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Posts posted by Holien

  1. As ever a lovely report and some good views of the situation.

    If you can get his tanks to button you buy your Stug a bit more time but my guess he will be lucky to nail 2 tanks before he brews.

    But of course all depends on Ian and how he handles his armour...


    Watching this thread might encourage me to return to the CM fold and actually play again...

    Thanks for your work in doing this..

  2. BTW who knows what the crew were trying to do, but for the kid he saw men trying to avoid him, so in his mind hero's.

    Either way war is about people dying and good to remember them, half term up in Sheffield so hopefully plenty of kids saw the planes and hopefully we're explained why they were there...

  3. If you have been watching the news coverage then you should know why the fly by happened.


    For those who don't...

    A school kid in Sheffield saw the plane crash. He was in a public park where the plane might have been able to land, but they saw him so avoided it to try and find somewhere else. The kid saw the faces of the men and has blamed himself ever since for the deaths.

    That kid stayed in Sheffield and is now an old man and visits the memorial at the crash site everyday talks to the crew and tends the memorial.

    A BBC sports presenter lives in Sheffield and walks in the park saw the man doing this and eventually got chatting to him and found out the story.

    He mentioned it on BBC news one morning and a social media campaign kicked off to get a fly by on the anniversary. Not just for those men but for all the aircrews that died. The US aircrew stated as much on TV.

    A good news story showing how people care about those who died during the war.

    This to me was clear from the coverage I watched...

  4. 1 hour ago, sburke said:

     It isn’t exactly a huge effort and to your point the cost of not doing it is severe. I would have thought most people on this planet could understand by now that recycling is actually a smart thing to be doing. 

    Obviously not for some folks



    We are in effect sh*tting on our own doorstep and the amount of plastic waste polluting our water is staggering.


    But hey ho it is all down to a liberal conspiracy to stop big business making profits and declining living standards, the recent change in leadership in America has not helped...


    As for less collections that is down to reduced tax return due to the world economic crisis that is still hitting the UK public spending purse as tax has not increased and so councils under pressure to make savings while still trying to keep recycling rates up.

    Target is to hit 50% by 2020 at 43% we are close but still put a third of our waste in the ground, compared to America 54%...

    Back on topic I checked my credit cards, not been compromised, but then I did not buy anything off Battlefront recently... (Not that it is relevant...)


  5. 3 hours ago, Erwin said:

    They have now reduced delivery to every 4th Thursday to save costs...

    Seriously, the London councils used to pick up garbage from one bin every week.  Then the EU rules came in and everyone had to have three of four large different colored bins, one for recycled materials, one for organic, another for plastic or something else I couldn't even figure for what etc.  If you know London, hardly anyone has a large front garden area so now the fronts of all houses are degraded and made ugly with these huge ugly bins.  And then pick up was reduced to alternate weeks, so one has rotting garbage sitting by one's front door for 2 weeks.  And I think last time I was in London they were planning on reducing pick up schedules even further...  :o

    Talk about declining living standards...

    It's called recycling and saving the planet, something that America (and other countries) might want to adopt...

    Nothing to do with declining living standards!!!

  6. 18 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    Beta testing is a tough job, especially when the only beta testers are unpaid volunteers.  With that said, whoever is designing the tests or testing plans for the beta testers missed a big one on the Marine campaign.  The whole point of beta testing is to judge performance on multiple setups and configurations.  If everyone is testing on the same set up, you're missing the point of a beta test.  There is no way that tests should all be preformed on systems that have all the products.

    Ha you assume there are test plans...


    It is what it is and I am looking forward to the major patch and then I might find my mojo to play some more, but like others I have had quite some time not playing, waiting for the patch...

    I hope SF2 keeps them afloat to do some more in 2019...

    Now to get dressed and see if Santa has been here...

    Happy Christmas

  7. Haiduk thanks for the continued updates it is very clear what happened and as usual the story of liesis just a media misinformation attempt to put a fig leaf over it.

    A pity that Europe is not closer to be able to help stop bullies grabbing terrority.

    Hobo I agree it is very clear what Russia is doing and at some point they will go too far.

    The small people will suffer for the choices made by dictators.

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