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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Dear participants to-be of Wild Bill's Rumblings of War Tourney,

    I was thinking along the following lines regarding the 6-bottle wine prize of this tournament: I'll rather be more flexible; I'll ask the eventual winner what cultivars he prefers, be it the main one's produced here in South Africa, too wit:

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> Cabernet Sauvignon

    <LI> Pinotage

    <LI> Merlot

    <LI> Shiraz

    <LI> Pinot Noir

    <LI> Cabernet Franc

    <LI> Red blends -- which consist of combinations of 1/more of the previous

    <LI> Port -- better known here in South Africa as by the misnomer 'Cape Vintage'

    and the main white varieties

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> Chardonnay -- in wooded, slightly wooded or unwooded incarnations

    <LI> Sauvignon Blancs -- 98% of them unwooded here in South Africa, the wooded one's being called Blanc Fumé

    <LI> Chenin Blanc -- tend to be mostly off-dry, some wooded, some not

    <LI> Semillon

    <LI> Noble Late Harvest's -- sweet dessert style wines, mostly in 500ml bottles and usually made of either Chenin/Semillon/Sauv. Blanc or Rhine (Weisser) Riesling

    <LI> Weisser/Rhine Riesling -- mostly off-dry to semi-sweet in style here; few dry examples

    <LI> A good white blend -- mostly dry to off-dry style and

    <LI> Voignier -- pronounced 'voy-neer'. I would only recommend one estate's wine (Fairview) in this category to be honest. Very fashionable in the rest of the world wine producing countries @ the moment, but the few wine estates that have dabbled with this cultivar here in South Africa have produced mediocre results at best, barring the pioneer Fairview

    Now the eventual winner might know:

    1. <LI> Nothing about wine at all, South African or otherwise, in which case I'll make a recommendation from the above categories or let him choose from what categories I should make a offering;
      <LI> A little bit about wine in general. He can choose then all 6 bottles from one category or split his selection the way he sees fit. Again, I'll make a few good/excellent recommendations in each category the he chooses, or he can give me carte blanche;
      <LI> Knows a little quote more than (B). If he knows some South African wine estates, he could if he so wishes request a particular estate's wine -- if available -- from me, (the wines' prices will not be an issue BTW). Again, he could also ask my recommendation within the cultivars of his choosing. If he has drunk a fair amount of SA wines, I'll be happy to oblige and recommend wines similar (in taste/style etc.) to the ones he has drunk and liked.

    Just be reminded: I cannot "guarantee", when making recommendations, that your *palate* will find a particular wine to your liking when you eventually receive the goods. I can only "guarantee" that the *quality* of the wine will be good/excellent. ;)

    Mike, announcement of the participants of this tourney is on 1 September, right?


    Charl Theron


  2. Related issue:

    If you, like me, feel the need to juggle anywhere between 8-15 PBEM gmes at a time and still want to feel sane, no other utility for email play beats PBEM HELPER by Fuerte.(Windows version only as of yet, and it supports file numbering in format = "FILENAME###", where ###=numbers and "FILENAME" = 8 or more characters)

    Some related questions/answers to this excellent PBEM utility to be found here:

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=019065

    <LI> http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=018809

    <LI> http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=019014 and here

    <LI> http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=019234

    Welcome to the wonderful world of playing CM:BO via e-mail Mr. Harrison!

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  3. Hello all,

    I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the following people:

    <LI> Wild Bill -- for the time, effort and sheer willingness for designing as well as researching the scenario's to be used in this historical tourney;

    <LI> Treeburst155 -- idea hatcher for this historical tourney, always patient, fair, reasonable, courteous, in short he possess all attributes necessary for managing/running any tourney. Thank you very much, Mike.

    <LI> Keith Yeates et al. -- scenario testers of Wild Bill's craftsmanship. My thanks also to Timothy Orosz (Rune) for his willingness to submit his scenario's for this tourney. Whether they are going to be used or not, I don't know yet. Doesn't matter. "Good goal mate!" ;)

    <LI> Participants to be and interested parties -- Hopefully you all like wine as a prize. If not, then still enter as this will be sheer fun. Wild Bill's historical scenario's should be tested thoroughly in combat Now is your chance to "combat certify" them before everyone else. We will only select a few players for this tourney solely based on certain answers put to you in the application letter. *Read* those questions and reply carefully, gentleman.

    <LI> Charles + Steve -- I have only one word to be said to both of you: PROST!

    I'll put the 6-bottle wine prize description here on this thread. Will no be able to do it just yet - soccer duties are taking up a lot of my free time @ the moment here in South Africa.

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  4. The_Capt,

    Mmmm interesting. I started (own the board) on the south side, facing north, and my FO's are about to fire to a concentration of troops on my right flank (due East), these troops are "dug in" along a line that runs parallel to the south side edge (my base line). Their oval shape concentrations stretches W-E, parallel to my South border line.

    If I understand correctly, the oval spread or "footprint" about to be fired will be now still East-West (my base being South) and not North-South on either side of my target end line?

  5. I recall Bullethead's spread pattern thread on arty (gun batteries via FO's + mortar/rockets).


    I quote inter alia:

    MORTARS: Regular Spread

    Firing with LOS to TRP: 150x60m, oriented E-W

    Firing Blind to TRP: ditto

    Firing with LOS only: ditto

    Firing Blind only: 250x100m, oriented E-W


    My specific question:

    Is the spread always oriented East to West (oval shaped) in relation to the end-point of the order line -- that is, always to the left and right of the target order line end-point? On application this, I assume, given the above example, will be a spread (with LOS to the TRP) of roughly 75m to the left and 75m to right, with a North/South spread of 30m and another 30m respectively, the "middle" of this oval shape being where the end-point of the target line ends?

    Will be grateful if someone could chime in here, as a current PBEM battle hinges on my FO's braking the will to fight of some well identified troop concentrations in mediocre cover. Their dug-in pattern resembles a huge football, 100m from end to end in width, with roughly 50m in diameter.

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  6. Chivalry, manners, being gracious, gentlemanly ... try these attributes when all else fails, gentleman.

    If that does not help ... (it does help at the most unlikely of places - even on the soccer pitch while I'm officiating at FNB Soccer Stadium, South Africa, 80 000+ fans screeching, nay baying, for your blood during a regular top of the league clash between Orlando Pirates v Kaizer Chiefs etc)... THEN IGNORE ALL ELSE FOR YOUR OWN SANITY! ;)

    Kind regards (as always smile.gif)

    Charl Theron

  7. Shandorf,

    Any form of AAR will be much appreciated. You decide the way you want to present it. If you feel that, for clarity sake, you can only give a complete AAR after your PBEM match, that's fine with us. I know that your cesspoolian friends are waiting anxiously to see if their nominee can make the grade smile.gif

    TexasToast- many thanks for your AAR and the time taken to pen it, as well as for other DAR/AAR's posted so far by participants. As stated before, if any combatant here feel there is a interesting idea/maneuver etc. that has come up in your PBEM battles, post it. We don't expect 19 AAR from all your encounters, but lessons learned/dished out is always welcome! Right Berli? ;)

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by Treeburst155:

    I have been thinking about starting a Historical Attack/Defend tournament using carefully designed scenarios. No force picking in the editor. Carefully designed attack/defend type scenarios never seen by anyone before. The aim of this new tournament would be to find out who is the best tactician in realistic situations that were actually encountered. The prize would be the knowledge that you have come out on top after a series of realistic tactical problems were thrown at you. You would be tested on the attack and on defence. The tourney would probably have to have no more than 10 players. Maybe even less since more players means more QUALITY scenarios.

    I cannot design historical attack/defend scenarios myself but there are a some who can. I will be approaching them as soon as I have the time to think about how this thing will work. The tourney mechanics needs to be thought out a bit more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Mmmm, very interesting Mike.

    I'm willing to sponsor this one too, maybe we could give the winner of this Invitational, as well as the winners of Tourney's I & II automatic entry then?

    You're right though, the historical attach/defend scenario's have to be well though out/designed and historical correct, a task that will be no small feat. Playing these scenario's in both attack/defend mode against each opponent without picking your forces would sure be an almighty test of CM skills, and will go a long way in counter-balancing the Invitational Tourney's nitpicking of force selections.

    E-mail me when you have come closer to some concrete idea Mike.

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

    .... As pointed out by ... this topic has been discussed before as I can recall advocating it too. Now I know it slipped through the BTS net last time I'm gonna have to dig out that great long dissertation of ideas I had that I thought you knew all about but now I'm not so sure. Look out!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Lest we forget the original Wine Feature Mega-list gentleman, as this was mentioned there...somewhere!

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Fionn wants me to surrender, but every point I save is precious, and every casualty I inflict

    worthwhile in the larger context of the tournament. Odd, isn't it, how it takes a tournament to get us as commanders to withdraw when we're beaten, instead of fighting to autosurrender or annihilation?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Read this over again, gentleman…. As stated before, it could be the difference between drinking wine or water! EVERY POINT COUNTS.

    Thanks for the DAR (during action reports) so far, very entertaining and well written. John, could you persuade Fionn to do a DAR/AAR, even if it means that he has to send that via you (per e-mail) to this forum?

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  11. Yup, that happened with an 251/9 of mine against StuGIII recently Treeburst.

    It reversed out of the security of a cluster of buildings instead (after receiving a rotate order in a very confined space), back side first towards the enemy.

    Needless to say, a few moments later, KABOOM, exploding in one pretty fireball...and whadda you know, all the crew members INTACT, bailing out, sans only one!! :eek:

    BTS, fix somefink!

  12. Gentleman, my apologies,

    Please head over here to the PART II of the INVITATIONAL thread.

    I have asked Madmatt to delete this one -- no offence Shandorf et al! -- so any questions/posts put down here, please repost at the above post.

    Blame it on me for the confusion; lack of sleep due to my 2 + 4 year old daughters keeping me up (not seeing this post) as well as a tempory ISP crash of mine! (the reason for starting PART II so late) :rolleyes:


    Charl Theron

  13. Gentleman,

    This Invitational Tourney of "Stars" thread has now moved here, Madmatt warning us that the original Invitational thread is becoming dangerously long in posts, which might result in a server crash.

    To recap, the following people have are participating in a round robin tourney over several leisurely months, with the prizes below:

    1) Fionn Kelly

    2) Martin "Moon" Turewicz

    3) Bill Hardenberger

    4) SuperTed

    5) Michael Dorosh

    6) Ari Maenpaa

    7) Fuerte

    8) Berlichtingen

    9) Jshandorf

    10) MickOZ

    11) Claymore


    13) CapitalistDogInChina

    14) John Kettler

    15) Jarmo

    16) Robert Hall

    17) Texas Toast

    18) Sten

    19) Ben Galanti

    20) Mr. Spkr

    The prizes ….

    1) US$220.00 wine value for the winner, I'll pay for postage/freight; Wine description here…

    2) The John Platter: A South African Wine Guide for the winner, 450+ page booklet.

    3) A bottle of Islay Single Malt Scotch or US$100.00 for the winner. [sponsor: Claymore]

    4) US$50.00 bonus prize to a non-winner. [sponsor: Treeburst155]

    5) US$50.00 prize to the combatant voted as the "Best Sportsman" [sponsor: Mrs. Treeburst155]

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron = idea hatcher

    Tourney Manager = Treeburst155


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