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Everything posted by Spacewrangler

  1. From my experience, hedges are quite a bit less effective than walls, if any unit takes a substantial amount of fire behind a hedge, they begin to crawl away. I would use them only to protect an advance that is receive fire from at least 350 meters away.
  2. Some HQ units, like Battalion HQ or sometimes Company HQs can't embark on certain vehicles because there are too many men in the unit. Some half tracks can only take on 5 or fewer people (teams) so some of the large HQ units won't embark on those vehicles.
  3. I was wondering, what is the best way to use a wall for cover in CM? I've noticed that you can place a unit "in" a wall, so to speak. When you click on that unit's status, it shows that they are in a "wall" (as opposed to scattered trees or open ground, or whatever). So, if I want my boys to advance to a wall and shoot from behind it, do I actually need to place them on the wall for them to use it as cover, or do I simply place their waypoint just behind the wall? I've always just placed the waypoint just behind the wall, and that seems to do ok, I just wanted to make sure.
  4. Definitely, great link, thanks for that. After seeing that, it seems infantry dug into fox holes are pretty much impervious to small arms fire from a distance. Artillery both called in and direct would be the best way to uproot them. I'm playing a lot of battles right now where I'm defending, and I'm trying to get a better idea as to how covered my men in their foxholes really are. After seeing this, I'm going to keep them in the foxholes longer before pulling back.
  5. In CM, they look just like round craters, but I'm sure that's only an estimate graphical representation of what a real foxhole looked like. The reason I am asking is because I'm trying to get a better feel for how my men "look" to the enemy when they are in a foxhole. Are they standing in a hole up to their waist? chest? Are they kneeling? I guess what I'm asking is: how deep was the average foxhole and how many men get in it? Also, was it a round hole, or a mini-trench-like hole?
  6. Hmmm, for us Mac users, is there any way to get the mods without using the rule sets? CMMO isn't available for mac, so downloading rulesets doesn't really make sense....
  7. Howdy, I was wondering what the handiest program was for taking CM screenshots with a Macintosh. Anyone know of a good one? Thanks in advance, - Jackson
  8. so what are the differences? My searches pulled up incomplete results. 1) Meeting Engagement: Scoring is based soley around flag location, and I know from experience that casualties are factored in highly in the MEs. You can control all flags but can have those scores counterbalanced if your men get mawled. 2) Probe - flags are more in the middle of the map - but how is scoring scored? How does a defender win a probe? It seems that with the flags near the front of the board (perhaps slightly behind where ME flags would be) it makes life harder for the defender as he has less depth to set up his defense. Are attacking casualties factored in highly here? Maybe the attacking point balance isn't as highly tilted towards the attacker? 3) Attack - I guess the most familiar engagement. Flags at the back of the board, attackers get more points for casualties than defenders, flags generally worth quite a few points you gotta figure the team with the most flags end up winning here. 4) Assault - no flags? Score based solely on how far the attacker advances? I'm a little hazy here. I heard in one thread that casualties aren't really scored in Assault scenarios, its simply whether or not the attacker took over the whole map. Is this true?
  9. Possible issue with the Macintosh Radeon fix: I didn't have any problems before the fix, other than some funny looking tanks in CMBB. Some of my tanks, (most notably the PzIV, amd some of the russian tanks as well) had weird looking hulls, with holes in them, like some bmps were missing. (If you moved the CM camera and looked at the tank from the side, there were gaps in the armor than you could see all the way through to the terrain on the other side.) Other than that, I had no problems with my graphics (other than the already known opaque smoke). I downloaded the update to see if it would resolve my funny-looking tanks and to my surprise, the tanks in question turned opaque white. The outline of the tank was fine, but the tank itself was completely opaque white. No gaps in the armor or anything. I uninstalled the update because I prefered the funny looking tanks because from afar, they look ok. But, worth noting. Does anyone else have this problem, tanks with gaps, I mean, in CMBB? I am currently researching if I have any missing .bmps, or whether its just a driver issue.
  10. Hey there modders (and others), I was doing some testing as I have some funny looking PzIV (and other tanks) in CMBB. I think I may be missing some .bmp files, so I was wondering if anyone had a list of which .bmp files were used for the PzIV. Thanks in advance!
  11. I'm currently playing a 1500 qb meeting engagement that's 28+ turns long. So we're on turn 20, and I've already seized both victory locations (one in the center of the town and one on the outskirts). I have him frozen on the other side of town, forces pushed back by withering machine gun fire and artillery barrages. I feel like I can safely push forward and run him out of town given a steady advance over the next 5 or so turns. however, in order to win the game, all I really need to do is just sit and hold the ground I've already taken. Most of me thinks the right thing to do is to try and run his forces all the way off the map, except that he has 2 active medium tanks and two armored cars and I have no anti-tank capability, my one tank has long been punched out. So, his infantry could be overrun (my infantry has taken few casualties and is overall in good condition), but I'm worried that his tanks will wreak havoc on my advance. Should I hold my position or continue to advance?
  12. I'm playing as the Romanians and I think some of their R2s are missing some .bmps, either that or my video card is somehow making them see-through. The R2s in question (and the R-1 tankettes as well) have huge gaps where the armor plating should be, so it looks like the tanks have huge holes all the way through them, you can even see the commander's body through the holes. Anyway, I'm sure the tanks aren't supposed to look like that. I've tried installing a mod for the R2, either to overwrite the bad .bmps or fill in the missing ones, but to no avail, the tanks look exactly the same as before I installed the mod. I've tried reinstalling CMBB in case maybe I missed some bmps on the first install - no help there either. I've tried switching from Million of colors to thousands of colors, no help there, either. I'm running a G4/1.3 Mhz (accelerated from 400hz) and a the ATI 8500 video card and I have 320MBs of memory. has anyone seen this before? I searched the forum, and I didn't see any relevant topics...
  13. I think this is the main reason why CMBB "doesn't properly model" a lot of things. CMBB allows the users to set up the battles any way they prefer, and I think its safe to say that nobody wants to be on the receiving end of a historically accurate soviet artillery barrage that lasts THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE QB OR SCENARIO. I'm sure it happened all the time, but nobody would play it.
  14. Hey everyone, not looking for any specific numbers, just a general idea. I am currently running CMBB with a 16MB video card on a G4/400 with 320 MB ram. Currently the graphics in CM are quite choppy and I was hoping to smooth them out a little, mostly for moving the camera up and down and movign around. I was thinking about purchasing a 32MB video card and was wondering what my expected performance increase would be by doing so. Is it worth getting the 32MB card, should I just double the money I expect to pay for my 32MB card and get the 64MB card, or do you think the 32MB card would suffice. I guess I'm looking for my graphics performance to improve by at least 50-75%. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  15. Hey everyone, not looking for any specific numbers, just a general idea. I am currently running CMBB
  16. Does anyone know if a moving AFV is less able to "spot" a sound contact if it is moving? It would seem to me that they probably have a harder time acquiring sound contacts over the noise of their own revving engine, but I was wondering if anyone knew for sure if this has been modelled?
  17. A couple of questions regarding the frequency of tanks bogging in CMBB. Let's take a late model T34 (a medium tank) as our example for these questions. 1) is it worth taking the T34 through scattered trees in any weather except "dry?" If the ground was "damp" would you take your T34 through the trees? What about "wet?" 2) If a tank DOES become "bogged" in trees, for example, what is the probability that it will subsequently become "immobile" due to its bogging? 3) does the presence of infantry on the tank increase the chance of it bogging (due to the extra weight?) Thanks in advance!
  18. [i copied this post over from the opponent finder board. Posted by TexasJeff:] CMBO, I have RoadRunner high speed cable, connected to a router and hub with 3 computers on it. I have disabled my Firewall. CMBO says my IP is I can play when other people host fine. Any solutions? -------------- This issue is addressed in the CMBB manual. If you have the manual, turn to page 249 and look under section "Cable/DSL Router Configuration." If you DON'T have CMBB, then here's what's going on (This is just what the manual says, I haven't tested it myself, yet.) You are connected to the internet either through a Router (like Linksys) or you have set up a firewall on your computer. What you need to do is add port # 7023 to your router's forwarding table and then match it up to your computers internal IP address. Q: How do I add port 7023 to a forwarding table? A: You need to go to your router's control panel. This is usually done by opening a browser and typing in this IP address - - in the "address" section of the browser window. If you're not sure what this is all about, its time to pick up the manual to your router. Q: What's my internal IP address? A: Go to Start Menu > Run > Type in "cmd" This will bring up a DOS window. At the DOS window, type in "ipconfig" - this will display your internal IP address. [ December 28, 2002, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Spacewrangler ]
  19. Ok - my bad - I didn't realize the install didn't finish (there was no error message) but I didn't free up 1.2 Gigs on my hard drive, so the install just quit haflway. Worth noting!
  20. Hello everyone. Well, just got my copy of CMBB in the mail and I've already run across an error that has a veteran Macintosh user and troubleshooter (me) stumped! Specs: G4/400 Mhz 320 MB of memory ATI Rage 128 Video Card 10 Gig HD OS - 9.2.2 First off, I downloaded the demo a while back and never had a single problem - it ran with no problems. On top of that, I've been playing CMBO without a glitch for two years. So, I just installed CMBB (with base extensions on) and when I click the executable, the screen blanks out for a split second (like it normally would when it boots the program) and right when it would normally start loading the program everything quickly quits and I get the 'ole "type 2 error, please save all work and restart." Type 2 is usually an extension conflict (what I think it is) or a memory issue. I ruled out memory when I gave CMBB 200MB (over double what it needs) and got the error again. I restarted my computer with the base set of extensions (plus OpenPlayLib which came with CMBO - needed to play CMBB) and still got the error - so that's with nothing but the base set of extensions on. I also downloaded the patch for CMBB and that one gets the same error, too. So needless to say, that's not encouraging. THe fact I didn't find one other type 2 error on this forum (did find some for the Demo, but nothign too specific) makes me wonder if I'm not missing something very basic. What I'm going to try next: 1) Reinstall CMBB with all extensions off 2) see if there's a newer version of the OpenPlayLib and try that one. In the meantime, I'll hope to get a post or an email back from you guys (and girls?) with any helpful hints. Thanks in advance!
  21. Well, I've been putting off the purchase of CMBB for quite some time now for a variety of reasons namely: 1) Was afraid my Mac g4/400 with standard video card would barely be able to handle it. 2) Never really been "into" the Eastern Front - don't know half as much about it as the Western Front, and the sound of large, armor-intensive battles didn't appeal to me much. 3) I heard the stories about infantry moving 20 yards and becoming exhausted, etc - it just didn't sound worth the effort to make the switch. However, yesterday I was bored and downloaded the CMBB demo just to see what I thought - and now I'm sold. I still prefer the Western Front, but the game engine is so much better for CMBB that I'm going to make the switch and probably not look back to CMBB until its game engine is updated. I was afraid this would happen, and now its a reality! What sold me: Other than the fact that the game runs much better than expected on my machine, the #1 thing that sold me on this game was the enhanced fog of war. I am extrememly impressed with the way that units are incredibly hard to identify, even when only 50 meters away! I love seeing scattered small arms fire coming from a location, but not being able to see specific units until I actually close in on the position 10 turns later. Yeah, micromanaging the Russians (my side of choice) and dealing with their inferior equipment will actually be a challenge I will enjoy rising to. Come 2003 - I'll be PBEMing so be prepared! For those of you currently playing CMBB - would you agree that one turn of CMBB (of relative equal size) takes about twice as long as one CMBO turn? IT seems a lot more micromanagement is involved.
  22. Don't forget to take into account your commanders abilities - ie, if you have a commander with high stealth, he would be best used for scouting before a battle or for flanking maneuvers. Take advantage of commanders with high attack rating to lead the brunt of your attack, the attack advantage really does help - opps will flee faster and speed up the attack - you get the idea...
  23. how do you use satchel charges? Is that CMBB only?
  24. Thanks everyone for responding thus far. It sounds like it just isn't worth upgrading a video card (strictly for CM) at this time - which means I'll be putting off buying CMBB until I am sure I can upgrade to a video card that will actually work. Those of you who reported on the nVidia card - does it just look funny in CMBB or in both CMBO and CMBB?
  25. Hey Jeff, I'm on a G4 400 Mhz, 256 MB RAM with a 128 Rage Video Card. So I read that thread that you posted, very informative, it sounds like it won't get any better, there don't seem to be any video cards out there that don't have a display issue of one type or another - would you agree with me on this? Also, you mentioned your video card was 32MB - isn't my RAGE a 128 MB, or am I reading something incorrectly?
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