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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables:

    Originally posted by Mace:

    For sheer historical or is that hysterical accuracy, and attention to detail, I personally would suggest the mods available at:


    They're so damned cute! :D

    Mace (No, I dont get paid on commission or anything, unfortunately)!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Kitty this is fantastic! Get to work on the poloygon faces on the double!

    [This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 11-23-2000).]

    Your polygon hamster faces are now officially done. =)



    ICQ 8273286


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

    The AI artillery routines need some tweaking so they will not be so predictable. Same thing every game. Smoke any tanks giving AI trouble, arty any field guns that dare to fire.

    Only after it makes sure all field guns are silenced will the AI use arty on infantry positions, strong positions or no.

    I wish the AI arty was a little less predictable. I wish the AI would pick non-field gun targets with a little more frequency.


    Yeah, Tiger's right. It's so boring. =(



    ICQ 8273286


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer:


    So, the question still stands, are the GI's Kittys or are they Hamsters, or both. And, if so, will German units also have Kitty's and Hamsters?

    Sort of gives a whole new meaning to the concept of the sand table when you add all the cats prancing on it. What is that "rough" terrain anyway?


    1) Yes, the GIs pictured are kitties HOWEVER, that is only because they are members of a Hammy Destroyer unit. It's the same thing as there are tanks and there are tank destroyers. As in the case of hamsters, they were employed by both sides. Although I don't have any pictures depicting Axis cats I'm sure I'll unearth some in the very near future.

    2) LOL



    ICQ 8273286


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer:

    Hamsters Confused?

    I notice that you had designated many US Hamster Units, but on my desktop is the picture from the Bulge of 2 American "Kitty" Soldiers manning an MG with dead hampstertruppen piled in front.

    Is this going to be a hamster vs hamster fight, or a cat versus hamster fight?

    Does anybody really care?

    BMP Request.

    Can the image of projectiles in flight be converted from ugly black shapes to hamster images?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Had you bothered to look at the "Unit Insignia" page on my site, you'd know that the feline unit you are referring to is a "Hamster Destroyer" unit. Also, it's the picture in question is not from the Bulge, but rather taken near Carentan shortly after the D-Day . . . ROFL! Oh my God! What a great idea!! Hamster projectiles? I'll check on this. =D


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

    Colored smoke. I've read accounts of D-Day where colored smoke (orange?) was used to identify allied units. The germans eventually figured it out and fired up their own orange smoke to make life difficult.

    I even read one account (I think it was over at tankbooks.com) of a guy who ambushed a German unit at night that tried to get past by calling out in english, but he saw someones hat in profile as a german cap so he started shooting, and when they started shooting back their tracers were a color that allied forces didn't use.


    Yep. And anyone who'd ever seen "A Bridge Too Far" has seen colored smoke used this way.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

    Well, it seems Kitty the sandbagger has retreated into whatever hole she climbed out of. True, I was offered to play a different game after I had spent a half hour trying to figure out what how I was going to make the best out of a fist full of green Polish troops. I decided to play anyway. As soon as the tide turned and these weakass troops started to pound her she went from 2-3 files a day to zero. I must assume from the silence that she has done the worst kind of surrender......that's right...the kind where the other person doesn't have the decency to even send a surrender file or even tell you that they have quit...Well as any smoker will tell you...nobody likes a quiter


    The only things crawling out of any holes around here are the gerbils that are emerging from your butt about as fast as the semen therein is, and just slightly slower than the diarrhea that's spewing from your mouth.

    I'm not playing you for three reasons:

    1) As previously stated. I do not associate with liars.

    2) I blocked from my e-mail account because I got tired of being cussed at and insulted by you and your self-admitted "adolescent mentality."

    3) I'm busy with other things.

    Anyway, I "surrendered," as you put it after about the 5th turn. If you'll recall at that point I ceased playing carefully and moved everything into an attack. Notcing this you wrote, "Hmm. Getting a little bold aren't we?" followed by "What's the matter? Is (something something something) wrong?" And what did I say, Elkass? What did I say? "No. Just bored." Meaning, "I'm sick of this," "Let's play that other game," "Can we go now?" Duh. Since I also kept offering my surrrender to you every turn thereafter one would have to assume, unless they are you (God forbid), that I had stopped caring and wanted to get this BS over with. Again I say, "Duh." So go ahead and call me what you want and call this your "great victory" or whatvever because I give two dicks in a dog's ass what you think about anything anyway. I don't even read this thread anymore and wouldn't be here know except that Mace said you were an asshole and I should attack you. So there it is. Bye now, you nong.

    Kitty =^..^=


    ICQ 8273286


  7. Yeah, the only link that works so far is the Unit Insignia One. Quotes like the ones that I'm reading on this thread will help me to finsish the rest a lot sooner though. =) Which reminds me: who was the person that posted the picture of the hamsters crawling on and under the US halftrack a while ago? I want to know if I can use it in my site. Full credit will be given of course.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Der Unbekannte Jäger:

    I says to myself "Hey self this looks goofy who would want that?"

    Then I says to myself "just click the link it may be funny!"

    Then I says "You know self that would be kinda cool..."

    When will it be available??? :D


    As soon as I can finish all the faces. Or I could send you the ones I already have done if you want. =)



    ICQ 8273286


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LEGEND15:

    Has anyone seen the WWII online game?

    go to www.wwiionline.com

    Kind of reminds me of Combat Mission.

    You guys think this game is going to be any good?


    [This message has been edited by LEGEND15 (edited 11-16-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    At this point I'm not sure that the question is wether or not it will be good but instead, "Will it ever be?" I mean it's been, as they bill it, an "upcoming massively multiplayer, online simulation" for how long now? Seems like two years to me. <shrug>



    ICQ 8273286


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