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Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I do indeed believe you know of the scenario I'm talking about, as firing smoke across the river is exactly what I planned on doing, and is exactly what the scenario intro spells out. He he... I suppose this made the frustration and shock all that more appalling when it happened. In general, I do need to say that I LOVE Wild Bill's scenarios. I just have issues with "very beginning of first turn" engagements.
  2. Yes, luckily this is a scenario design issue, and not a CM issue. I simply quit any scenario in which the first turn is unrealistically devastating before my units get a chance to swivel. I have nothing against a good old ambush or sneak attack. I'm only talking about first turn annihilations by units that should have been spotted BEFORE you placed your first turn orders. ALSO, let me note that this DOES NOT apply to PBeM games of mine, as I usually play Quick Battles or scenarios that my opponent and myself have played before (single play) and of course both agree upon. (I'm one of the few people who does not like to play PBeM games in an unfamiliar scenario... simply because I have no idea if I'm being screwed by an unbalanced game or not.) [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-03-2001).]
  3. Hmmmmm... this actually touches on something I have a problem with. You see, I prefer that opponents begin out of range, out of sight of each other. Take a scenario we all know, CHANCE ENCOUNTER. You get at LEAST one turn, usually 3 before enemy contact. Now, the other day I fired up one of the bridge defending, river crossing scenarios that come w/ the game (NAME withheld to avoid spoiler). Units were pretty much locked in place, so setup was easy... just hit GO. First turn, seeing NO ENEMIES on the map, I spent freaking forever coming up with a plan and then entering in all my movement orders. HIT GO. Immediately, my tanks start brewing up from enemy tanks located on an open street (straight, easy shot) directly to the side of one of my main forces. These tanks are located almost AMONG my second force. I'm having trouble wording this post, so I know it sounds like whining, but all I'm trying to say is where is the fun and fairness of having your entire tank force brewed up the first seconds of the first turn by a VERY CLOSE enemy flanking force that you had no reason to expect or prepare for. In fact I could not prepare for it, because setup was locked. All I'm saying is that I MUCH prefer scenarios that give you a one turn breathing space before contact.
  4. Actually, we've found that a number of us like a good FPS now and then! Tribes anyone??? It's bargain bin fun for a little CM forum slaughter.
  5. Here Here Loki. I'm not really in what you would call the high end income bracket... $50 for a game HURTS! I'm tired as hell of spending $50 on a piece of trash. Here's hoping that we are seeing the game market in an upswing of quality. CM, Tribes, Rainbow 6, UT, Shogun, Starcraft, Goldeneye (for N64), and DOA2 (for PS2)... those are the best game money I have ever spent. CM the best of all, with Tribes a close second. (There was just something about the huge maps in Tribes... nothing like standing gaurd of your base, in an arctic wasteland, watching the horizon for enemies, waiting for the autoturrets to start firing, and preparing for battle... sigh...)
  6. Steve, I agree with your comments on the subject. Might I ask what FPS you enjoy? Also, I'd like to add that for role-playing games and wargames, I MUCH prefer a turn based style, rather than the real time thing. I like the options and time that turn based games allow. More all around depth in my opinion. That said, a game like Rogue Spear, while a tactical game, is GREAT in real time, thanks to the ability to easily control your squad, and the FPS viewpoint that places you right in the action, rather than a "click fest." When it comes to FPS games, I think depth and OPTIONS are the key. Just shooting at things the same way over and over is gonna get old for just about anybody, no matter how pretty the game is. (EDIT: I guess this could really be said for any game type though... I personally found THE SIMS to get old fast, for me, due to repetitive gameplay. Once again, just my opinion) [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-02-2001).]
  7. Damn... NWN looks great too. Now I just wish that the two were combined! I REALLY like the idea of PoR's turn based gameplay (allows more options and feels more like tabletop roleplaying), while NWN's online "worlds" are a great idea! (I just hope they work! I've heard bad things so far about Starfleet Command 2's online campaign "worlds" that were supposed to work in a similiar fashion) Thanks for the links! BTW, anyone else out there with a Playstation 2? I'd like to meet someone else with the system before the online capabilities are implemented. (Sorry for mentioning Playstation 2 here... please hold back that arty fire... I know wargames and console systems have never mixed well.)
  8. Um... I honestly CANNOT imagine you being disappointed. Especially if you are a serious wargamer as you say. There are TONS of hard-core grognards here, loving this game. BUT, you may as well do yourself a favor and d/load the DEMO. That way you'll KNOW you want to buy the game. Also, let me be the first to welcome you to the "we are insane about CM" community... I know you'll be joining us soon... (YES! It's REALLY as good as they say... even better!... Shhhh!)
  9. WOW Max! Thanks for that link! I had not heard of that D&D game... but it looks and sounds AMAZING! Plus, it has a random dungeon and quest generator... adding to replay (hopefully like CM's QB's). As long as it will work on my system, you sold me! Is it going to have any online capability?
  10. Personally I really LIKE FPS games. I'm not much for the standard Q3 deathmatch type game, but give me a good engine and a cap the flag option and I'm there. I'm looking forward to seeing the stuff that will be coming out for the PS2. They are making some innovations in the FPS market in the games coming out this year... everything from RPG elements (ala Deus ex) to a game where EVERYTHING takes damage (Red Faction. The game will also have vehicles to drive and rocket launchers with heat scopes... to see and kill enemies behind walls.) The World is Not Enough is supposedly gonna be a FPS that you can solve w/o taking a shot (via the stealth system, and the "use-able background objects" system) I'll play any game thats fun. The thing I DO NOT enjoy about the FPS genre is some of the fan bases and clans. I've had far too many otherwise good games ruined by an entire clan joining one team, no matter how uneven it makes the teams, and then being completely insulting as they mop the floor with your far outnumbered team. Just my opinions...
  11. How about a "Tie-Dyed" funky 60's Volks-mobile? You also need the Beach bunny and bodybuilder troop mod for your scenario.
  12. Sadly, if I remember correctly, the BMP for the tracers can't be changed. I just recieved this link yesterday from some kind people: http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/bmplist.htm
  13. Okay, here is the link for the gray Kubelwagen, if anyone wants it: http://home.att.net/~ronin115/clarkkubel.zip I added Weber's bottle of champagne to the rear seat, and some road dust to the front, sides, fenders, and rear. EDIT: oh yeah, added German cross to side of vehicle. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-02-2001).]
  14. Vanir, I hear four cameramen were lost in the attempt.
  15. I'm going to add some dust and dirt to the fenders and lower extremeties, and then I'll post a link in this thread for d/loading if anyone really wants it. (I've already "scuffed" up the fenders a bit) Pvt. Ryan seems to have uncovered the truth about Weber and Fritz, as Fritz did not report for duty this morning and empty champagne bottles litter the back seat of Webers new Kubelwagen...
  16. The only time I've perhaps "misused" crews is in my last PBeM game, where I kept them popping up in different locales to make my troop count appear higher than it was. The tactic worked in faking out my opponent, but I ultimately lost anyway... A crew rush seems really gamey, but should be easily defeated. I'd rather see crews able to realistically take a self defense shot, than be COMPLETELY useless after diving out. Why model them at all if they are going to be absolutely useless?
  17. Thanks Manx. If I practice on anything else, it'll be the jeep, and other lesser vehicles.
  18. Heh... actually I noticed that while spending what seemed like hours attempting to get these pics to work. I'll probably do that now... Or in the morning...
  19. Hopefully they saved all this stuff for the Band of Brothers mini-series.
  20. HAving seen maaaany gray Kubelwagens in movies and model/toy format, I wanted one. I also wanted to say I had once attempted a MOD for CM. The result... the gray kubelwagen. Besides coloring, the only real additions are that the headlamps are now "attached" to the sides of the car, rather than stuck on the fenders in a flat, unsee-able way. Also, the rear hatch and side doors were made a bit more detailed. (in my unique, new to MOD'ing way) I now have a lot of respect for MOD'ers... what a pain in ze buttocks! Weber notices a bullethole in the windshield of his shiny new Kubelwagen... Weber waits for his passenger to "drain the weasel." Weber gets plenty of time to examine his new headlamps while waiting for a drunkard to get out of his way... Weber decides to take a roadside nap on a lazy summer afternoon... [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-02-2001).]
  21. Sounds really interesting! I LOVE movie trivia like that! Sounds just like Spielberg too... the man who wanted his Jurassic Park Raptors LARGER, even though it would (at the time) make them unrealistic.
  22. Does anyone know what #'s are the Kublewagen bmps? I want to try my hand at mod'ing, and I want to start with the likes of kubel's, jeeps, etc...
  23. Uh, thanks guys! Idiot me did not realize that explosions came with b24. I'm just gonna install them again to be sure sure sure that I have the correct/best ones.
  24. Right. I have heard no official confirmation of that either. Besides, if it basically LOOKS like a Tiger, who cares if it's a modified VW bug? EDIT: Max and I are agreeing on a surprising amount of things lately. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-01-2001).]
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