.

    Let me quote section 1.2 of the rules:

    I have strived to make this campaign easy to use with simple rules, while providing variety and challenge. Several design decisions have been guided by this principle. The aim is to provide enjoyment and perhaps teach a bit of history along the way. It is not to provide meticulous historical accuracy.

    The campaign is not set in stone. Feel free to modify it to suit your own preferences.

  2. Your support force changes from game to game. You buy a new support force for each QB. Only your core force is (fairly) constant.

    Thus, the experience of the support force changes from game to game, while the experience of your core forces changes with battle experience and casualties/replacements.

    Buy the support force you prefer within the limits of experience the game gives you and the points available in the different categories.

  3. The CMAK files are up now. No maps here. They are optional anyway, but I've found them quite good to use. They help alleviate some of the awkward randomness of the battle generator in the game.

    Good luck and have fun - and do ask questions if you have any. Email is the safest method, I don't check in here all that often (you were lucky). I did my best to make the rules simple and accessible, but they are somewhat complex - inevitably.

  4. ****. Well, I suppose it couldn't last forever. I lost contact some time ago with the guy who graciously provided the space for me some years ago. I've never paid a single penny for it.

    I have all the files, but never got around to reestablishing contact and download the site setup. I lost it myself in a harddisk crash half a year ago.

    I can send you the basic stuff - the CMBB rules and spreadsheet zip up to under 2Mb. I need to know if you want the rules in pdf or MS Word format. And I need to know if you can use the spreadsheet (you need Excel, the reader won't do it). Email me at my get2net.dk addy (robert.olesen)

    If anyone can suggest a good place to put it then I'd be interested. There's apparently still a demand. I suppose there are a number of free file upload providers today - that could be a start. Do you know any good ones (minimal hazzle, easy to use)?

    EDIT: Figured that I might as well post them on CM Mods. Look for my mods and/or for ROQC.

    So far I've posted the CMBB version. The CMAK version will follow.

    [ July 07, 2007, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

  5. It's been 2½ years since there has been a post here on ROQC. It has been fairly quiet for a while, but I just had two people email me with questions. So'I guess is won't hurt to send out a friendly reminder. There may well be people here who would like to try it out and who haven't heard about it.

    ROQC is great if you like to roleplay, watch your men go through the meat grinder and get decorated for valor, and if you just want to have fun.

    Here are a few links (and check my sig):

    RobO's great campaign generator

    RobO's Quick Campaign for CMBB updated

  6. ****.

    I just bought the game using D2D. If I'd known how this really works then I'd have paid for a shipped version.

    Let me quote D2D at their SC page

    The first time you run it, simply enter the custom activation code from your email receipt.
    It obviously didn't work that way. It uses an online activation tied to your PC. I never got an activation code by email,

    So, I definitely feel cheated and didn't get what I bought.

    Any way to get your money back or pay the difference and get a shipped version?

  7. Originally posted by Pzman:

    ATI cards on PC's will not show fog in CM, other than that they are fine IIRC.

    That was ca. 4 months ago.

    I'm looking at a PC that's good value for money and comes up for sale on March 30, but it has a Radeon X740 XL card. That card is most likely not standard. The offer is a Medion PC that's sold in ALDI in several European countries, and they probably have the muscles to get ATI to produce a card tailored to their needs. Still, I'd like any info I can get on this or similar cards regarding CM performance.

    In case someone understands this stuf, here are the details of the card: http://www.beyond3d.com/misc/chipcomp/?view=boarddetails&id=253

    [ March 23, 2005, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

  8. Yskonyn, you need to change the macro security settings in MS Word (and Excel if you have that). It should be somewhere in the Tools > Macros menu. The location can vary with the version of Word.

    There are three settings:

    - High will automatically disable most macros

    - Medium will ask you if you want macros enabled

    - Low will automatically enable macros.

    You probably have the High setting and most likely want to use the Medium. It's the same in Excel but I'm not sure if it shares the settign with Word.

    I checked the die rolls in the rules for v2.22. They work for me.

  9. Originally posted by Ardem:

    hey mate,

    How do you incorporate this into a existing spreadsheet.

    If I copy across the coresheet and the history sheet in value form would this do it?

    Basically, yes. But I guess you've already figured that out.

    You need to transfer all the values you entered yourself (in white cells) and all die rolls (orange cells) - note that some of these are in the core force sheet at the right.

  10. Version 2.22 is now on the street.

    I recommend an update if you're using ROQC for CMBB.

    Here's the changelist:

    Force factor for assault corrected to 1.72 from 1.7 (see 4.3.2).

    Very low ammunition loads adjusted upwards to decrease the risk of a premature automatic ceasefire, see 4.3.9.

    Error corrections in spreadsheet:

    - Cell K59 of the Tables1 sheet should contain the value -1, not –2.

    - Autoceasefire tickbox for Raid battles in Favor sheet caused a cell protection error.

    - Commendation values are now cleared from the Core Force sheet when the next battle is generated.

    - Map sheet did not properly recognize ME battles when comparing maps with the battle parameters.

    - History sheet opinion of superior commander (column BP) corrected slightly in cases of negative Favor.

  11. Originally posted by SgtCheese:

    Hi Rob,

    Is this usable in Open Office?

    No, not really. Open Office uses Java(Script?) and MS Office uses Visual Basic. You can open the spreadsheet in Open Office, but the macros won't work.

    This really should have been programmed in a separate utility, portable btw. Mac and Windows, but it just didn't work out that way.

    I guess you could use Open Office and do the math yourself. Probably works better than the pen and paper version.

  12. As a consequence of a suggestion by DzrtFox I will implement the following in the rules:

    Note: A very low ammunition level increases the likelihood that Combat Mission will force an automatic ceasefire. To reduce the risk of a premature automatic ceasefire the sum of your ammunition percentage and the enemy ammunition percentage must be at least 100%. If the sum falls below 100%, increase both in steps of 10% until the sum is 100%. For example, if you roll up 60% and the enemy 20% the adjusted result would be 70% and 30%.
    Feel free to implement this manually until I get a fix out. And also feel free to tell me if you find a limit of 100% appropriate, or if it should be higher.
  13. I learned a great deal about Excel while developing this.

    The ammo/ceasefire problem pops up whenever both sides have a low ammo level, but the consequence of an early ceasefire is more serious in a retreat battle than in other battles. One way to postpone the autoceasefire is to bump up both sides one "level" until the total is at a minimal threshold - something like 100%, perhaps 120%.

    Btw, do you mind sending me your spreadsheet? I'm curious to see what yuor campaign is like.

  14. Originally posted by DzrtFox:

    I have a question. In a campaign battle last night with a platoon of T-34s as my core, I was playing a retreat with only one of three tanks available. After the battle is over, where you fill in casualty information on the Core Force sheet (# of returning soldiers), do I need to fill in returning soldiers if they didn't participate in the battle? For one tank, I had 4 units ok before the battle but no equipment, while tank #3 had 3 crew members ok but no tank. In other words, they didn't participate in the battle, but I wasn't sure if they needed to be entered as returning soldiers in the blanks before doing the post-battle rolls. Hopefully that makes sense...

    You only need to consider replacements if they don't participate in the battle. The rest can be ignored.

    Btw, it seems you're using the pen and paper version (otherwise this woukd have been taken care of automatically). I'm curious about how it works - I changed the battle sheet a good deal not too long ago.

    I unfortunately got an auto-ceasefire on like turn 3 or 4 due to low ammo on both sides. If I decide to accept this result and move on, does it count as if my core did not exit at all? Since there was a ceasefire, technically the units didn't die or get captured, but on the Favor sheet I entered 0 out of 18 exiting and lost a lot of favor. It also seemed that I lost the one tank I actually used in the battle.

    Thanks in advance for your help, and thanks again for creating such a great system!!

    You're welcome. I made it because I needed it myself and because I figured others would want to use it as well.

    The rules are quite clear IMO on this question. Let me quote the last part of section 4.7

    6. After the Battle

    a. If the enemy surrenders, all of your forces still on the map are considered to have exited.

    b. Those forces still on the map that have a free run to the proper mad edge are considered to have exited. The unit’s route to the edge must not be impeded by enemy fire that can pin or destroy the unit.

    c. If a unit has not exited and cannot do so (see also and, roll for returning soldiers, as described in 5.6.1

    Units that are considered exited in this manner do not count for Retreat Favor calculation.

    However, you hit a situation where the combination of ROQC rules and CMBB programming work against you. I'd be tempted to ease up on the rules myself in this case, or perhaps simply ignore this battle. Retreat battlea are a nice concept, but they're hard to make good rules for.

    But I can see you have that in hand already.

    Good hunting smile.gif - with three of four tanks out of action I hope you're due for a rest and refit soon.

  15. Ah yes, I see the links smile.gif

    I must have been looking the other way this morning ;)

    No, I don't need to see that spreadsheet. It sounds like a straightforward change. Any changes in the Auto sheet would be more interesting. Also, I don't see why you get that -31 Favor problem.

    And I still think you should explain your rules changes on your site.

    The Mission AAR's look odd in when using Opera 7.54 - It's readable, but the format isn't quite right. Try it, it's easy to download from www.opera.com

    MS IE works fine but I'd rather not use that program unless I have to.

    Great stuff, now let me find time to look into the details. Btw, you should announce it at MZO Centrals CM Strategy forum - it has some other good action reports

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