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Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I agree about the "cosmetic only" mods. Sometimes I think too many gameplay mods ruin games in the end... making it harder to find a multiplay game that has the same mod'ing as you. With CM, we can customize the hell out of it, and it only effects us. Also, gameplay mods would possibly start to skew the realism of the game...
  2. I agree about the options screen... would have been nice. However, BESIDES resolution, you can tweak all your other graphics options instantly with hotkeys. Game AI will never be as good as a human opponent (at least for many years.) In general, I think the AI in CM is pretty good. However, like any AI, it's a LOT better on defense. Since you are only playing Germans, you are probably playing the defensive role most of the time. Defense is a bit easier to play (in my opinion) and offense is DEFINATELY harder for the game AI to play... So, these factors are probably what account for your devastating victories. I highly suggest tweaking the computer opponents stats up a bit if you are finding it too easy... look at it this way, by doing so, you are not so much shooting yourself in the foot as making it "fairer" for the PC, who cannot plot and plan as well.
  3. I'd also like to see the HULL DOWN bug fixed quickly. As it is, it counts against the great realism of the game that I love.
  4. Any other newbies that have yet to play the Saving Private Ryan scenario, I highly recommend it! Played it today and had a HUGE blast of a time!
  5. I d/loaded the Gunslinger MODS and had some major slowdown when the Tigers in the Private Ryan scenario entered the scene... I went back to the MadDog MODS, and then ran down MadMatt's Mod list (newly updated) and grabbed what I wanted in the order he had listed... I'm still d/loading, so I have yet to see what it all does to my system... I think my mistake may have been grabbing Velvet Grass this time, I'm worried it's gonna crunch my in framerate. Also, I unfortunately forgot to b-up my BMP folder this time around... If I need to restart, do I just drag and drop the bmp folder from the CD?
  6. I kind of wish it was only going to be an upgrade too. I know there are a lot of "graphics hounds" out there that would disagree... It would be really sweet if we had the core game, and then add-on packs with other areas and countries and years of the war. It would be quicker for them (the time to make upgrades and changes v.s. the time to make a new game). Ultimately it would probably make more money (add-ons would be cheaper than a new game, but if there were several it should eventually amaount to more than the price of a new game) It would keep us with mid-level systems able to play all the "games". Finally, in the end it would give us one frigging huge game! Yes, I was disappointed at my first sight of a CM2 thread... Just my opinion. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 09-08-2000).]
  7. Cool! That's a good plan! I hope they can do it. I keep remembering all those war quotes about plans not lasting...
  8. What .zip file will the new smoke be in... and is it transparent smoke, or Voodoo 2 smoke? Also (stupid question alert) I assume that we can pick and choose which of the d/loads to install? Thanks for all the work man! EDIT: OMG! I just realized you said you were doing all this with a 56K! I guess I won't complain about d/load time! [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 09-08-2000).]
  9. I'm new here too, so I just wanted to say welcome to another newbie!
  10. WOW! Thanks guys for your tons of great suggestions! I'll be renting A BRIDGE TOO FAR this weekend... and as for books, I think I will look up some of those personal account books. Seems like they would definately be a great read. Thanks again!
  11. You ABSOLUTELY must grab the MadDog MODS 1 & 2!!! They are just awesome. Just some advice from one newbie to another!
  12. I'm ready Commissar... at least I managed to play the Tutorial to a draw... Bring it on!!!!
  13. Thanks guys! And now that I think about it, I guess I am more interested in Factual books than in pure fiction stories. I'll check out the movie post! Thanks!
  14. My copy of CM finally (well, ok, it DID only take 3 business days) arrived yesterday. WOW! Anyone who is still playing the demo needs to just pony up the cash and grab this game! I'm grabbing the 2 mod packs now, and grabbed all of Wild Bill's scenarios last night. I think it's GREAT that guys who helped with the game's creation are still giving us great new stuff! Thanks guys! Now then, when I get into a game as much as I am into CM, I like to read books on the topic and rent a few good movies... to make it a learning experience. I plan on renting my favorite, Guns Of Navarone... but besides that, I have no ideas. Can I get some book (fact or fiction) and movie ideas from you guys? Thanks in advance!
  15. WOW! Multiple level sucking! Now there's a feature to eagerly anticipate!
  16. Schrullenhaft, I'll admit that I am not sure what "programming" went into the smoke on other games... but I do know it is D3D (DX7) smoke, because at the moment I own no Glide or OpenGL games. As one example, in the game SHOGUN, when my little units fire their "muskets", I can see some sweet looking transparent black smoke rising and drifting along the battlefield. Colonel_Deadmarsh, Glad to help! ---------------------------------------- Mr. Clark, Samurai for the Voodoo 2
  17. I know what you mean Colin. Everything else in the entire game seems to work fine (and once again I'm only speaking from the demo... as the valiant US postal service strives to deliver my full game on Tuesday) so I don't understand the smoke thing either... That's all I'm asking... why? If I know, then I can stop obsessing about it and get on fighting the war. The quick smoke and standard explosions don't even bother me... I just NEED to know man!!!
  18. Yes, from my extensive use of the search button I have found that if you have a VOODOO 3 you are in luck... simply go grab the LATEST drivers and DX 7 and you are good to go. Now, for us Voodoo 2 people, there is apparently no fix yet to the squared smoke graphics except to use fast smoke mode. Like I said before, I love the game and am not crying about one little thing... but I just want to understand why this is un-fixable when my Voodoo 2 can run transparent smoke in the other games I own. I know Voodoo 2 is an outdated card, but it suits my gaming needs... besides, that's not really the point. I can accept the blocky smoke, I just want to know why it's being called un-fixable. Really, I'm not trying to be un-pleasant.
  19. Being completely new here... and a Voodoo 2 12MB user, I have performed detailed searches on the topic. BTS does say that there is NOTHING they can do about the problem... I find this hard to believe, considering transparent smoke and explosions work well in all my other games. So, let me first say that I'm not crying or complaining... I love the game (well, the demo, my game is one the way), but I would at least like to see an ATTEMPT at getting the smoke to work on the Voodoo 2! Pleeeease?
  20. I'm brand spanking new here... and I ALREADY can see that this forum would be nothing w/o the die hard fans that seem to be collected here. I can also tell that the game itself has benefitted from the likes of you guys. Please, do yourself, the community, and the game a favor and skip posts that looks disturbing to you, and simply enjoy your time online. All Forums get a fare share of whackos, and I know some of them can be horribly upsetting, but it's not worth it to let them bother you. In the end, they are simply the losers they appear to be, with no bearing on anything in your life. In the few short days I've been checking this forum, (my game has not even arrived yet) I have received friendly help to every one of my newbie questions. I have also learned a ton of great stuff about the game and the era. Whackos NEVER stick around long. If you must, just take a break and return, they'll be long gone.
  21. I finally found my way to the D/loads I wanted and grabbed Wild Bill's New mission and the Saving Private Ryan mission. Since I do not yet have the game in my hands, I wanted to know if the SPR mssion (created for v 1.1) is compatible with the 1.5 patch version? Thanks!
  22. It's possible I am simply an idiot, but I cannot find the top ten d/loads list or the 2 scenarios I'm looking for anywhere on the site. Might someone draw me a map?
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