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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by retarded_keydet:

    I had an idea! If combat mission had monster trucks, some sort of redneck announcer, and little numbers painted on your tanks with phony nascar type drivers imagine the huge fan base! lol I want to hear "King Tiger rolls through leaving an incredible path of destruction behind him" during a game...... well maybe this idea wasn't so brilliant


    Oh my lord! I can't believe how cruel and insensitive you are! Total disrespect for the men an . . .

    . . . and some loser would happen along to ruin all the fun.



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Lorak wrote:

    > He has, however, attracted the attention of Interpol due to the mysterious disappearances of "JOCHEN PEIPER" and "CPT_STRANSKY", who are rumoured to have been incarcerated at BTS HQ, for purposes of research leading to the hotly anticipated Historically Accurate Blood And Gore Engine™ tipped for CM2.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hehehehe =)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


    Who the &%&^* is Warphead?

    Kitty, you think you're funny but really you're not....hamster.


    You're entitled to your opinion. <shrug>

    Warphead is one of the best CM players ever and he has a really cool website. AND he's my friend too. So there.



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


    That would be the Maus, a German super heavy battle tank. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh, you all were talking about the tank? Yep. That's a Maus. Specifically, it's the Maus at the Moscow museum and that's CM's own Warphead standing next to it. I thought you wanted to know who the guy was when you asked "what is that thing?" My mistake. ;)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

    Jeff and Kitty,

    Once again misunderstanding blossums. Why I venture from the pool anymore is beyond me.


    Bastables ask you to post the pic.(nice by the way)

    In bastables next post he says:

    "And now for Kittys next trick :)"

    Kitty does some nice Mods and I believe Bastables was droping a hint.

    I don't think the picture was causing any grief. I think Kitty just wondered if she could get it in color so she would know how to paint it.

    Cripes It is always like walking on egg shells out here. I wish people would actualy take the time to read all the post before conclussions are drawn.



    YES!!! And Bastable's hint aside, how much more clearer could my previous posted explanation have been?

    "Bastables wanted me to make a CM mod of this tank. Now given how stupid I am, how am I supposed to know what colors are on this tank? I'd guess maybe the darker areas are purple, the medium areas a hot pink, and

    the light shades are yellow? =|"




    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette:

    hmmm…I see...I guess??? I wouldn't have a clue on all that nonsense. I simply posted the picture because Bestables asked me too. A favor so to speak.

    Whom would you be and why does this picture seem to give you grief? I can take it down if it is somehow offensive to you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LOL What? I'm Kitty and your picture isn't causing me any grief? I'm glad you posted it. What'd I do? =/



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    I have recovered from my "stroke" (actually a series of epileptic seizures which coded me and made a bunch of paramedics and my wife get fairly upset). The past month I have been working on a multimedia project in Orlando (to pay off my hospital bills) and finishing a 300 page research paper, but the good news is I will be back to piss off the luddites and even back to playing (look out Cheng -- your first on my list!) in about 15 days!)

    I am now back in South Carolina, writing my syllabus with which to inflict 200 young minds with, and generally getting set to return to the University grind.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Aha! See? I told you. =)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

    Iwas wondering whether anybody has heard from Slapdragon lately. <snip> I certainly hope his absence is in no way related to the illness he suffered a little while back.


    I was worried about the same thing but am happy to report that when I sent him an email to ask if I could use the hamster pictures he posted here, he wrote back and said the only reason for his abscence is that he's been very busy at work. =)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quenaelin:

    In WWII there were lots these kind of things to inhumanize enemies. Allies were calling Germans as Jerries as in the Tom and Jerry cartoon. And in war time there was Hitler's propaganda movies, where Judish people was showed as rats.

    Your site just reminds me those crueful propaganda movies human can create. Don't take this as offence, that was fact there were this kind of propaganda in WWII, if you don't allready know that.

    There were this good side also, maybe it was easier to kill people, when you were thinking them as a rats.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes, I'm aware that this sort of propaganda existed. I'm also aware that the term Jerry did not have anything to do with the cartoon "Tom and Jerry." How can I be sure? Well, according to the Cartoon Network's history of that cartoon, "The duo began in a one-shot MGM short called "Puss Gets the Boot," released to theaters in February 1940." Considering that Brits had been referring to Germans as Jerries for a considerable amount of time before that, it renders your theory impossible.

    I'm not sure how I can help but be offended by your post, despite your request to the contrary, considering the references to "cruel Nazi propaganda," etc. . . .

    Looking towards the heavens and throwing my hands up in exasperation,



    ICQ 8273286


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette:

    Business for what? Why would I colorize it.


    Well, because Bastables wanted you to post this so I could make a mod of it for the game. Considering my low intelligence level, how can I do that if I can't see the picture in color? My guess is that the darker areas are purple, the medium ones a hot pink, and the light ones flourescent yellow. =|



    ICQ 8273286


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette:

    Business for what? Why would I colorize it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, Bastables wanted me to make a CM mod of this tank. Now given how stupid I am, how am I supposed to know what colors are on this tank? I'd guess maybe the darker areas are purple, the medium areas a hot pink, and

    the light shades are yellow? =|



    ICQ 8273286


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    I want a t-shirt with Kitty's hamster mod on it, as well as the text of that first harangue about SS being over-priced Hamstertruppen.

    Or better yet, a t-shirt with Kitty in it. *wink* *wink* (yes, it is supposed to be humorous, so don't drag it too far down into the gutter)


    Ok, I'll sell you a hamster t-shirt. How much are you willing to pay? =)



    ICQ 8273286


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I/O Error:


    I still wish kitty would read what I said... :(


    I read it. I was just enjoying watching you squirm for a while. >=)

    Anyway, you're right. You didn't really say anything wrong but what you did say was followed by the enormous s***-eating grin smile. I thusly interpreted it as, "Yeah, I didn't say anything wrong but I really am saying something wrong." See? And the post wasn't really directed specifically to you but rather both of you; you're nickname just made a more easily hit sexual target . . . fire w/fire. Normally I probably wouldn't have said anything but considering the events that were occuring last night, the posts by lamer child and the flood of, "DO YOU WANT MY CO** IN YOUR MOUTH????" messages he was sending to me on ICQ every 2 minutes, I suppose I was a bit grouchy. Sorry.

    Kitty =^..^=


    ICQ 8273286


  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

    I hope everyone got the sarcasm in my post on the guestbook. I am pretty darned sure that that King Tiger wasn't Brown Dye #23, probably a lot closer to #24 :) . Alhough I don't use your Hampster mod, (because my opponents make me laugh enough when playing CM) I will definitely use your Tiger mod. :)


    Hehehe, I wasn't too sure what to think at first. I laughed, then I said, "Wait a minute . . ." until Berli said, "I love Maj. Tom's post," on ICQ.




    ICQ 8273286


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