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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook:

    Nice little train, there, Dar. (It took me a little while to see it though.)

    And Kitty: in case I forgot to mention it to you earlier, your mods & site will be among those profiled in a "mods" article I am now finishing up for Bob Mayer of CGO. It'll be in a section called "The lighter side of CM." ;)

    Bob himself heartily endorsed profiling your work. :D

    [This message has been edited by Spook (edited 01-04-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Cool. =) He sent me an email a while back asking where he could d/l them. Thanks for including me. =)



    ICQ 8273286


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I/O Error:

    Considering I only have third-party knowledge saying she is female, I can safely say that I was not simply being nice to get in her pants. :D


    Here is from the source then, I am. My reply to the rest of it is this:

    With a name like "I/O error" your chances of getting anywhere near my "pants" are slim (pun intended) and none.



    ICQ 8273286


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grobdeutschland:

    I love the little GI's...Let people think what they may...if you like what you do & have stated you mean no offense, then the hell with the rest of the world! That's coming from a Vet of the "easy" war, so I know how it feels when you think someone is

    "demeaning" your experience...still I believe in freedom of speech for all (yes, even for assholes).


    Thank you, Seimerst, Matt and GD. I've always though that freedom of speech is pretty important too, (after all a lot of people have died in an effort to preserve it) which is why I'm leaving all his posts in my book no matter how profane or insulting he tries to be . . . revealing his stupidity to everyone seems to be his specialty. After getting no response from that he started sending me ICQ messages, repeating the same profane request for sexual favors over and over until he saw it wasn't getting me angry . . . I'd imagine this is probably the same person who's been trying to send me viruses via email for the past month or so. <shrug>

    I'm still here. ;)



    ICQ 8273286


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

    by Guy w/ gun:

    Which leads us to my biggest gripe. If there is suppose to be no thinking in an RTS... Then where in the hell do they get the "stratagy" from?


    Loved your rogue spear examples. Have to say I agree with all of them too.... funny how after a while stuff like that just gets taken for granted. Also, I don't mean that as a bad word against Rogue spear. I think it is by far one of the best team based FPS's out there. Right up there with Tribes.



    Thank you, Lorak. And I didn't even mention the ability to snipe effectively at extreme ranges with pistols and shotguns loaded with buckshot. =) But like I said, I also love Spear game. Never heard of Tribes before. I'll have to check it out.



    ICQ 8273286


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

    Look for "The Forgotten Soldier", a true life story of a Frenchman fighting for the Germans on the Eastern front.

    A great read! (I've read it twice now)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Or, alternatively, look for "The Forgotten Soldier," a work of fiction falsely represented as non-fiction about a Frenchman fighting for the Germans on the Eastern front. A great read! (I've also read it twice, but there's a never ending debate about it's authenticity. Real or not, is really good).


    Ps - Hi, Stuka! =)

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StellarRat:

    I have to admit that I know next to nothing about close quarters combat, but I'd like to hear what you think is unrealistic about Rogue Spear so I can give it some thought.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You don't need to know a lot about close quarters combat to notice most of these things, common sense will do. First, the actions and reactions of the terrorists. Sometimes they seem to have Steve Austin's ("Six Million Dollar Man) bionic ear. If I had a nickel for all the times I've been, or seen others, in light armor and moving slowly, not making a sound somehow trigger a panic reaction from a "tango" who's a good 50 or more yards away and not even looking in my direction . . . maybe I just have BO? =/

    Next, let's say you've taken up a sniping position. Here comes a tango. Pow! He falls dead to the floor. Now what? Here comes another one. Pow! He falls on top of the first body. Another happens along . . POW!

    Before you know it you can have a stack of five or more dead terrorists and no matter how big that pile might get, their friends never seem to notice it and keep wandering into your killing zone. =)

    Similary, have you ever shot a tango w/a suppressed weapon who was standing three feet away from a friend and his friend doesn't seem to even notice when the guy groans and falls dead at his feet? hehe

    Also, the terrorists shoot far too accurately far too quickly. I'm sure you've noticed this one; peep the top part of your head around a corner and a tango a good 25 or more yards away quickly whirls 45 degrees and hits you dead between the eyes with one shot before you can even blink. Not to mention that one shot is usually being fired from an Uzi which is far from the world's most accurate firearm. I've seen some of the best handgunners in the world compete before using highly modified "race guns." These guys can shoot so fast and do it so accurately it's incredible but even the best of these guys wouldn't be able to make some of the shots the AI terrorists seem to pull off routinely.

    Another problem I see is that you can sometimes shoot a tango in the upper torso who was unaware of your presence w/a suppressed weapon, you know you hit him and you can tell he felt it because his body will bend violently to the left or right, etc...and he usually grunts or groans or some such thing (I include this information because sometimes in real life people have been shot but are not aware of it) but then what? He snaps back up to his previous state of casual semi-alertness as if nothing had ever happened. Shoot him again and if that one doesn't kill him he'll sometimes do the same thing. I don't know about you, but if I had just been shot and knew that I had been I wouldn't just say, "Ouch," and keep standing straight up in the same spot I got shot in. =)

    Anyway, I could go on but this post is already way long. Hope this gives you at least something to consider. Please don't misunderstand me, I love playing Rogue Spear and especially Urban Ops, but like people, no game is perfect. =)



    ICQ 8273286


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

    right I just got a email from Andreas.. fromt [sic] the first of January today.. on the 3rd.. wow.. whadda [sic] lag.. (yes kitty whadda) take your dischkonary [sic] and take it some where [sic] and pooter [sic] it up Maces [sic] back end..heh.. Can I help?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hehehe. Look how easy it is to upset him. =) I won't even get into the atrocious punctuation. ;)


    Official CM Pot Stirrer


    ICQ 8273286


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

    The trouble is, to do chipmunk voices, you'd need fairly expensive audio software on your computer that could handle real-time pitch shifting. The other way to do it is to increase the playback speed, but that's usually unintelligible.

    Beh, let me have my audio grogdom, it's the only one I've got ;)


    OK Mr. Audiogrog, =) doesn't "Cool Edit" have that feature?



    ICQ 8273286


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StellarRat:

    No idea why. Rogue Spear seems pretty realistic to me and it's an FPS. There are a lot of people on this board that don't seem to any patience with people that they feel do not know as much as they do. I've seen new CM players get flamed for no reason. I don't know if they're immature or just plain mean. I notice that a lot of them can't spell and use poor grammer too. (Worse than mine.) Maybe there's a relationship.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Spear, realistic? Hee! True it's more realistic than Quake, etc. but there's a lot of stuff in it that's not very true-to-life. I still like it and play it a lot though. =)

    I agree with the mean/impatient people statement. Unfortunately, that's just the way some people are no matter what the forum. They pretty much seem to go away though after a while if you ignore them. <shrug>

    As for the relationship between poor grammar and spelling and meaness, do you think the fact that they can't spell embitters and angers them so much that they need to lash out at others, or is it that they're so stupid that they can neither spell nor think rationally and therefore they don't know how lame their crabbiness is? Interesting point. =)



    ICQ 8273286


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter:

    Man I just cannot put a hamsters face on my troops. This isn't a cartoon.

    Not bashing just think that a game as real as CM should not have hamsters.

    Can't rember a vets tales of the war including hamsters.


    *Pondering the logic in "a game as real . . . "*

    You probably haven't read or heard about the hamster's exploits in the war for two reasons:

    1) they rarely served alongside human forces, thus no verbal history could be told about them since hamsters can't talk.

    2) There were no correspondents attached to the rodent units; hamsters cannot write or type.

    Which makes the wealth of information concerning these unsung heroes found (and soon to be found) on my site all the more valuable and indeed essential for any serious student of the Second World War.


    Kitty =^..^=

    Ps - I can appreciate that not everyone would want to use my fluffy mods. Some people like things realistic. I'm working on a for real and true historical mod right now that you might like more. =)


    ICQ 8273286


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bil Hardenberger:

    HAHA! Good luck Kitty, I will be interested in the outcome. Of course if you do beat him, you will have to play me next ;)


    "If?" What do you mean "IF I beat him?" Of course I will. =)

    He still hasn't sent me the file yet though. Can I play you while I'm waiting?



    ICQ 8273286


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by General Petrovsky:

    Anyone else running into bugs/problems with the lastest patch? It may have fixed the tank bogging problem, but I've seen several bugs in just 2 days of having the patch. In one PBEM game my Sharpshooter started with no ammo, in another game my tank insisted on shooting smoke shells at infantry when I had direct fire targeted them the previous orders turn, and during a purchase I saw that a regular jeep costs more then a jeep with MG now???? Anyone else seeing bugs in the lastest patch? I think this one got rushed to fix the tank problems, but it produced more than it fixed. BTS please save us, we're all going to be snowed in soon and that means a lot of time for CM!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    ICQ 8273286


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