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Robert Olesen

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Posts posted by Robert Olesen

  1. I could in fact use some testers. I have made some updates to the CMBB version. I don't want to go public with this before it's tested as an update requires me to do a fair amount of work (e.g. updating all the suggested campaign spreadsheets).

    The changes are:

    Snipers added as separate unit category with separate experience rules so that they have a better chance of gaining experience.

    Returning casualties modified to take into account the number of flags you hold at the end of the battle.

    The ability to use Favor to modify the battle size has been changed into an ability to use Favor to get more support (which you buy in the editor, so it is on top of the QB purchase).

    Send me an email or post here if you're interested. The job involves pointing out errors and improvement opportunities.

  2. Thanks, Alech, but I just got carried away upon seeing that link to CamStudio. I don't really want to go deeper into this at the moment. Perhaps later, when I have upgraded (whenever that will be).

    For the record:

    P3/550, 256MB RAM, Win XP Pro, Creative 32MB TNT2 graphics card, Sound Blaster Live sound card. I think that covers the stuff that's interestering in this case.

  3. Hi again, Alech. I'm a complete newbie at this, so I sort of ran a risk posting this. I just thought it might be of interest.

    Yes, I can probably host that file temporarily. I'll take that up with you on MSN or email. It is an avi file - I simply installed CamStudio and hit Record to see what would happen. Later I found some settings, e.g. framerate, in CamStudio. As I said, I'm a newbie at this.

  4. This is probably old news, but I stumbled on a free tool that can capture the screen as a video including speaker sound. It has a fair number of options.

    I tested it with a full turn replay and it ended up as a 36Mb avi file, but about 25% of that can be removed as it contains leadtime while I switched over to CMBB. Unfortunately my PC is too slow to play it back without stuttering, but I'm fairly sure the quality is OK.

    Sorry again if this isn't really interesting. I thought it might be for some people. CM does offer some truly "captivating" moments during playback at times.

    The link: http://www.brothersoft.com/Multimedia_Graphics_Screen_Capture_CamStudio_3944.html

  5. I'm not sure what you mean, woodchuck. The excel file does a lot of things randomly, but can't interact with the CM game files. There is another campaign that does that, but it is not nearly as flexible as ROQC. I haven't looked, but as the format of the CM scenario/save file is proprietary and protected against cheating in obem games, I doubt I could get all that far.

  6. Originally posted by Alech:

    Erm... Are you supposed to list "No. Of Men OK at End" for Squads who where not involved in a fight?

    I.e. If a quad has 8 out of 10 men before a battle, it won't take part in the battle. Am I supposed to fill in the "No. Of Men OK at End" column with "8" or leave it blank?


    I assume you're talking about the column lavelled 6 in the core force sheet. No, you're not supposed to enter anything there if the unit didn't participate in the battle. Column 30 contains that number and is calculated automatically.

    And you're correct, it does imply that returning casualties only apply to the units that participated in the current battle. My reasoning is that the men who return later to the unit are represented by replacements with high experience - as an approximation.

  7. Originally posted by Ice Cold in Alex:

    Overall ROQC is just the type of context/campaign feel that CM is misingfor the solo gamer- hope the boys talk to you Rob when they are finalsing CM -2

    I'd be surprised if they did. Though a few "simple" changes would go a long way towards accomodating campaigns like this. Besides, ROQC is effectively freeware.

    I intentionally limited the amount of Soviet exploits at start. You start getting them towards the end of the war. I got the distinct impression from my reading that the Soviets didn't trust their tank units/officers out on their own behind enemy lines at start. I guess it required too much independent thinking. And you're more likely to get them with a mechanized unit, less with infantry.

  8. HTML?

    It might work, but I have neither time nor inclination for that now. Perhaps later.

    The rules are OK, as you can use the pdf file if you don't have Word. The problem is the spreadsheet. And I'm not sure html can comfortably take all the stuff that's in the spreadsheet like locking cells, conditional formatting of cells, nice tabular presentations, cells with somments. It would probably have to be redesigned, and a straight java implementation might be a better way to go then. That's a lot of work (either way) and I don't know enough java (or html) to do it well. I could learn, but it takes time. Another way to go would be to port the spreadsheet to Open Office and reprogram the macros in java. Still a great deal of work, and the OO download is ca. 70Mb.

  9. Originally posted by Vego:

    (knowing my luck there probably on there already, i await correction on that point)

    Well, at least you managed to provoke a smile.gif

    I'm afraid that's too much work for too little gain. There are a lot of words already for people to read, ad they tend to have different problems getting started.

    Are you aware that several of the title cells in the core force sheet have comments attached? They might help. And you do get used to it pretty quickly.

  10. Hey, it takes two to crosspost ;)

    No need to apologize.

    The division type cannot be SS. It has to be one of the division types listed in the game, e.g. SS Infantry or SS Mechanized. Check the manual (I think), the unit editor or the QB setup screen.

    You can pick the rank from the list to the right after entering the nationality and division type. The best way is to either type it in (slow) or click on cell C13, then type =, then click on the proper rank to the right.

  11. This crossposting is weird :eek:

    You can add armor to any core force as long as you can save up enough Favor to do it, and there are no specal rules against it (and that's your choice, really).

    The Long Walk is sort of supposed to be an all-infantry force, but it doesnt say so explicitly and there's no reason why you can't use that core force as a starting point and go your own route from there. You just need to accumulate enough Favor to add some armor.

    Or you could add some armor right from the start, efectively changing the basic core force. Your choice. But a mixed core force like that is relatively easy to play, as you're (almost) guaranteed to have both armor and infantry in all battles. Your choice again.

  12. Originally posted by JohnCalvin:

    Thanks for the info. Some of what you said was greek to me unfortunately. How do you read those files and do you need them to play the campaign?

    Sorry, didn't see this at first. I guess you just edited it.

    The Excel tool is not necessary, but very convenient. It's described in section 2.3 of the rules (open the pdf rules file if you don't have Word). You can use printed tables instead (the gif file download) - see section 2.2 in the rules.

    Other than that you need to be more specific if I'm to be able to help.

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