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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Hehehee good idea, but actually its a picture from a soldiers woman i found in a diary ... online. Also have some pictures (real ones, books) showing german soldiers having pin up girls on, for example the back of the mg shield in a spw 251/1 or pictures of cats, im serious By the way thats what i want to do too .. taking a look at the mg shield and maybe i can modifie it like i saw it in the book, its just looks awesome, a big cat on the rigth side and a nice women on the lfet side !!! And whats with the storie of R2D2 ? Greetings Jean-Pierre</font>
  2. Wouldn't that just dilute the forums even more? Instead of a MOD forum, how about a MOD/SCENARIO TESTING forum?? That way, the modders can tinker and test their mods on other interested people, and when the mod is finished, present it in all its glory on the main board.
  3. Jean-Piere: It would be quite funny if the picture of the woman on the inside of the gun was changed to a famous German such as Claudia Schiffer (spelling?) Hehe, that reminds me of a notorious story involving the guy who played R2D2 in Star Wars.
  4. The explosions are exactly the same as before, but with the visual aid of the shockwave taken away. Combine that with CMBBs New Improved camera views and we arrive at the game as it is now... The smoke discharge is well over the top IMHO. In real life, the discharge would be more subtle, it is there in the air and then it dissipates. With CMBB it's like an effect from a pop concert. Is CMBB supposed to be fun to play, or just a "grind" to discover what the hell is going on.
  5. My answer would be this: if 100 people slept in a haunted house, and 30 of them said that they saw a ghost... then the assumption must be that there is a ghost problem in that house. As for realism, what is so realistic about someone who sits at a computer playing CMBB, sending hundreds of soldiers to their death? Realism is in the eye of the monkey (beholder).
  6. Wacky, 30mb seems a lot, can you do a lower-res version? I am confident it would look practically as good, and increases the chance of it getting hosted.
  7. Just to correct you, it is not possible to change the size of the tracer, though you *can* change it from bright blue to bright green or whatever.
  8. I would like a user-definable view system, option to disable mouse camera panning, option to turn off "gun smoke", option to turn on shockwaves, option to make tracers/shells larger, proper city buildings and another factory style.
  9. CMBB feels like it has one movement command too many. We have: Run, Move, Move to contact, Advance, Assault, Human Wave, Sneak, Withdraw. Is there any point in using Move any more?
  10. I'm glad someone else is mentioning the smoke discharge when a gun fires. It does seem a bit excessive... Especially given the contradiction of shockwaves getting culled for being cheesy. I agree completely. View 3 is too low-slung to be of much use for plotting movement orders. Click the button to go to View 4, and the camera swings far out making the units smaller than they need to be. CMBB badly needs a "View 3.5" or user-definable camera views which actually "stick" and are remembered by the game. Incidentally, it is impossible to emulate CMBO's good views using Shift-A or Shift-B. If it ain't broke, break it.
  11. Hi there, I think you misunderstand me. I only propose that trees are translucent where they actually cover an infantry unit. so, if the left branch is covering a unit then it is translucent, but the rest of the tree is normal.
  12. Sometimes infantry are hidden in trees, even with sparse tree coverage and unit bases turned on. So the suggestion is to make trees translucent where they are in front of an infantry unit. This is along the lines of translucency when inside a building. [ September 25, 2002, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: M. Bates ]
  13. Even if Shift-Z did work (unfortunately it doesn't), any changes the player makes to the view are not remembered.
  14. What is the legal position of editing the CDV version of he game?
  15. Chad Harrison is the only person who actually seems to like the new system, everyone else just shrugs and say they'll get used to it. If the system was graduated between panning and rotating - without the present sudden cut off - then the current system would be better. I agree it is better to have this optional. CMBB can remember our preferences for Tree Coverage or Smoke Graphics, so why not for Camera Movement and Camera View. The very same people were defending tracer graphics a couple of weeks ago, saying "BTS is absolutely correct, all you stick-in-muds can just get used to it and shut the hell up." Now BTS may make tracers scalable (hopefully). Then the same people will say, "BTS is absolutely correct to have scalable tracers, CMBB just would not be the same without them."
  16. Phew, I noticed your smileys and observed that this has not descended into a flaming session The Guardian is good for laugh. It is amusing to read how professional left-wing journalists in London have the answer to the world's ills. The "Torygraph" is actually socially and economically liberal, given the Left's stance on motorcars, employment rights or hunting animals (as an example). Only protective because some bloody European from "the land of milk and honey" saw fit to criticise a hallowed British institution. To bring this thread back on topic..... in the space of two days BTS have responded to their customers' bleatings by supplying the manual at cost price, and someone has found out how to transform Waffen Grenadiers to Waffen SS
  17. You must be referring to the controversy that has dogged this forum for the last month. I refer of course to the inclusion of Soviet Union forces in CMBB. Just joking!! Now... Non-Europeans can change their Waffen-SS to Waffen Grenadiers. Socialism in action! Everyone is equal and everyone is happy!!
  18. The yanks have a brain seizure when it comes to dealing with foreign cheques (or checks hehe) or international money orders. Paypal is the way to go, at least until the year 2050 when Guardian-reading Germans in Frankfurt will be setting global interest rates for the Super Super Euro Dollar.
  19. You could transfer some of the uniforms or tank skins possibly... certainly menus can be transferred. As for missions etc you are bang out of luck.
  20. Yeah yeah we all have hard luck stories. I've sent US Dollars cash to the USA before only for it to be thieved stateside by some scoundrel. These things happen, the only sensible course of action is to keep one's head up and silently curse the proletariat.
  21. Have any Mac-owning Europeans received their game yet? (i.e. CMBB shipped from Ireland). Apologies for starting yet another new topic, but I don't think this has been covered recently!
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