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Posts posted by GAZ NZ

  1. At the end of the day, if one chooses to use that as a tactic with the equipment he buys good on him/her.

    Smoking areas i think reduce LOS (actually i havent checked this;hmm interesting) and deny the enemy that area as cover.

    Its all ligit to me.

    In war anything goes and if u are one to moan about this and that.

    BOO HOO to you. LOL

    If someone really wnats to be an arsonist go for it. Burn those fields, i dont care as long as me guys ant in em.

    Im not the one wasting my time flaming everything and flamers ant cheap.

    And we all know what gets targeted by our artillery and guns very quickly.

    Yes u guessed it flamers and exposed wasps etc.

    Personally im sick of hearing about 'gamey' things.

    Using different items in different ways is fun and different.

    Get the most out of CM!!!!!

    You get the most out of your game and more punch for that dollar that u spent buying the product.

    And as for complaining about opponents who use 'gamey' tactics.

    If u dont like there way of doing things dont play with em.

    There are many opponents around who see the game differently.

    Try them all!

    I mean if me mate were to play flamer boy everygame id tell him hes a wanker for having no variation.

    As it would seem a boring repeditive tactic to me with lack of tactical variation and not 'gamey'.

    But every game we all ways do somefink different. Too keep the other player guessing. SO im not going to get bored i guess LOL.

    But yeah summing up BURN BABY BURN !.

    Actually i hope me mate does it, the game will seem more real with everything buring.

  2. Regarding the above post consider me the US player

    Well thats what happens alot.

    Me mate Tripps has a STUG sitting there

    he sees my troops

    SHOOT yells tripps!!


    This goes on for a few turns

    Hes thne sees my tank a sherman of course

    SHOOT yells tripps

    Nothing happens

    Lucky for him me sherman passes by.

    But i mean whats with this?

    This happens too much.

    A BUG?


    I hope its STUG so i can win a game!!


    But yeah this happens a lot.

    Anyone else seen this.

    I mean i know things can happen alot in a game where the crew are very drunk and forget to fire ocassionaly but if this is so the germans are alcoholics to the max! Especially in STUG crews.

    Very Strange with it happenning alot.

  3. Yes if one has infantry and artillery in good nick, they should carry the fight on and not surrender.

    Why is it everyone bases the game around how much armour they have?

    I have won games with only infantry and support gears.

    use ya troops wisely is the key to victory!!

    My experience with this is:

    I had a game of 2500 points going a PBM and the allied guy took out me 2 tigers out in in turn2. Did i pack a sad? nope.

    I was annoyed lol but i kept playing

    Turn 3 me panther took out 4 of his 5 tanks haha and the next turn the 5 th fell to me panther.

    I then shot a half track to bits and guess what turn 5 he surrendered.

    Wheres the rest of his stuff?

    God what a waste of time i reckon.

    A medium map which was quite big and all the stuff, i mean its a wste of time if people quit like that.

    Surrender should only happen if u are tactically screwed no matter what u do.

    And even then fight on lol.

  4. I just got these games, i mean i had to ask as u are all ww2/war players of many different war games not just cm.

    Have any of u tried them?

    I still love cm and im hanging out for cm2 but yeah what do u all think of ww2 online

    and op flash?

    My opinion is well...

    Ive found ww2 online to be very boring and bland in some respects ( needing more addons etc), coombined with high system requirements ie 256+ ram demands and alot of bugs to boot.

    On the other hand its got alot of realism, and potential for a ww2 game.

    I reckon 6 months from now if alot of people start playing it regular and the server is fully working (1 server only with everyone on it) it might have a chance.

    I currently give it a 6 out of 10 myself.

    Im still waiting for things to improve.

    Else ill prob bail and play Op Flash till CM2 goes on sale.

    If u havent bought it , id read about it more possibly and save ya cash till things improve, unless u are a die hard ww2er.

    Operation flashpoint is pretty awesome and i rate that a 9.5/10.

    A very nice game if u havent got it already

    One of the few single player games i have actually enjoyed with multi player support and CO OP TEAM WORK!!!!!

    Its basic and fun but realistic to a high degree.

    A really nice game.

    As for CM well..

    Cm still rates to me 9/10

    untill i have a full movie playback it will always be a 9/10 lol

    IM hoping CM2 will be vast improvment in a few areas as well over the first but its still a classic.

    Since u are all pretty onto it military types please rate what u think of ww2 and op flash below.

    Id like to hear comments from people

    I have been keeping up to date with the latest games around / being developed and these two are the only ones curently standing out to me as somefink new and different to try with a high satisfaction factor.

    Any body heard of anything new being made apart from our beloved CM2 that might be worth while buying?

  5. Of course im Stransky!!!!!!!!

    Im also HITLER!!!!!!

    hell im a nazi too!!!!

    WHO CARES????? what do u care? what does it have to do with CM? nothing??

    But u are so interested wasting ya time to give a person **** about somefink no one really cares about u have all lost the plot.

    This site is full of constant abuse and nasty remarks and im never posting on here again. I thought this was a posting site, i dont think so. As soon as a person puts his name up hes a W$%ker or a f%$khead or somefink. U are all judgemental of things u have no idea of.

    Do u actually care what the posts says?

    I have gotten my point across that u are all nasty spiteful individuals now and im lauhging at all of u.

    BTS u have no control of this board and this whole board is one big flame!!!!!!

    BTS note u have a disclamier policy well

    A quote from it..

    1. No Flaming and/or Baiting. If you have a strong opinion, that is fine. But express it in such a way that is non-abusive and not emotionally charged. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We like to think our gamers are mature, rational people. Please help us keep this opinion of you!

    I have read so many abusive nasty , spiteful comments why havent these people been banned or do u want me to mail BTS with 40+ names and there posts.

    Acusng people of being a NAZI is also pretty serious. I think that the individual who started that should be banned.

    If that person was in the same country as me id go lllegal on him.

    I think u should all read this infomation and becareful about what u all say in future.

    Im a psychology grad and im all playing with u. U are all fools. U have brought out what i saw happenning a while ago.

    This board has been getting aggressive more and more lately, i noticed it alot with peoples comments to both my names and others as well.

    What the hell is wrong with u all.???

    Im no longer reading all this crap and i have no intention of being part of a discussion board of whom most peoeple abuse one another. To those i know sweet as hehe have a laugh with me and chill.

    To those who want me dead rah rah, whatever.

    U can comment after this, whatever u want i dont care, bye bye i wont be reading it.

    Im sorry for casuing innocent people annoyance, i jsut had to play a litte game here to show people how aggressive this place is going.

    I have done this before on Everquest discussion and i stirred up a hoornets nest there. The people who run that game never comment on posts, they did to mine!!!!!




  6. This sounds real awesome but will it make the game run slow?

    I only have an Aflyon PIII 500, with a 32 meg tnt ultra, and 132 meg ram.

    Mst battle runs sweet as, cept really really big ones. What are u testing it on?


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  7. U will have to count fast with a 5 minute timer on tcp/ip.

    hehe interesting idea.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  8. Use Windows paint i think, i havent done it yet, but open paint then go into cm and print screen and the screen shot should come up in paint or use the paste command and it will put it in the paint view area.

    Or use the "image" programme maybe as well.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  9. PIEPER chill out and leave it.

    As for the rest of u stop harressing people,ignore his post/leave it.

    U only have yoursleves to blame for PIEPER getting booted.

    As i have said too many of u are harressing others posts. If u want to u can all forget it and go away happy and start frsh being nice to people and there posts instead of giving people hassles.

    This is a duscussion site not an abuse post.

    U can all sort ya views out and stop being so nasty and negative smile.gif or we can all abuse each other and screw the site over frown.gif.

    Your call.

    Im not siding with PIEPER , im sick of the nasty posts . U are all to blame.

    Now back on topic read me basement post!!!!!


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  10. Will basements be in CM2?

    As basements were used alot in WWII for shelter from heavy bombing etc.

    Especially in Stalingrad.

    The only problem with this is i foresee major problems in house to house fighting ie it taking a long time and being much harder.

    Just an idea.

    As i played a map roughly based on Cassino that some guy made, quite a fun map.

    Problem is the Germans cant hide in the basement (the monestary basement/catacombs) while the artillery hits like they did in real life. Thus they get blown to bits hehe.

    Also will u be modeling fortifications? ie making defense line models troops can move in and out of. Emplacements/Sand bagging etc. Just curious how much in depth the game will go. U have transparency so i guess u can go do that with bunkers etc.

    Any other ideas...


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  11. Have u read what i said Silesian-jaeger?

    Do u understand it!!???

    NO!! u dont!!

    U are a neagative nasty person, who are u to judge me? what gives u the right to call me lame!!

    Im happy he gave us links and nice things to look at. THE ORIGINAL ISSUE WAS... He was originally accused of submitting a link for an SS site and called a nazi. The people who accused him of that should be banned!!! They were harressing him.!

    There was nothing wrong with that site link.

    Some of his pics may have been unneeded but he wasnt that bad.

    After suffering alot of abuse, (similar to me a few days ago) he went off at everyone posting sick pics etc.

    If u read my post above yours i directly said i did not approve of those sick pics.

    Read the posts before u accuse people of stuff. U can read cant u????

    Im not siding with him im trying to get across to people to

    1. Stop harressing others because this is destroying the forum, as how can anyone post without being abused.

    2. Read the posts correctly before u reply.

    3. That BTS should boot any harressing or consistantly negative minded people who have only 1 agenda to be nasty to others.

    How can people post without being told that they are lame or that they are w$%kers etc.

    BTS please keep an eye on things and boot people who are harressing others.

    I was harressed the other day and i wasnt too happy about it.

    Little things turn into big things which is waht happened to PIEPER.

    I didnt lose it and swear and go nuts but i think swearing is nicer than putting people down in nice language all the time.

    Read the posts and u will find alot of nasty comments.

    Just chill everyone else ill be looking for a new game to play.

    Screw u guys!!!!

    Im a going home!!!!


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  12. Fear enuff i accept he went overboard with his use of profanty and posting of some sick pics. However a number of people on here are quite nasty to others posts and like to accuse people of stuff. He got trashed so many times and was being abused.

    He got so pissed off at this he lost it.

    I dont blame him, i was accused of being CPT. STRANSKY and that annoyed me.

    Fear enuff an e-mail address was similar to me tag but so what?

    I think the people who have been nasty to him should also be banned, as whats the point of posting if people are going to be nasty.

    If i post and am generally given nasty comments ill ask BTS to boot whoevers giving them.

    Neagative feedback is ok as long as it is justifed and logical and not straight up; off topic abuse.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  13. Good one, capturing stuff would be cool.

    Also u could look at crew moving, there gun destroyed, to a similar gun if a that guns crew was killed and using it or another gun type maybe with a slight penality.

    Nice pic.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  14. And just to absolutely shut u all up, META players need info from sites that are linked, ie german army info, ss info etc so people who have SS links on posts are welcome.

    META has SS units, and german players need specific detailed info and i would like to say to all who have posted pics and links thanks alot.

    I have found heaps of cool new info for both META and general historical info.

    Cheers all


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  15. I have an interest in the SS. Its comes from the fact that they were elite fighting troops. My friend is into them as well we both have numerous books on them and Panzers.

    My friend is Baihi and religious etc although im not.

    We are into the tactics and battles and weapons etc. We are not interested specificly in units that killed many innocent people / mass murder side of the SS. So let me see i surpose u are going to call me and me mate nazis now?

    1. GET OVER IT!!!!!

    If he posts pics of SS stuff cool.

    Gimme me those links PEIPER!!!!

    Also i have some cool SS Mgs pics and Panzer pics.. u want me to post em?

    Bottom line is this is a war histroy / WWII game discussion site. If u cant handle a pic of the SS or somefink piss off.

    U can see the topic so dont go into it.

    Oh no in the mannual it says the word SS, oh no u will have to sue BTS for being Nazis!!.


    As for u Hofbauer i have been watching your posts and u are very critical of others, constantly putting people down.

    U are quite a nasty character and im not not going to go on about u, u will suffer, u probably already are.. whats the word for it.... U HAVE GOT NO MATES!!!!!!!!!!

    Start looking at yourself before u are critical of others.

    Aand as the final word on this my Grandfather fought the SS in Italy.

    He went in after the Cassino battle where many NZers lost there lives.

    One of his mates got killed fighting at an SS command post.

    He was right there when he died , killed the SS runner who got his mate thou.

    Anyways thats horrible for hiim to ses his mate die.

    Thats part of histroy, i respect that the SS were doing there job as were those brave Kiwi lads.

    My grand dad liked me to read war stuff and told me all about the various units he saw and fought. Im a historian and i enjoy SS, SAS any elite units histroy, pics etc.

    Looking at them does not mean u are a nazi.

    The only time a person is a nazi is when they start pushing political and propoganda

    ideals and the like and asking people to join nazi like groups.

    Putting SS info etc up is nothing!!!!

    Im an objective person and i think u should all shut up and leave people to post.

    Bascially if u want ill be critical of any posts of yours, u put up and ill accuse u all of being aliens, nazis, whatever.

    Basically stop harressing people, i think some of u are close to getting booted.. have any of u read the disclaimer.

    This game CM is set in WWII so discussions will be on various aspects of the game and real life WWII aspects. The SS are in the game so if u dont like it, dont play CM.

    To accusers of nazi like ideas on the board, if any of u have played an SS battle group side on a CM mission, well u guessed it u are nazis. U must like them u are playing them!!!!


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  16. Tiger u tease hehe I want that mod!!!!!!

    Nice work man keep it up.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  17. Good to see u are actually doing somefink.

    Alot of game companies would not even reply let alone do the coding.

    Cheers BTS


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  18. Its the game that counts, whatever it comes in, box or no box, fancy crap or not who cares. Diablo II Fancy crap , game sucks my balls.

    CM brown envelope basic book and cd, game rocks the house.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  19. Lets do it!!!!!!

    I can play for a few weeks so make it a smallish game.

    Either way your toast!!!.

    Ill e-mail u tonight.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  20. Cheers BTS i appreciate that.

    Finally someone who doesnt jump to conclusions.

    Some weird things happen on the net.

    HEHE to me alot anyways.

    Do i hear a sorry from anyone?


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  21. Excuse me i had to recently re register because My old name GAZ_NZ was setup on my misses pc in Auckland on her e-mail system.

    I returned from there and live at present in Hamilton.

    I wanted to post the other day and i coudlnt get me password for me old nick so i logged a new name without the _. Ive posted messages back along time ago. I had a biggie post regarding the russian front cm2 ages ago with GAZ_NZ. Ive seen Cpt. Stranksy on here for a while but im not sure how far back he goes.

    Look it up ya self. I couldnt care less any more.

    Like i said stop harressing people who havent done ****. Ive been accused of being people on chat lines when i wasnt befoee now this???

    Hey why not trash NZers now!!

    U seem to be enjoying that.

    I thought trashing of nationalaties was banned on here.


    Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  22. I had the same problem, but i figured it out real fast.

    When in combat i give them max elevation and try to keep them concealed till the last moment. **Give them a good position.**

    A good range 150-200, with good visibilty

    All it takes is some supressing fire and they can be toast and may not want to fire.

    Even the threat of being shot at seems to cause them to not try for a shot.

    Remember they are a one man unit.

    Use them with other troops covering them if u can. I too try to pick off tanks commanders but infantry can do it just as well ive found.

    Its strange u havent killed anyone, but u will get there, just try differnt approaches.

    I know its strange that they may not shoot at an open target clsoe by, by logic comes in here.

    Would u a sniper open up on a group of guys who have submachines guns etc close by, sure u might get one but they may rush u and kill u. I think the commands they follow may be based on stealth and self preservation.

    Just for the record I knocked out a Marder II with me crack sniper the other day. Lucky shot. Good luck.


    Lo there to i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  23. Im posting an e-mail i posted to the individual who said im someone im not.

    Im dam insulted.

    Excuse me myname is Gary. Eevryone calls me GAZ.

    SO what if i used that handle GAZ NZ and someone else has a simiiar e-mail address.

    CPT. Stransky apparently has GAZ_NZ as his e-mail so im suddenly being told im him.

    Excuse me but F#%k off!!!

    Ive had this name for ages here.

    I know of alot of people calld Gary here in NZ that use or are called GAZ., Gazzer etc

    Its common for me to have trouble logging my names in as its a popular nick name, some people who are not called Gary even use it.

    Gazzer, Gaz, GAZ NZ, GAZ_NZ are are common handles. Ive been pissed off with my isp as i could not get the GAZ e-mail address; i had to use GAZZER.

    Some one took it. Bugger all u Stranksy's!!!

    If some body else uses it so what?

    It pisses me off cause im the Real Gaz here in NZ.

    Do not insult me by calling me another person.

    Sure we may be both from NZ but that just doesnt justify what u are saying. I would not call myself a german, u are insulting my tastes and preferences as a kiwi.

    Becareful before u jump to conclusions and accuse people of things. So many NZers have this game now i know 8 people alone.

    I feel pissed offf not only do people nick my Handles and e-mail names, im now being told im someone im not.

    Any more insults and ill be challangeing people to matchs of honour.

    Im e-mailing Cpt. F#%knuts to see if he wants a game cause hes pissed me off now.

    If hes the person who took my nick on MSZONE ill kick him in the nuts.

    Gary (GAZ)


    Lo there to i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

  24. OK sweet as then i wont take offense.

    Ive seen some nasty crap on boards; dont want it to go like this here.


    Lo there to i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

    Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

    Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

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