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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Looks like the AD did a good job if true? Hopefully it didn't disturb our friends in Ukraine?
  2. This chap is doing fairly decent videos trying to explain attacks and the context of them. His content on the incursion into Russia has been useful for me to understand exactly where the videos have been taken. His analysis is not military grade but by adding maps and context it is useful, to me anyway... Looks like Russia might have lost some long range bombers?
  3. I am hoping this will be the case and the Western Powers can't stop Ukraine from using home grown weapons doing whatever they wish.. In fact I think Macron might even be fully behind this now to end the war quickly... As I keep asking "ARE WE THERE YET!!!!" God do I hope so....
  4. Ok as we are talking about Elections PR Stunts this popped up and worth a read... https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/05/05/putins-human-rights-council-accidentally-posts-real-crimean-election-results-only-15-voted-for-annexation/amp/ The article is from May 2014. I know I know going back a bit but when did the war start... So for those thinking there was mass support for the annexation the actual figures don't back that up... Anyway all a moot point as any Russian election is just a PR attempt to dupe the world...
  5. This struck me at the start of the article.. So they make more from the crude and Ukraine is not targeting that production. Certainly Russia is going to see more fuel shortages for its internal market but it is not clear cut that the drone attacks will do enough to shut down the energy market for Russia. As the author says (he wrote article I guess before the 26th Jan) we will have to see how effective the repairs are. I am hoping they are not as effective as Ukraine was in recovering from the attacks on their power grid. It could be the smartest use of drones by Ukraine so far and perhaps have the biggest payback. (And Ukraine is already at genius level for use with the ships sunk...) Fingers Crossed...
  6. As a wise man has already mentioned we (all of us outside of the Kremlin) have no idea what the real turn out was... But we can clearly see that it wasn't an election. It was a PR exercise...
  7. False Flag... New HD web cam perfectly framed helo with broken window, fueled to make a bigger bang. Clearly not flown in ages... Done in day light, no easy to identify drone, could be anything that destroyed it. My money on a False Flag, let's see what else happens....
  8. Latest Perun video and nothing we don't know, Russian Arms Exports are in the toilet being flushed down the swanny... Quite a good analysis and some detail about the deals with India and China.
  9. BBC had a page on Macron and his volt face... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68575251
  10. This really helped me understand the Russian pyramid problem. Also touched on why Ukraine is protecting its younger generation from recruitment. Imo worth the 30 minutes watching as he explains the issues really well. Ties into Russian increase of invalids...
  11. For those interested in listening in on two world leaders talk about Ukraine before the war. More to follow....
  12. Hmmm unless they have a way to get it past the dogs in the manger they could promise anything and it ain't going?
  13. It could be that to protect the bridge they need the ships out patrolling... Who wants to bet that Ukraine has more Drones than Russia has ships...
  14. Well then I suggest that those Germans who are reading this, and want Ukraine to be supported get involved and get in touch with their elected representative.
  15. Yep Jon has a very dry sense of humour. It is the same level of Joke that with Leopards earlier the war would be already be over... We are where we are. Hindsight and rewritten history is inevitable, humans being human. Doesn't mean that there shouldn't be pushback on those spinning a message so it does have to be countered.
  16. Yep... Hindsight a wonderful thing.... As if we even knew Russia WAS going to invade... Going forward Europe is showing every intention of upping it's support despite some folk saying otherwise... Ukraine is NOT out of the fight and if it addresses some weaknesses it will certainly stay in the fight longer than Russia has...
  17. Capt, Simple answers is all people want... Make peace - Simple problem solved Send more tanks - Simple problem solved Capt keep up the good work - it ain't simple...
  18. There we go with simple answers and simple statements.... How would the logistics worked with all those tanks? You do know the tip of the spear needs a decent length of well crafted wood behind it to make it effective. Look Steve earlier has as ever given a far more detailed effective response. Sure there could have been things we should have done sooner and more effective. Sure Germany could have stepped up sooner. It would certainly have helped but there were / no easy answers, hindsight is easy...
  19. Could have been worse than where we are now as Ukraine would have had to take more troops off the front line to learn and integrate an influx of equipment. You clearly forget the discussions at the time that we needed to send soviet era kit as easily used by Ukraine. We could not just dump modern kit into Ukraine and expect it to be used effectively. People want easy answers. This war isn't easy and there is no magic wand. Sure we need to better upgrade Ukrainian military forces, but that ain't easy...
  20. Perun does a bit of a deep dive on Arty towards the end of the video.
  21. It will be interesting to see what options that opens for Ukraine. It could be more Russian planes shot down if they still want to risk flying without an eye in the sky to watch over them. I am hoping it opens a vulnerability that Ukraine ready to exploit.
  22. Hmmmm I think you need a new set of eyes... What I see is Ukraine still fighting and doing immense damage to Russia be it loss of men, hardware or industrial machines. As long as Ukraine has the will and resources to continue doing this Russia will never "win". Just look at Afghanistan for an example where the will to continue fighting has out stayed the ability of those attempting to change the country. Why is that model not possible for Ukraine?
  23. Hmmm now you have finally admitted it is possible, your previous statement said absolutely impossible. No one is saying it's easy, but you said it is impossible yet Ukrainian forces are proving you wrong. So why were you wrong? Let's see if and when Russia removes the bridgehead. If it was that easy Russia would have done so already. If it was that well fortified Ukrainian forces would have failed to establish a bridgehead.
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