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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. Originally posted by Croda:

    What happens on Australia Day? Do you all have the day off of work to get drunk on Kangaroo piss

    Nah, mate. We call that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

    Kitty - Top Shiela - Spunk Rat


    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  2. Originally posted by armornut:

    Hey guys and gal,

    My soon to be wife is a CM nut! She plays me in hotseat games and does very well for a person who knows nothing about the forces she is working with. The best thing is I took a look at her favorites list, and there are CM sites. She has been researching what the best equipment is to use in given situations. When I asked why she did not ask me about that, she said she wanted to surprise me with as hard attack that would kick my butt! I have tried to get her to play on line, but she said she is not ready. She has already beat up the Computer on most of the quick battles she has tried. So look out guys in a few months there may be another female CM player:)!

    Hehehe take that, Cybeq. =P Cool, armornut. The funniest part about Cyb's response to my post is that gee, didn't he see that it was meant to be humorous? =)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  3. Originally posted by Terence:

    Sure, but then the hyper-realist contingent would scream bloody murder that the partisan voice was 2.44545 octaves lower than it should be, considering average age and voice pitch of of partisan woman soldiers, modified by effects of stress and lousy Soviet cigarettes, and that this inconsistency was DESTROYING the game.




    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  4. Originally posted by Terence:

    I speak Russian, fwiw.

    Hehe, so you can be the voice of Olga Volga the partisan then? =)

    Tankgirl - do you speak Russian Kitty?

    Nyet. ;)


    [This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 01-25-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 01-25-2001).]

  5. Originally posted by Cybeq:

    While Kitty's suggestion is nice it is far from a realistic solution for most married guys. Some things are just "guy things" and some things are "girl things". B]

    Like I said, it won't work for everyone.

    And if this is "just a 'guy' thing" what am I doing here? Guess I should leave. =(



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  6. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    he looks like someone who would have people put to death for doing his eggs wrong?

    You mean like if someone kicked him in the nuts? Well I'd HOPE he'd have someone killed for that . . . no, wait a minute. Since when do Marines delegate their killing to others? He'd do it himself.

    Rasputin really sucked you in w/his insanity act, huh? ;)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  7. Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Boy, you are going to get TRASHED for this tease :)

    Can anybody tell us what little detail our fine hoaxer left out that shows this picture to be a fraud? HINT: at one time we said it couldn't be done, but Charles out smarted himself :)





    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  8. Madmatt is a Gangrel.


    This is what is says a Gangrel is on that site, Lorak. =(

    "Of all poolers, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to the pool itself. These oafish losers spurn the constraints of hair, preferring the comfort of baldness. How they avoid the wrath of the Steve is unknown; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel are themselves weightlifters. When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into the Iron Chef or a bot, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel. Like the Brujah, Gangrel are fierce moderators; unlike the Brujah, Gangrel moderation does not stem from anarchic rage, but from animalistic instinct. Gangrel have a keen understanding of the pool in their souls, and prefer to spend their nights bouncing drunks from night clubs than with the poolers whom they so emulate."



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  9. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Former SEAL and Professional Wrestler, Current Governor of the State of Minnesota and Future XFL Commentator, Jesse "The Body" Ventura. America ... the land of opportunity.


    Oh. I like him. He's an idiot. =)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  10. Originally posted by Lorak:

    As for Kitty... I would have to place her as a Brujah justicar. If any of you uneducated dolts even know what that is I'll be surprised.

    Will somebody please tell this dolt what that means? =(



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  11. Originally posted by Predator:

    I'll start things off by saying for me, it's the Closing Credits music for the movie "Glory".

    Delibes "Viens Mallikas Sous Le Dome Edias." That or the theme from "The Three Stooges." =D


    Ps - "Glory" was a good score. =) He (Horner) has done a few good ones, "Braveheart" is my other favorite. Was kind of disappointed to see a commercial for that new Tom Hanks movie where he's the hippie stranded on Gilligan's Isle or whatever, and hear them using the score from "Braveheart" in it.


    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  12. Originally posted by Tankgirl:

    Hey Kitty, great post with the mods. Women and Hamsters! How do you keep Richard Gere from hassling you?

    That's easy; I just don't make any gerbil mods . . .

    So is it possible to do wavs that will be interspersed with male voices on the partisan side? I guess if you can do that , it pretty much covers it.

    Here's what they (BTS) will probably say:

    "At this point we don't have any of the .wav files for CM2 at all as we are trying our best to complete and polish the other, more technologically complex aspects of the game first. We don't have any set plans for including female .wav files in CM2 but since the public seems to demand it, we're going to offer Kitty a large sum of money, a company car, company Lear jet, and a player to be named later if she'll record our female .wavs for us . . . either that or we'll just wait til she gets bored enough and makes a female sound mod for free."


    PS - I am available for above sound work at more realistic prices, btw. =)

    PPS - let's not hear any prostitution jokes, please


    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

    [This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 01-24-2001).]

  13. Originally posted by Lorak:

    For game updates.... All I can say is that I am disapointed in you lot. (even more so than normal.) Kitty has advised me that her record was about as right as mace's sex life. Seems several of you, have been holding back on letting us know Kitty has scratched your eyes out.



    Kitty- 2 wins

    Mace- 2 loses







    As for Kitty... I would have to place her as a Brujah justicar. If any of you uneducated dolts even know what that is I'll be surprised.

    Ummm . . . yeah, but . . . *sigh* . . .

    Stuka did post a short snippet about being in the process of "getting his ass kicked by Kitty" or something similar . . . and mensch for sure posted that I beat him the first time we played, . . . and Mace is my lover and Berli is my Lord God of Evil, CM, Smoke, and 210mms Master, so we can't blame them for not posting it . . . and I, preparing for the stoning I'll receive for saying this, just don't like posting about who I beat etc., because it's not bloody nice. <ducks as a large stone sails past her head> Who threw that?!


    That being said, I'll go over there now and await my stoning. --->


    Ps - I guess while we're at it you can add another W for me vs mensch as I accepted his surrender in a PBEM game not more than 3 hours ago but on the other hand I don't want it 'cause he only surrendered 'cause he was sleepy and I gave him an ultimatum of surrender or keep playing. mensch is nice though. =(


    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  14. Originally posted by Space Thing:

    go over to her and talk about whatever she wants to talk about. :)

    That's a pretty good move but if you're interested in a female's view (albeit a very sick and twisted female), here's my idea:

    Ask her to play a game with you. When you ask, be enthusiastic!! Make it sound like it'll be the most fun she's ever had in her life! Also be sure to physically touch her; hold her hand, your arm around her, whatever...studies have shown that a person is more likely to respond favorably to a request if you are touching them...no, I wouldn't recommend doing this during sex as that could have potentially fatal results for your marriage or your physical person. ;)

    If she says ok be helpful and responsive to her questions about how to play and what unit can do what...by responsive I don't mean that if she asks what a panzerschreck is for the 3rd or 4th time to respond, "$%#&$@!!!!! IT'S AN ANTI-TANK WEAPON JUST LIKE I %$#@ TOLD YOU 5 MINUTES AGO AND 5 %#$$@ MINUTES BEFORE THAT!!!!" This would be bad. Be patient. Be ultra-patient. If you feel you can't maintain your composure, excuse yourself to use the restroom or even better, go to the kitchen or store (if you're really high-strung) and get her her favorite candy. Use whatever excuse you need to take a minute so that you can regain your composure.

    Now assuming that she has no experience in games of this sort, you will probably have more skill than she does (people like mensch being an exception). If this is the case, then when you finally get her to play, do one of the following according to her personality type:

    Fiesty/Competitive If your wife falls into this category allow her to think that she's beating you for a short time. Let her make fun of you, etc... then kick her butt go all out at the end to pull off a narrow victory. This will make her think that maybe she could have won and possibly provoke the enough desire in her to prove it that she'll play again.

    Non-Competitive/not interested: To be honest, I don't think there is anything you can do in this situation . . . maybe pay her to leave you alone? =)

    Lived under your domineering heel for far too many years Easy. Let her win. You'll hate it but there's a price for everything. Let her win, Master!! If you can bring yourself to do it, it will acheive one of two things:

    1) She'll be so elated at finally beating you at something she'll probably go off to gloat about it somewhere else, leaving you to play CM at your leisure, or

    2) She'll like the new found taste of your blood and start craving it more. She'll want to play again. If this happens, let her win again but make it a little more difficult for her. Gradually increase the difficulty level until she's addicted and no matter how many times she may lose to you she'll always need that "just one more chance and I can do it" fix.

    So there it is for now. One suggestion though...if you're letting her win don't be obvious about it or you're liable to be needing new monitor to replace the one your head broke when it crashed into the screen, and at the very least . . . don't expect to have any alternative outlets for your pent up male aggressions other than CM for quite some time. ;)




    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  15. Originally posted by russellmz:

    my guys' faces are too shiny

    Wow, I'm sorry. I'm not sure how I missed this the first time but I did. If your guys are having problems with shiny faces it's because they have oily skin. Oily skin results from the hyperproduction of sebum (oil). Individuals with oily skin may also have a genetic predisposition to acne that could be triggered by a combination of other factors such as stress and poor diet.

    Oily skin reacts well to horsetail, which helps reduce the oil flow. Aloe vera is a good moisturizer humectant and healer for this skin type.

    These are just a couple of quick ideas I thought you might like. We can go into more detail if you like. Let me know. =)



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

  16. Originally posted by Spook:

    I presume, Kitty, that a future project of yours will be to lobby Charles & Steve to include properly-scaled 3D polygon sets so that instead of providing just "faces", you can provide a mod of the whole rodent? ;)

    Ah, it's a beautiful dream. If only. If only . . .



    Hamsters at War!

    Chicks With Tanks

    Lorak's FTX

    "I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

    The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

    The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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