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Everything posted by Spacewrangler

  1. Hey everyone, before I purchase CMBB, I would like to do a little research on video cards. I'm assuming my standard 128 RAGE video card isn't really going to cut the mustard (especially if I want to bring over some mods from CMBO), so I was wondering if any mac users out there new of good video cards that I could get. I'm not (necessarily) talking top of the line here, just something that will be good for CMBB, my most video-instensive game. Also, is this something I could install myself, or better to take it in to a shop. Thanks in advance!
  2. Perhaps the most effective use of area fire is with on-screen mortars, especially the 60mms. "Area fire" with mortars actually creates occasional airburts, whereas if you pick an exact target, you will never get airburts. I prefer having the occasional airburst, especially if the target is in the woods, so I almost always move the cursor slightly off the target so that I get an "area fire" instead of targeted fire.
  3. Does anyone know if the CM Meta Campaign can still be joined? I tried emailing James Bailey (I think that's his name) through the CMMC website (which has evolved into a tight little site) but haven't received any responses. Does anyone know the status of the CMMC? It gets surprisingly little coverage on the BBS.
  4. Well, I can't say I do much screaming at my boys, but I do enjoy psychological warfare with my opponent. I use two phrases, in succession, to get into my opps head: 1) 155mm targeted, 2 minutes and counting... "God is coming" 2) T-10 seconds until arrival: "God is here"
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Old Crow: I can see the intrigue in playing all from your list except Stormin' Norman. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, he might not have had the opportunity to show any battlefield tactics in Desert Storm, but you can bet he's extremely well versed in modern infantry and armor tactics. Oh, and he's got a 180 IQ to boot.
  6. I was just perusing the site dedicated to Garry Kasparov's 1997 rematch with Deep Blue, its fascinating. (http://www.research.ibm.com/deepblue/home/html/b.html). I'm not a very good chess player, nor have I been, but recently I've been fascinated with the levels of the game. I've always described CM to people who've never heard of it as "Chess, with guns," even though I'm not that familiar with chess. Anyway, the more interviews with Kasparov I began to read, the more pulled in I became. Then, I thought "wouldn't it be cool to play Garry Kasparov in a tournament style, best of 7 (or whatever) game of CM." Then I thought, heck, who else would I love to play? So, here's my list of top 5 opponents I would love to play in CM: 1) George Patton 2) Erwin Rommel 3) Garry Kasparov 4) Norman Schwarzkopf 5) My clone (if I had one). Looking forward to seeing people's lists.
  7. Well in PBEMS, its not that bad, because if worst comes to worst, you can re-open the file and re-plot. Pressing "Go" in a TCP could be disasterous. I agree idiot-proofing can be a drag, but the one time it saves you makes all the difference.
  8. I was hooked on CM for the first month that I had it, I wouldn't play anything else. I couldn't get enough, so I started 5 pbems. Then, I realized I was over my head. CM was no longer a game, it was homework. Furthermore, some days I would spend 15 minutes doing each move, other days, only 30 second or so, because I wasn't in the mood. As great as PBEM is, you just lose the flow of the battle, unless you're transfering files simultaneously. TCP/IP is the perfect answer! I played my first last night, and it was great. No hitches, and no waiting aroudn indefinitely for the next move. I still dont' think I'll ever have time to sit down and play an entire large-scale battle at once, but when I do decide to sit down and really play CM, I'll know I'll get my fix in one sitting.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: 2. Yes, you can save and come back and play as tcp/ip, or pbem, or hot seat after you save. Rune<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the info, Rune. Your second answer brought up another question. Can I take an existing PBEM and play it as TCP/IP?
  10. A couple of TCP/IP functionality questions. Sorry if this has been covered in earlier weeks, as I haven't been reading the board in a while. 1) Is the same amount of data transfered between the two computers as in a PBEM. What I mean by this is, let's say you're playing a large battle, a battle that each PBEM file would be about 1MB a piece. In TCP/IP, will the computer still be transfering this large amount of data after each move plot, or has it been programmed to generate the movies on BOTH computers, thus cutting back on the time it takes to transfer data between turns. 2) If you start a TCP/IP game, can it be saved to be picked up later? I'm assuming yes for sure on this one, but just thought I would ask anyway. Thanks.
  11. By the way, who ARE those three other guys with the Lt.? Are they also Lts? I've found that even after 3/4 men out of the LT unit get killed (and the pistol is no longer availabe, assuming the LT was shot) that the LT unit is still able to command just as effectiviely. Therefore, every man in that unit is able to command just as effectively as the others, does that mena that they are all LTs? What types of soldiers composedh this unit, historically?
  12. Yeah, this was actually my first scenario pbem (as opposed to QB). I was the allies and it ended up being a German tactical. After the PBEM was over, I loaded it up as the germans to see what he started off with and couldn't believe that I did so well. The germans start with I believe 4 artillery reference points, which makes life that much easier for them. If I was the Germans, I would target the bridge and try and blow it as soon as the americans get there. As the Americans, I was afraid this was going to happen the whole time. Those 4 trucks are a godsend in this scenario, I used them over and over to shuttle my boys around, especially the two platoons of reinforcements. I never took any victory locations but took out all but 1 pillbox and inflicted a lot of casualties, it was bloody. To be honest, I would give this scenario a 9 out of 10 for difficulty as the Americans. Any american commander up against a german commander of equal ability will probably lose. If I had one suggestion to make, I would say to balance the scenario out a little bit, the American reinforcements should show up in half tracks (at least one platoon anyway) or a Sherman should come along with the reinforcements. Historically, the Americans did use tanks to bust through the bocage, and at that early stage in the campaign, the Germans still had the majority of their tanks in Calais, so it wouldnt' be unrealistic to give the Americans one tank while the germans wouldn't have any. My .02
  13. What, would you say, are the chances of a slit shot happening? I remember when I was demoing the VoT scenario (way back when) I got one off the bat. I haven't thought much of it since, but now I'm thinking I was really really lucky. Is it even worth trying for a slit shot, or is it more of a 1 in a 100 chance? Seems to me that would be a hell of a shot for a gunner at any range longer than 100 yards.
  14. You could trade passwords and re-load each other's unit buy PBEM file (if you saved it) and go from there.
  15. here, check this link also http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum7/HTML/000269.html its been discussed.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think that squads that are out of command should be run by the AI, not me. -dale<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You see, I disagree with this. There has been a lot of talk about how unrealistic the fact that you can control squads out of your field of command and how the delay time should be LONGER because in real life you would have to send a runner down to the squad from the Lt. and tell them what to do, etc. Ok, I think this is 100% wrong. Remember, every squad still has a Sgt. in command. Sgt.'s didn't win their ranks in a lottery, and if TV and movies serve me right, they often times knew more than their Lieutenants. But seriously, you should be able to command your out of command units, and the command delay is not too short. I think the command delay is simulating the Sergeant making up his mind, perhaps making an educated guess like "what would Lt. want me to do now?" It works for me.
  17. Its a shame the BBS didn't get any mention. Half of what makes this game so great is the community we have here. Perhaps he didn't know about it? I would suggest, if traffic on battlefront.com increases dramatically (as I would guess it will) due to this article, that the BBS is highlighted better on the home page. As of now, there is only one text link and a small graphic side-nav pointing to this vast fountain of knowledge and (generally) good will towards fellow CMers. I would suggest a face lift in order to increase the chances of those who visit the home page to become aware of the most unique aspect of this game, the strong grass-roots, historically and tactically knowledgable community. You're not going to find that anywhere else.
  18. Howdy, I always play as the allies, but was recently forced to play as the Axis for a tournament, so I got to take a look at the units I had at my disposal. I took my time, as I wasn't familiar with German equipment at all. I noticed that one platoon type seemed to stand head and shoulders above the rest, the security platoon. My questions to German commanders is, why don't you ALWAYS pick this platoon type? Each squad has one (maybe even two) LMG42s, a couple of rifles, and I think 3/4 submachine guns. I know I don't have the numbers down quite right, but point being, one squad carries all three types of guns in equal balance, rifles, submachine guns (more than just one), as well as LMG42s. What were security platoons used for, historically? I've been using them for these meeting engagement battles and they've been great. [This message has been edited by Spacewrangler (edited 10-03-2000).]
  19. I've been running around the internet, downloading scenarios like they were going out of style (now I just need pbem opponents to give a few of them a try with me, hint, hint) and I thought of something: Well, first of all, one's list of scenarios becomes pages long in a hurry, and I can see myself losing track of which ones I've played, and how I did in the future. Wouldn't it be cool to have a little "notes/stats" column next to each scenario that brings up a quick pop up window showing you the date you finished the scenario, who your opponent was (inputted by user) and a quick rundown of the final stats for that battle. Yes, you could do this on your own with a spreadsheet, or even (gasp!) a "real" notepad, but I'm lazy.
  20. I don't think you should count wins at all against the AI. If you didn't beat a human, all it was, was a drill. The AI is good for newbies to get a feel for the game and practice rudimentary tactics (but an even better way to get familiar with the game in a hurry is to play a hotseat by yourself) and that's about it.
  21. These guns are very very effective at LONG range. You can fire all the way across the board (assuming you can spot the enemy that far) and do crazy damage on infantry units. You see a spot of trees that might have an ambush? Give it two or three rounds, it the blast alone will send men running. I love these guns, they are not junk at all, very effective, you just got to keep them all the way at the back of your side (and keep them moving around for God's sake once they're spotted you best believe the krauts are going to move tanks in to engage ASAP) and use them to suppress spotted enemies and fire into buildings, trees, anything where you suspect the enemy. You got plenty of ammo, go ahead and use it early. Scare those krauts silly!
  22. Before you even get your boys near the enemy, have an artillery spotter where he can see the prospective point of contact (where you think you will engage the enemy, based on terrain, instinct, proximity to a victory flag, etc.). The trick is to have your artillery spotter ALREADY spotting the point of contact as your boys move forward. If nobody's there, you can call off the barrage(remember, it takes two full turns to call in the wrath of God, should be plenty of time to find out if the enemy's around or not...anyway chances are they enemy is there) but the best scenario is you spot the enemy near you. Now, all you have to do is adjust your artillery fire accordingly (this should hopefully only take 30-45 more seconds depending on how much you have to adjust your fire) and God will show up a full turn or two EARLIER than if you only started targetting when you first made contact. The key is to anticipate with your artillery put the markers down before you need them, worst comes to worse, you call it off and retarget as needed. Shaving off 2 minutes of a barrage makes a world of difference.
  23. Howdy howdy howdy, currently playing the scenario (the name escapes me, I'm at "work" so I can't look it up) where its an all infantry 40 turn battle in the bocage, on the way to St. Lo. Anyway, I'm knocking at the krauts' door right now, but am finding an ambush at every bocage! My question is, how effective is firing blind into a bocage with a suspect ambush? will cover fire into a bocage (with the enemy anywhere between 3-10 meters behind it, ambushing) from two full rifle squads suppress the enemy enough to send men through? I guess in general, the bocage is the trickiest terrain I've fought on so far. I guess more artillery would have been the best bet, but now that my boys are right up next to the enemy an artillery barrage right now seems a little risky. Even if I fought this battle all over again knowing what I know now, I still don't know WHERE I would have wanted to fire my artillery, I had lots of it (four batteries of 105mm, 1 battery of 81mm mortar) but I just didn't know how spread out his men where they were, I felt I needed to get close enough to see, problem is with the bocage is that you have to get right up IN it to see what's behind it, and by then, its too late! Anyone had succesful times in the bocage? [This message has been edited by Spacewrangler (edited 09-27-2000).]
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