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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Originally posted by JoePrivate:

    1 - It's perfectly safe to rotate and hide the 105 RCL without it being spotted.

    2 - Tougher question, is there a possibility the Shermans will have to move closer than they are at present? Or is this it? Something to keep in mind, the 105 RCL is woefully inaccurate at long range, check out its velocity, and slow firing to boot, so if you open up now(29%) you are definitely looking to luck for a hit! smile.gif If the situation warrants it I would be looking at a much closer range before opening up.

    OK, so slow ROF + slow velocity p/meter of its firing projectile (which equates to not so good accuracy over a longer distance - 700m) of the 105mm RCL will "demand" NOT FIRING.

    Mmmm, my thoughts @ the moment exactly.

  2. Mr Bates,

    Would you fire your 105mm RCL with Hit:29%and a kill probability of "OK" @ a range of 700m? Or would you wait for a higher percentage, or even ambush?

    This is the question more endearing to my heart.

    Olle has indicated above he rather uses *range* (say 400m) before he would give the "Fire" command, but that is the other side of the coin, as at a range of 400m I assume the Hit % and Kill probability will obviously be higher anyway than the current hit:29% @ a range of 700m.

    Distracting the Shermans is obviouisly a good idea, as they are nearly broadside to the hidden 105mm RCl anyway.


    Charl Theron

  3. The following Scenario in PBEM:

    I have a veteran 105mm RCL, hiding in patch of scattered trees waiting in ambush, me getting all juiced up as 2 unsuspecting M4 Sherman (with full squads on both of the Shermans) are moving in LOS (range: +/-700m) of the above guns.


    The 105mm RCL is hiding, BUT are facing 30-45 Deg. AWAY from the approaching Shermans.

    Question 1:

    Could it be possible that the 2 Shermans (unbuttoned) will pick the 105mm RCL up (for the few seconds anyway) if I order the gun to "re-rotate" + "Hide", thus pointing in the Shermans general direction, awaiting a better oppurtunity to fire in the near future? [Note: This is my last AT-assest. If they go, bye-bye PBEM game!)

    Question 2:

    At what hit % would it be *Reasonable safe* (given that there IS no securities wink.gif) to fire the 105mm as I have the following LOS info on the 2 unsuspecting M4's:

    (i) On Sherman 1 = Hit:29%, Kill:OK

    (ii) On Sherman 2 = Hit:8%, Kill:Good, "Hull Down"

    Now obviously (ii) will not induce me to use the 105mm, unless I'm into S&M!

    But the Hit % of 29% makes it tempting to open up and fire - but wouldn't it be more prudent to rather wait for a Hit % of 50 or higher on both targets to get a reasonable chance of knocking both out?

    Or should I order "ambush" - will the 105mm "automatically" then wait for a higher % kill before it fires?

    Remember, both Sherman are a few metres apart (at an oblique angle to the 105mm RCL) thus they can retaliate (both) very quickly on the RCL if the 105mm opens up - which will be a dead give away on my hidden position anyway

    What is the ROF of the 105mm RCL? Another dynamic here that could prevent me from taking both Shermans on (if hit % more favourable).

    Any comments regarding Hit %, when to fire your AT-gun (or ambushing the Shermans rather) will be appreciated.

    Kind Regards

    Charl Theron

  4. Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

    Note that it is the Abrams (named after General Abrams), not Abrahams.

    Yes, but here in South Africa, we spell differently! Just kidding wink.gif Not to mention typing errors - still doing the 2 finger job on the KBoard.

    Thanks anyway gentleman for the quick responses.

    Best regards to all and enjoy the weekend,

    Charl Theron

  5. Now, at the risk of seeming/sounding flippant, this might be all bright 'an dandy with regard to a "fear model" built into CM or whatever, therefor the reason squads do not fire their 60m fausts.

    But for Pete's sake, ordering a squad to fire (which is in perfect range) and those little 'uns NOT even attempting to fire off the damn faust-60, smacks of not a well simulated scenario, particular with regard to this aspect.

    I rather let the squad FIRE the projectile and if they miss... say a randomness build into the game - and take my wild card chances *IF/WHEN* I miss - than have to discover (on this BB) that...No, NO, SIR, Da Faust could only be fired if sire is 15m/30m/50m away for the f-30, f-60, f-100 respectively! Really.

    I agree, let the manual for CM2 be more detailed with regard to these technical details ... much more fun to read this than detailed pages HOW to move your troops about the battle filed for beginners


    Charl Theron

    Needless to say, I lost the PBEM game as described in the opening post. I suppose I am now a hardened veteran and now knows the hard, hidden facts about 'EM FAUSTs! Again, really.[i/]

  6. The following PBEM scenario:

    1 x crack, in command Sturmsquad, 52m from broadside, MOTIONELSS M4 Sherman, with clear LOS, ordered to fire from the saftey of tall pines on the above shining metal knight. They have 2 x 60m fausts/rifle grenades...whatever...in their arsenal. Made double sure that they were in LOS, plus after targeting, the green fire line stretched towards the Sherman, no problem. Even went down on *View 1* to make sure that the crack Sturm Squad have a clear, unobstructed view towards this (BTW, buttoned!) M4 Sherman.

    As the next PBEM round/movie started, my Sturmsquad did nothing, their green target line that was pointed towards the STILL MOTIONLESS Sherman being canceled automatically. There my squad remained, in awe of the meatl beast, doing bloody nothing for the whole of the 60sec. movie! frown.gif

    Now, what am I missing with regard to the capabilities of these 60m fausts?

    Please enlighten me.

    Kind Regards,

    Charl Theron

  7. Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:

    Try my Mod Manager (when its finished!). Not only does it 'manage your mods' you can also configure it to use your bitmap editor and wav file editor allowing you to customize bitmaps and wav files. You can even add kill rings to a tank gun during a game.Screen shots are at


    When can we expect release date sir?

  8. Could we make the CM ModManager a STANDARD for all modmakers to comply with?

    I have it now for 3 months and only one or two people (thank you Marco Bergman!) do mods that is compatible with the CM ModManager. It really is a GOOD tool, as you can see beforehand the included jpeg files (in a quck view pane) of a mod before installing that particular mod.

    Keep this post bumped every now and then so it BECOMES a standard I suppose.

  9. Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    I'd like this spreadsheet. Winecape, can you email this to me?

    Yup, no problem. Just make sure your e-mail box can receive a Zip file 3,4MB in size. If so, let me know winecape@global.co.za and I will despatched maestro guachi's number crunching Excel Unit Database in no time. (actually, in *SOME* time!)

    Hopefulley all here can put some "pressure" on guachi to update the unit/equipment Database up to CM version 1.12 (as he himself indicated he is doing so at the moment) and put it on Madmatt's CMHQ site - this is the de facto database that SHOULD come burned on the all CD's of CM:BO wink.gif


    Charl Theron

    Stellenbosch, South Africa

  10. Thanks for all the enlightment gentleman! Short of measuring with a ruler on your monitor when the adjustment of arty fire is within/out of this magical 100m box when thre is no LOS, I gather that the grogs here have all called arms upon Charles (btw, hope he receives my wine before his birthday smile.gif) et al do change this.

    Do these BTS gentleman keep track of these suggestions (for a visual line cue as described on this post) on such a busy BB?

    Hope so. If not, I'm afraid that a lot of gentleman/woman will revisit this or other post (like I did! smile.gif) to clarify matters.

    Nevertheless, I thank all above for the quick and informative replies. What a pleasure to be on this board. In fact, this is now bookmarked as my homepage on my browser. Go figure!

    Kind regards

    Charl Theron

    Stellenbosch, South Africa

  11. I have discovered to my horror that you're UNABLE to adjust area fire for targets (out of LOS) with artillery (used German 81mm mortar) without the countdown timer starting from "scratch" in a recent PBEM. Didn't need to adjust fire (for out of LOS) previously in any PBEM, my FO's seems to climb trees to get 100% LOS wink.gif What a nasty surprise. Does this whack with real artillery doctrine. The timer to ETA started all over again with no reduced time penalty. Could this be wrongly simulated? Searching, I found the same discovery by a gentleman "Wolfe", posted on 09-16-2000 on the discussion thread @ www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/010543.html . Nothing further mentioned, just the above mentioned/confirmed in a side remark.

    Any clarification on this? Maybe Juardis, Wolfe, Bullethead (all that took part in the above post) could inform us whether this IS the case consistently for ALL arty according to their arty testing stats.

    kind regards

    Charl Theron

    Stellenbosch, South Africa

  12. Much obliged Wolfe! Thank you.

    In the mean time people, I am trying to contach Jason McGrody with regard to a download link where he's nifty CM:BO Excel Unit Database can be downloaded. Madmatt already indicated that he is willing to host the download with Jason's permission if Jason does not have a new download link (he's old link is now sadly defunct)

    Kind regards

    Charl Theron

  13. I am asking Madmatt and Kwazydog if they could host Jason's (with his permission of course) nifty Excel macro-based CM:BO Unit Database, as posting it to everybody (file zipped = 3,4MB) is too TEDIOUS and SLOW - Takes 8 minutes to e-mail!

    The original link at Jason McGrody's website ("guachi") for d/l the above Database is broken. Will post a reply as soon as I hear from the above gentleman.


    Charl Theron

  14. Originally posted by MikeT:

    Audace in Italy has worked overtime on adding Italians, well actually redressing Germans, with new uniforms and Italian speech files. His work also includes redressing a few German vehicles so the Italians will armor support.

    They say that the thinnest book in the Rome library is the one on Italian war heroes of WWII!

    .........Just kidding gentleman wink.gif

  15. OK, OK! Jeez gentleman, my mailbox was flooded last night for requests with regard to the MSExcel97 spreadsheet pertaining to all the equipment/vehicles with their stats/firepower ratings in CM:BO.

    Some e-mails pleaded that they are getting their but kicked on tournament ladders as the result of not choosing the right platoons/squads etc.

    No, this Excel database will not save your butt by covering your mistakes Sirs! wink.gif

    However, patience will be required. I will send it off to each and every one (67 replies!) during today. (Saturday)

    Nevertheless, it is a VERY handy database to have. Just make sure that the main Excel database file is in the SAME directory as the other files that comes with the Zip.

    PS: For the record, I am not the author of this unit database, but a hardworking gentleman by the name of Jason McGrody (guachi@bayou.com)

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