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Posts posted by Holien

  1. @MARS42 So I did what you did, I did take less casualties all around initially except for the area around the Village.  (I honestly think that place is bound to get decimated no matter what, so you lose on average 2 HMG, and around 2 platoons... if your lucky maybe a platoon and a half...


    I stopped it about 20min into the game.. its luck of the draw.  I lost 2 Tigers on the Left facing the Left,  The Soviets just bum rushed the open field and it was 4 to 2 and then the next minute another 2 tanks appeared, you can only shoot so fast, and at point blank range.. around 200m max it makes no difference.  The Panzerfaust teams were eliminated as the Tanks could see them in foxholes and destroyed them at range.


    Middle was more successful, however another Rush by the soviets overwhelmed the 2 HQ tanks, one was penetrated and the crew killed except for one, and My Hauptman Claus was a casualty... end of story so why even keep going.  The Two Tanks on the Left facning the road have a hell of time supporting the middle as they cant see a bloody thing through all the trees, and if the 2 left facing tanks fail.. their ass is in the wind.


    Right side.. again the T-34's on the reverse slope pick off HIDING Panzerfuast teams in a trench.. go figure they may have Infra-red technology.. and the fact they were in that tree line.  They died horribly which left 3 teams in the area.. they did ok but in the end all died...  They again Rushed with 5 T-34's and the Paks and Tigers killed them all but lost another Tiger..


    Thats about it...  its really in rough shape.  In making many scenarios myself, there is somewhat balance.  As a player you should NOT have to completely be gamey in your setup in order to achieve victory.. or in this case just bloody survive. 






    I did different deploy to get Total Victory.


    Place Tigers way back so you have woods near village, place 6 Tigers there 2 angled left and 4 angled right covering road at angle not face on...


    Move 4 Tigers to woods on right just across field, split two angled left and 2 T on to right so woods protect left flank of the Tigers.


    Infantry I left all set up as was designed.


    I then pulled infantry back to woods on far right and hid in the woods (two different woods areas)


    I pushed some infantry forward to MG posts (BTW I agreed re the comments about why a commander would not have a more forward line of defence).


    Yes very painful watching your inf die and I did lose lots but because they distracted T34's and AT guns whittled some down by time Tanks enter your LOS you have multiple shots and usually only 1 T34 at a time to take out. That way I managed to only lose two Tigers and all Soviet tanks destroyed as they came into LOS. The key is to not move the Tigers and get the Soviets buttoned moving into your LOS.


    So I think this mission can be won once you work out terrain and angles and how easily Tigers can die at hands of T34 85's.


    IMO I would just allow the German player a set up area from bunkers all way back, but then that might make it too easy... In that case reduce German forces by some (inf) and not have AT guns. I did not ask for AT stuff just more freedom to choose better deploy areas...


    I also think arty lasts too long and Soviets can run into it, I do not know the history so maybe there was that length and maybe Soviets did run into it as a calculated risk.. Just feels wrong IMO and I would opt for Shorter hits but work the different areas over..


    BTW does look very impressive so I do get feel of massive nasty Arty hit....

  2. The Russian Player will utterly destroy the German player (if the Russian Player is even slightly experienced).. if your talking about the First scenario, its hard just with the AI..   Spoiler Alert The Soviets outnumber the Germans 5-1 in tanks and about 1.3 to 1 in Infantry, but they have LOTS of Artillery.  I think you could re-create it and tone down some of the Artillery and maybe 3.5 to one in tanks to make it feasible in my opinion.


    I Agree I think with a half way decent Soviet player the Germans will be bum rushed and against the AI the Germans can win fairly easily once you know where to place and how AI works...

  3. OK, lost my WWW access at home due to switching to BT on Monday and them not connecting me properly... Back on line now..


    So just finished the 2nd Scenario and I was kicked out of campaign with a Draw overall after a Tactical Victory in 2nd Game.


    I basically stopped the Soviet advance on their side of river but did not push them back.


    I kept Aid Station and I lost Wounded due to them being in a truck hit by arty strike. They paniked and ran into the woods where arty fell for around 30 mins...


    So I guess that cost me lots of points and Soviets got Objective 1 - not that I can find what that was on map.


    I also lost two Tigers to the T34's. 1 was fair enough the other obtained a LOS that was not there for 15 mins and then popped open.. Ohh well..


    Feed Back and Spoilers...


    Arty fires too much and too long IMO and does not feel like would be used like that IRL. Also Soviet infantry again walks into their own arty..

    I would use arty in shorter burst and wider area as there was no LOS to areas for Soviets and if they did use arty IMO it would be map plotted which would be very general strike on key areas.

    Map looked great and offered some good choices.

    Set up areas OK and again give Germans some good choices.

    Always annoyed when I can not choose area for set up and then the designer hits your troops with Arty.. So did lose troops at rear as in woods, no fox holes and tree bursts.

    Forward infantry at Aid station I accepted losing platoon as it was my choice to place them there.

    A tad annoyed by loss of wounded and with all that arty if the player is unlucky looks like they will get booted from game through no bad choice of their own. You need to move wounded out, I guess I should have split them up, but I put all on 1st truck and used other trucks for other troops (HMG's) to get them for 2nd line of defence across river.

    The scenario did not really challenge me as my Tigers picked off T34's fairly easy and with my AT weapons I alos managed to break up tanks pretty easy.

    I would agree that having soviet foot infantry make an attack away from tanks would add more challenge.

  4. Quick update I have just finished my replay of the 1st scenario.

    Gained a total victory with the loss of 2 tigers. The AT guns helped, the one on far left very useful and survived the whole game. The other two took a couple of tanks between them.

    The tigers were lost to one shot kills and both were stationary with good los but T85 rolled into view and spotted 1st and destroyed them, got to love the spotting cycles. Even had one T85 take two close range 88mm hits / Penetration's survive and return fire while backing up. A third 88mm hit bounced off the turret! It was finally stopped by a zhreck!

    The key difference was where I placed my Tigers and withdrawal of a fair amount of infantry to the rear woods.

    Had a quick look at next map, looks great, hope to get some time to play this week.

  5. Raptorx7 Well perhaps I should pay them more attention, and if you can win the 1st scenario just with infantry my hats off to you.



    Dragonwynn, Some other comments after a few turns. When you have full squads you need more fox holes and you even have squads / HQ's without foxholes. This is again where it does not ring true IMO.


    Also just plonking some AT Guns down out in the open and not having fox holes is just a bit of waste and shows no care, if you want players to believe in it you need to pay it a bit more attention IMO.


    Yes you have given me a swathe of open land to choose some limited deployment but not places I wanted to re-deploy to. Like woods to rear and front.


    I will continue to give this a quick test to see how I do with slightly different set up. (Also not yet lost a Tiger to arty... although landing close...)

  6. Ok So just loaded it up and both bunkers are empty, so I better read the briefing as I had skimmed it... Not really a story man but I have to ask why would you go to the effort of constructing bunkers to leave them empty...


    They provide better protection vs Arty and you tell your men to hide in trenches...


    All I am going to do is re-occupy and yes they will die, but the whole infantry force in this scenario dies....


    You see that is where I am at slight odds with this scenario design is that it is all about the tanks and the infantry are mere 2nd bit actors...


    I get it for the basis of the campaign and I guess for this play through I am pretty much going to leave the infantry as is as to see how (if I can win) with minimal management of the infantry.

  7. Finished my 1st test of the 1st scenario and I got a Draw and was kicked from campaign...


    I Lost Claus Tank but he was fine, kept Village and I was down to 2 Tigers (made numerous mistakes as I have not played too much RT and learning how Tigers work with T85 at close range... (Badly...)
    I forced my way to finish the game and was pretty miffed with the whole thing.
    I see what you are trying to do but it felt like you are trying a tad too hard. I often see wargamers who do similar set ups on tables and they never get to finish the game, Less is More IMO.
    Some things I would suggest you change from my POV which of course might vary from others. (I guess some people will enjoy it...)


    The feeling I got from the game was that the infantry were mere speed bumps and I became really disengaged from the whole game and just wanted it to end. It just felt like a turkey shoot...


    I did learn more about Tigers and T85's and even at close range with 1st hits on T85's they could still hit back and wipe my Tigers out with one shot.


    If I played it again I now know where to position my force and how to play the AI but I am reluctant to put more time into this as it just did not do it for me.


    I do like challenges but I want to feel engaged and you want to craft the story with one big nasty batle at the end, not sledge the player to death at the start...


    I will ponder it some more and see if I can add any other thoughts....


    I would do as George suggest and down grade the Soviets.

    I would look to make Soviet and German force smaller and make the 1st scenario a smaller affair to draw people in rather than hit them with a sledge hammer from the start.

    I certainly would allow the player some choice to set up the defences as they wish. I felt like I had no control and all the infantry were not where I would have put them.


    The rockets killed more Soviet infantry than my forces and the AI plan needs tweaking to stop them from hitting the barrage. I felt that arty went on a tad too long.


    I also felt the forces were just too much and IRL it did not feel right having so much on the board, Maybe this is representative of real life, but it just did seem too much in too small an area?

  8. There is an argument that if Europe plays the long game any Russian threat will disappear when the current Russian economic policies come home to roost. So just because there is a perceived gap at the moment does not mean Europe has to play the Arms race /spend game others are playing.

  9. Informed people questioned the validity of massive defence spending when governments were not (and are still not) balancing their budgets. If you fail to do that situations like Greece occur. Of course the media is now softening the masses that more is needed to be spent on the military.

    But what cuts to other vital services have to be made?

  10. ******** Spoilers within *******


    Well we have finally finished this and Oppo requested CF at around 56 Min left mark so we have played well over 1 hour of the game.


    I enjopyed the challenge and ultimately I do not think the Bridge Issue affected the game for me, and actually I do not think it really affects it for the Germans.


    I really liked how ASL Vet created the opposing VP conditions and the Germans have different condditions than the Americans. So I think even with the bridge not allowing tanks across it does make for interesting game for both sides.


    Depending on how the Americans place their AT Guns and the speed of the German advance it could be better for the Germans that the Allies can not cross the river...


    So some key observations...


    1. The times noted for the Allied reinforcements are wrong by an hour. I do not know if that was deliberate or a mix up between 8 and 9? No real problem as often as a commander you do not know really when or if stuff will turn up. I was certainly watching the clock and preying for a slow German adavnce as I got my 1st lot of tanks before he had managed to escape my kill zone...


    2. There are several clear bottlenecks for the Germans and the Allied player has to really use those to slow down the advance.


    3. I was surprised and caught off guard and that really made the experience more fun. Because the map is so big as the Allied player you do not really know how close the Germans are to your setup. As I don't ever take designers at their word or breifing I assume the worse and scout out...

    So what I did at beggining is load up a couple of jeeps and head for the two bridges that the Germans can use (1 road and 1 foot bridge).. I reached the road Bridge and no Germans were there so pushed them on across the fields to observe quietly the main road. They gave me fantastic info on what was heading my way. 14 S***dig Pathers!! That scared the hell out of me as I had 4 AT Guns and some Zookas so I knew I was in for tough time.


    The Other Jeep took far edge apporach to foot bridge and a Zook recon team crossed the foot bridge. No Germans to be seen apart from vehicle contacts heading down road, so they crossed the bridge to see if they could take a tank out...


    So on the basius of that info I made wrong assumption that all German forces where using main bridge and moved up my units to a more forward defence line (German Farm House and other buildings).


    I was somewhat taken aback when my forces bumped into advance German Inf which had magically got across the river. This resulted in some of the best action of the game with fire fights in the mist. But I had been able to take key buildings and Bocage hedge line. If I had not taken this with 3 platoons (I jeeped one platoon in) I would have been steam rolled. These forward positions are essential to the Allied player and the large map and uncertain start positions created some great game play.


    This game play continued as my Oppo had not spotted me slipping the Zook team past and they managed to cause a bit of trouble before being taken out.


    Once I looked at German set up my Zook team were very lucky / unlucky to have arrived at the foot bridge after the mass of Germans had already crossed and took a different route X Country so we both missed seeing one another. Those sort of thinmgs rarely happen in CM and really added to the FOG of war and enjoyment of the scenario.


    Will post some more comments later as need to log off for she who must be obeyed....

  11. Update on Last Bridge at Son..


    We have finished the game and my Oppo CF'd around the 56 min mark (left in game).


    I think this is a game worth playing as H2H and I quite enjoyed the challenge as Allied player.


    Some reservations...


    1. The version in the base game has a bridge that Armour can not use, this does affect game play but not as much as I origionally thought (after seeing each sides VP requirements). So either get the version that has been updated with a tank capable brideg or be prepared for German tanks to stay on one side and Allied on the other. This depending on how the Allied player uses his tanks might swing it to the Germans advanatge.


    2. There is a key bridge that the Germans can use but we hit the Bridge Bug and the German player lost two vehicles stuck in the bridge. This p***ed of my oppo and took a lot of the shine off the game. Either wait for Bridge bug to be fixed or just be careful and accept the game limitations.


    3. The Game is 2 Hrs plus and the map is massive. I won't give any more away but there are limitations with this and some advantages. I will expound on a thread with spoilers...


    So I really enjoyed the challenge and I think for two players who know one another it is worth exploring.


    Right once my Oppo rests I will see if I can get him to play MG Green Hell... (that or when I get Fibre in 2 weeks I will be off to play CMBS and that looks like fun....)

  12. I have not tested this, but my own experience plus comments from others does suggest that trees do not provide much concealment from aircraft. They should, of course, but the point is that when playing scenarios with air support present I assume all units to be effectively out in the open at all times.

    Just looking to see if trees offer cover from planes and I seem to agree with Vanir as in the last scenario of the German campaign I hid my vehicles in trees and have stuff out in the open. Numerous times the trees have offered no protection. Vehicles under the trees were targeted instead of those out in the open.

    I was a tad surprised hence my search to see if it is a feature of the game that could be tweaked.

    BTW one of the staff runs was Soviet on Soviet when I still had plenty out in the open.

  13. Great news on the segmented downloads I used to have a 10gb cap! I have since switched ISP to an unlimited cap, but still don't get great d/l speeds. So this news from Steve is very welcome. Another example of them accepting they have an issue that they can help their customers with. I think now I have seen that I can go ahead and buy the game.

  14. Hi Myles,


    The way the business model works for CM and the other games (from what I understand, and happy to be corrected) is that any scenario's provided with the base game are pretty much designed by volunteers and playtested as best as possible before release. The play testing of a scenario is not ensured and is not part of the release process, so you don't necessarily get it fully played before the game or module is released. So I guess this just got missed or the players did not get to stage to push vehicles across the bridge.


    ASL Vet I think your ideas are good and I guess BFC have other things they want to focus on and it is a pity they have not responded.


    I had not thought through the patch process but I guess they now do the patch with everything in it so it would be possible to get scenarios updated and released with a patch. Another great idea.


    However, again I guess too much trouble for BFC so not going to happen.


    I am not really aufait with the editor but if someone did modify it and posted to the repository and placed a link in this thread then it might be good for some users, I guess maybe not all as you tend to only search things out when you spot an issue and by then it is too late.


    I will post a review of the scenario as is once we have reached a point where it has ended. It could still play well and be fun, just certain tactics I had planned I can not put into effect, but likewise the German player is also affected.


    As I said above it really is giving me a great challenge and I am hoping I can keep my defense up as more xx's get across the river bridge. (Not Canal Bridge).


    ASL Vet I am really enjoying the design so far and thank you for the work it took you to create it, more comments to follow when we finish.

  15. OK we are going to play on and see how it works out. It really puts the Kybosh on what I had planned and I am not sure what the German VP's are and how important it is for them to cross as we are playing double blind. My oppo is OK to continue so lets see what happens.


    Real pity that Bridges are such a PITA in the CM series, I do understand how hard it is to code but graphically watching the Panthers go over the bridges they can cross is not what I would call very smooth, with some very odd graphic moments.


    I wish I had understood what I had seen written about this game before we started so I could have made an edit. I had not really understood what the person was saying... Dohh!!

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