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Posts posted by Holien

  1. Well today I started to get email notifications about waiting turns. Nearly a week to fix the issue for everyone as server was down. No one was getting notified that turns were waiting. 

    The designer "RBS" of the game was / is on the ball and chased the issue and responded on the forum, so much kudos to him. But I don't think Steve or Charles would or should be doing the same for basic support stuff that Slitherine tech support should have a team on it. Imo.

    I had no email response to my request for help, not even an automated yes we got your request. Poor customer service imo

    I do hope support issues are discussed when pbem++ integration go live is planned.


  2. Just finished this mission and good to get my teeth into as a gentle (if painful) learning lesson that M60's are no Uber Tank...

    Lost 3 Tanks and a TOW M150. Although the M150 was something I could not avoid...

    I watched the beautiful sight of three Red Eyes streak upwards and converge, then a few moments later the not so beautiful Brrrrpppp as some rounds came back into the open top of my newly arrived M150 to devastating effect.

    The Ying and the Yang...

    For me I just get a big kick out of seeing the Red Eye Missiles streak upwards, like a little kid, yea!!!

    Anyway still got a total victory despite my Piss Poor  management of my armour and the loss of three tanks.

    Good lesson not to engage the Soviets at range as they seemed to pick me off and my AT missiles went high, short and when they did hit leave dents in those nasty T72 turrets!!!

    Did not get any Dragon action so will be learning about those in another scenario.

    Thanks for the Scenario MikeyD good job!!! Just think how many folk you are annoying and pleasing at the same time!!!



  3. On 5/3/2021 at 5:04 PM, Redwolf said:

    Matrix' webmaster has been a weak link for a long time...

    Well I think that statement is being shown to be true.

    I sent an email to their support address on Saturday still no response and according to RBS they are not UK based. RBS sent them an email and has had no response, the email notifications are still not being sent. This is not imo acceptable in this day and age. I have not even had an automated message saying we are looking into it. An automated response is simple to implement to help improve customer satisfaction. 

    I finished my first paired game yesterday and I would note some possible areas we would need to test for CM titles.

    1. No ability to replay a turn after watching it. In truth that might be an issue with FOG2 game design, but one to check when this is implemented for CM. I am now investigating how I can record video of each turn...

    2. If you don't play for I think 3 weeks the server will delete your game and you lose it as you have no access to save the files locally to restore at later date.

    3. You don't get access to files so that might cause issues? 

    4. Not easy to find and contact who you are playing. I had not realised the games were ending as I had met the vp conditions so had not used the chat feature to thank my oppo, I spent quite a bit of time trying to find my oppo on their forum to send an apology and it was not simple. I did it but not smooth. 

    Just some observations that might prove useful for those talking to Slitherine about PBEM implementation. 

  4. Just played that tiny mission to get my head into the game i thought it was Soviets vs AI but too easy and guessing I need to play as Americans. 

    Nice scenario to ease you in...

    Would like to know about binoculars, as an aside my Grandad bought a decent set from I think Bulgaria on a holiday in the 50's he used them at Doncaster race course to fuel his gambling by betting on the horses. Maybe rather than give them to the soldiers they were being sold to gain foreign currency? 

  5. Well in the interest of testing the system I am currently engaged in several pbem battles using FOG2 and it is working well, apart from their email server to let you know you have a turn waiting seems to be down according to Richard Bodley Scott the author of FOG. This seems a bit poor as when a service stops running the support team should know about it pretty quickly. UK bank holiday seems to be delaying a reboot since Saturday. They should have Elvis on their team...

    Anyway apart from not knowing a turn is waiting for me it is working well. Dead easy to post a challenge. My challenges were picked up by opponents really quickly. 

    You get a basic chat feature but no real information on your opponents. You can of course do a closed challenge and only the person knowing the password will be able to accept it. 

    Now to turn pc back on to see if I have a turn waiting....

  6. 9 hours ago, StieliAlpha said:

    Interesting, that must have been because of Able Archer 83. The exercise was held in November 83 and raised the tensions quite much. Though I don‘t remember much of it. Those were my early University days and I had quite a hard time, trying to get up to learning speed.

    Looking back, I never felt very threatened in the 70‘s and 80‘s. Even 15 years further back in primary school, we had no „duck and cover“ lessons.

    What I do remember, is that the military presence in Germany was quite high in general. There was rarely a day without seeing Phantoms in the sky or some trucks and tanks on the roads. But then, I grew up in a garrison town. That explains the tanks on the roads and the Brits in the shopping streets.

    And of course, I remember endless political discussions on a high level between us students and people in general.  Normally well informed,much more involved, but also cooler and more pragmatic than what we hear and see nowadays.

    Not seen this TV series mentioned but it is very good to give non Germans an insight into some of the period politics. 


    I really enjoyed it and a useful insight to some East vs West German dynamics. 

    YMMV but worth hunting out Imo. 

  7. 23 hours ago, Double Deuce said:

    These AAR threads have me so stoked for this game, moreso than any previous CM title. It can't get released soon enough.  🤑

    Me too.

    Not sure if it has been lock down contributing but I certainly have a hankering for this period and really never thought I would see it come to fruition. So what a good surprise and the AAR has really given us a great insight to the game with two well matched opponents.

    They will no doubt keep one another happy in the care home of their choice, playing on the local LAN.

    I am glad Steve and Charles were persuaded to do this before they sail off into the sunset, which they will do at some stage... (as we all will...) 

  8. 4 hours ago, The_Capt said:

    So based on observation, I am seeing quite a few "likes" (thank you btw) but few comments, which tells me that I am probably telling you all something that Bil has already posted.  So for fear of getting left behind in the narrative I am just going to pull you all the way to where we are as of today.

    Well you are now ahead of Bil in commentary and he is certainly playing catch up.

    As for comments I try not to say anything as I could let slip clues as to what we know and you don't.


    But I think you will see that folk were in your corner when you read the Peanut Gallery thread...

    Before I just saw this latest post my guess was a draw... 

    Looking forward to Bil's take on the last few turns...

  9. Hmmm I wonder if this quote is Bil getting his force into position A0?


    Seriously, we are quite a few turns ahead as of writing this and he spends the next ten minute pounding the same  peice of real-estate, that basically has a single squad and MG team trapped in it.

    Good update from the Capt but it could be getting worse for him if A0 is occupied by Bil?

    Still digging infantry from an Urban area is tough so could still be a draw in games terms?

    April is nearly upon us and I looking forward to getting my hair cut and playing this game... (For our American friends we have been in lock down and barbers closed since January?)

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