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Robert Olesen

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Posts posted by Robert Olesen

  1. This is a really simple idea - apologies if it has already been posted.

    The scenario selection screen in CM (2, hopefully also 1) should be able to browse through directories, i.e. subdirectories and the parent directory should be included in the file list. It would make it much simpler to manage a ton of downloaded scenarios.

    And the ? to BTS:

    Will you pick up suggestions like this from here or should they be sent directly to you? I presume you have a list of modification proposals wink.gif.

  2. OK frag, you asked for it smile.gif

    Here is how I would like to use a scenario manager (I use Windows):

    I would keep all the scenarios in different directories, preferably under the Scenario directory (I don't know if CMBO searches subdirectories when presenting scenarios, but I suspect that it doesn't).

    I would then fire up your scenario manager and be able to browse through all the scenarios/folders.

    This browsing would give me all the info I need to identify the scenario I want to play, that is at least: size, length, sides, date, unit classification (mech/combined/...), terrain type and my own comments (rating, number of times played, plain text, possibly more). I probably forgot something here smile.gif. It would be great if you could read the scenario briefing from the scenario file and be able to present it inside the scenario manager.

    I would then select one or more scenarios for play, and have the manager copy (not move) these scenarios into the Scenario directory itself. It would also be nice (but not necessary) to be able to delete scenarios from the Scenario folder from within the manager.

    Finally, I would close or minimize the scenario manager and fire up CMBO to play the scenario(s) I have selected.

    I suppose the same applies to management of operations, I haven't checked how they are stored.

    I don't think I need a management of saved games. Perhaps pbem creates a need for this?

    One good thing about this is that it allows an easier identification of scenarios than the current scenario selection screen does.

  3. 1) 1152x864

    2) Yes

    3) No (56k modem)

    HijackGMH, how do you run CM at a larger resolution than the one you ordinarily use? I would like to try CM at 1280x1024.

    frag, will your mod manager be able to handle parts of a downloaded mod? I have, for example, installed the fairly new interface mod. I'm happy with some of it, but not with all of it and plan to reinstall only parts of it soon.

  4. When I wrote Tanks, I should have written Armor. Sorry, but I'm green after all smile.gif

    BTS have in their wisdom decided not to model the command element of vehicles. I don't know if this is right or wrong, but I personally have no desire to change that. I would still like to be able to buy generic (OOB) groups of armored vehicles, as approproate for the time and nationality/army.

    Grouping onboard guns similarly seems logical.

    As for HQ's I suppose a fairly simple limitation would eliminate most abuse: Limit the ratio between infantry ("leg") units and HQ units, probably dependent on nationality/army and time period. Ofc, "fairly simple" means that I only have to dream it up, not program it wink.gif

  5. Hmmm, come to think of it - there may be some command chain restrictions after all. It is possible that a platoon commander cannot lead units from another platoon (excepting T-units) and that a company commander cannot lead units from another company. I don't recall seeing these command limitations, though. But then I haven't had the game for very long.

  6. I have a few wishes regarding the unit purchase mechanism in quick battles. I know some of this has been mentioned before, but another vote doesn't hurt smile.gif

    1. Tank units.

    I would like to be able to buy tank units according to historical OOBs - platoons and preferably also companies. Someone else suggested giving them a slightly cheaper price in order to offset the lack of purchase flexibility. I think this is a good idea.

    2. Modified OOBs.

    I would like to be able to set up my own OOB's or modify the existing ones, so that I can simulate the fact that few real OOBs matched the paper OOBs, e.g. due to combat losses and odd replacements. It also gives me more flexibility in matching the point limit. This creates some specific demands:

    2a. Extra HQs.

    I would like to be able to buy some HQ units at different levels, e.g. a company HQ to lead my two individually purchased platoons or a platoon HQ to lead my individually purchased support units. Make them a bit expensive if you prefer.

    2b. Edit OOBs

    I would like to be able to remove units from existing OOB's. There is no real need to be able to add units, as CM does not seem to care about the chain of command. Any leader can command any unit during battle.

    2a and 2b will actually fulfil much the same need, so both are not really needed.

    2b does conflict with the cheaper pricetag of whole units, but 2a does not.

  7. I am using the demo and I can use the Hotkeys button. But it is only visible when you do not have a unit selected. Just click anywhere in empty terain. I might only be active when issuing orders - I'm not sure.

    I would love to have a version that I could print, though. Does it come with the manual on a separate card? I have ordered the full game, but it hasn't arrived yet.

  8. FUTURE, Isn't there some kind of systematic sale of used items in Australia? Where I live (Denmark) there are several ways to get hold of used items (dedicated magazines with ads, internet auctions, newsgroups, and friends ofc.).

    You should be able to get an affordable used video card that would be outdated on a new system but would serve you well (e.g. an 8M card or perhaps a 16M card - I would not buy a new PC with less than a 32M 3D card today). Just make sure that your PC has a slot that fits with the card. These things change all the time.

  9. Hi,

    I have just ordered the game and have noticed that there are some good looking mod packs out there. I have a question which I could not find an answer for in the mod pack readme files.

    If you download and install umpteen modifications of vehicle graphics, e.g. the King Tiger, how does the program figure out which one to use? Logically you can only have one, perhaps two (winter, "summer"), which you will overwrite when you install a mod. Is that so? None of the readme file mentions the need for backup of the original game graphics.

    This thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/010399.html mentions a mod with separate file names for winter, implying that these graphics did not make it into the game (they must have been planned, as the program apparantly can handle the file names).

    So, how does this work? I would like to know what the consequences are if/when I install the mods and which files I should backup.


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