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Posts posted by GAZ NZ

  1. Getting back into topic lol

    Me bad

    My comment re different calibres also relates to the penetration of small arms rounds through terrain and buildings.

    So at closer ranges AK rounds would dominate going thru walls and stuff. US 5.56 rounds penetrate less have less kinetic damage but they can carry more rounds.

    Any one know how the damage model for buildings works or will work?

  2. I was going on the list provided of equipment to be in game. I thought russian eqiupment was limited.

    I shot F Class in New Zealand shooting out 1000 yards

    in our nationals placing 3rd a few years back.

    That was .308.

    .338 is very dominating but expensive to use unless you are reloading.

    The US sniper rifles would dominate range and acvuracy wise.

    Im unsure if Russian rifles would use match loads or better loaded rounds (unlikely). So there accuracy would likely suffer out past 400 yards.

    But In a long protracted war logistics and supply would be important. Russia has guns all firing similar rounds so makes supply easier.

    Long range sniper domination may also be restricted to open areas with more dense fighting areas ( cities and urban areas ) making the superior range obsolute. So SVDs could be designed with this in mind - being used in russia.

    I recommend watching on u tube NutnFancys Ar15 vs ak47 vids and comparison vid.

    Both have there pros and cons.

    I shoot an AR 15 myself as well.

    And have owned an Ak and SKS.

    General comments ive heard from overseas vets is

    .308 recommended for fighting due to range and general capability. This was coming from fighting in Middle east.

    Russia is a whole new terrain and ive only read european ww2 sniper memoirs and modern mid east stuff.

    Not sure how it would all pan out.

  3. Interesting.

    I thought the strike eagles were retired?

    The Russians have been recently upgrading there siberian and other remote bases recently.

    While there may be a strike on these in a war they would be limited and no ground assault in these areas.

    Future wars are all going to based over water or other resources. So any scenario is possible.

    Full invasion of russia though might be pushing it lol.

  4. The couple guys that suggested we have a more-or-less "unlock" approach will be happy to know that we have already taken steps to make this happen. I can't say when it will come about, but it is our plan to do it at as soon as we can. We have already made a major technology shift to support this behavior.

    For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about...

    All CM players of a specific Family get access to all CM content for that Family, whether they've paid for it or not. If they have not paid for it they can use the content in H2H games with other people who have purchased the content. This can be done for QuickBattle games or scenarios made in the Editor. Players who have not purchased specific content will not have it available in single player mode or against other players who haven't purchased the content.


    Thanks Steve

    Will make the games alot more PBM friendly

    You have beaten me to the punch

    I cannot say BTS please fix it or somefink lol

    Well done

    Happy to pay $20 for the expansion once my PBMs are finished.

    I appreciate the time it takes to do this.

  5. I think its great they released this, price is no issue but its the disruption to pbm games that puts me off.

    Im not making multiple instances of the game to run different versions.

    A more logical soultion needs to be put in place.

    Unlock units as people pay to use them.

    Means your opponent can play the pbm with out being effected.

    This effects alot of players and the game is PBM based.

  6. I agree all vehicles should be coded in game and patches released. So all games are patched and uptodate.

    If you want to play with units pay extra to unlock.

    Atleast it would mean your opponent is not restricted in using these if they pay for them.

    Makes sense also as the current format is disruptive to PBM games and with all the games im playing id rather not patch.

    Id like to know the fixes in this patch also.

  7. Great news with the game coming out in a few months time :)

    A quick question to Steve and the crew.

    If there are issues regarding storyline why not release units from world wide forces. Add a mission editor and let the community make missions.

    I play Armed Assault 3 and its community lead.

    Missions and campaigns are made by the community.

    One interesting point was Chinese forces.

    In Arma2 chinese force modders were asked to stop there mod and pressure was put on the forums and hosting web sites to shut it down.

    They did not appreciate the very realistic design,modding and use of there units in game.

    They took it very seriously.

    I wonder if the team could make a Chinese army to use without recieving cease warnings from there Govt.

    With all the world wide conflicts you could have any potential conflict going on.

  8. Hi There

    A few questions on CMSF upgrades

    When are insurgents getting Mortars as they frequently use these.

    They should be a visible option as opposed to off table support like u are doing with the brits

    Is this a patch or do we have to buy this as part of an insurgent package?

    When are u adding in forces like China or Russia?

    and or new terrain.


    and keep up the good work

  9. The hit was done obvioulsy by special forces - sepcial ops with special penetrating bullets and silenced weapons to create instability here among other things.

    I ask 2 questions

    1. Who has the most to gain from these hits?

    2 Or who wants something to happen in this country and the world can focus on them as opposed to something else that is in the limelight.

    Its a shame in this day and age people just cant get along and all be friends.

    Why all the killing?

    We are all brothers no matter what your religion is. Peace

  10. Just as a note Armed Assault will be so heavily modified by the community in a few months like the original Flashpoint ended up it will not be the same as the original game. Standard units will be made completely different to real life specs.

    AA also features real ballistics.

    Similar to this new battlefront game id imagine considering how accurate battlefront are with real life ballistics.

    But yes its difficut to try and compare the two - two different types of game.

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