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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Is KiwiJoe the winner here Treeburst? Seems like it. If so - Congrats!! Let me know Treeburst and I'll email KiwiJoe for his postal details. He must just promise me NOT to pour all the wine in one bowl to drink it ;)

    Couldn't check the standings of this tourney on your link Treeburst, seems broken (using IE5 btw)


    b]Charl Theron



    Good wine, well drunk, can lend majesty to the human spirit.

    -- M.F.K. Fisher, American writer (1908 - 1992)

    Italics mine :D

  2. You've read the title... smile.gif

    Would love to get map only scenarios (small or medium size) of French countrysides/French Chateau maps for interesting PBEM battles with my opponents.

    Can anybody direct me in this direction? Being in the wine business, this seems to be a natural extension of my activities! smile.gif

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron



    Wine cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, makes weariness forget his toil, and fear her danger, opens a new world when this, the present, palls.

    --Lord Byron, English poet (1788-1824)

  3. Good job Fuerte, again!

    I'm off to d/l the new version immediately.

    Shoeman, I'll send my setup file THIS week, I promise. Real Life were hectic when I came back from abroad. It seems that my Volvo is patched up to almost brand new (bought it out of the box) after missus was "bumped" from behind a few weeks ago. Will be mobile again to my desktop and CM:BO opponent gamefiles! This laptop of mine is just not doing it for me...





    To make a very good wine is to dream it. It is not necessary to be next to the vats and say, "I want to make wine, I want to make wine." Know wine, feel it.

    -- Gerard Depardieu, French actor

  4. Treeburst,

    It will be a good time now for you to start creating some sort of clear E-mail step-by-step instruction set or "form/template" to be mailed off to each Axis/Allied side. Not that you haven't done that already, knowing your diligence! smile.gif

    Details regarding AAR's should also be noted in above e-mail "template/form", i.e. not to post AAR/DAR to this forum to spoil the "wickedness" in WB's scenarios for other combatants.

    Gentleman, these 8 battles will be a true battlefield COMMANDER test and also a fair reflection on your ability to "escape" certain situations with your dignity intact.

    The winner of this Tourney could rightly bestow the title of "Fieldmarshall of RoW" upon himself. :D He will certainly have earned this title on the CM:BO battlefield!


    Charl Theron


    Wine is not an imperial deity. It is something to drink, something you put in your mouth and sometime later you expel it. But it's bloody marvellous along the way, isn't it?

    -- Len Evans, Australian winery owner

  5. Wreck,

    Will Bill is crafting 8 scenarios, and my guess is that most are finished by now. They just need to be properly playtested via Bill's lead testers to make them not completely unbalanced. Each player will be playing a ratio of 4/3 attack/defend or vice versa, or as closely as we can get to these attack/defend ratios for each combatant.

    Now the trick is to get each player to ... say attackon a particular map, without later (in another round) defend on that same map, as he will by then know the surprises/force composition of his opponent, thus diminishing any crafty ideas/twists that Wild Bill might have build into the scenarios.

    Starting to play with only a few of the 8 scenarios available will be one major headache, as players will be assigned attack/defend duties that will skewer the attack/defend ratio from a possible 4/3 to 7/0!!

    Texas Toast was kind enough to lend some brainpower to Treeburst to assign the proper ratio's for each combatant. BUT only if we have all 8 scenario's available to begin with in the first place, naturally.

    Short question, long answer. ;)


    Charl Theron



    Music is a psychological landscape, with all sorts of indefinable things. Wine is the same way. It has tastes that are very hard to define. When I drink a great wine, I get a sense of …. breadth - like a chord sounding and echoing.

    -- Michael Tilson Thomas, American symphony conductor

  6. Soddball,

    I think this to be an excellent idea? Are the graphics for these generic sound contact markers hardcoded? If not, punt it to the gentleman that did a remake of the generic sight markers. Can't remember his name now.


    Charl Theron



    At first there's nothing but a sour bunch of beads hanging. Time passes, the sun ripens them, they become as sweet as honey, and then they're called grapes. We trample on them; we extract the juice and put it into casks; it ferments on its own, becomes wine. It's a miracle!

    -- Nikos Kazantzakis, Greek poet and writer (1885 - 1957)

  7. Gentleman guachi,

    Now that you have ample time scrounging around this Forum, how about you finishing up your excellent CM: BO Excel unit Database spreadsheet to version 1.12?

    I've been mailing the current (incomplete) wunder database to all and sunder here!

    Regards and welcome back,

    Charl Theron



    At first there's nothing but a sour bunch of beads hanging. Time passes, the sun ripens them, they become as sweet as honey, and then they're called grapes. We trample on them; we extract the juice and put in into casks; it ferments on its own, becomes wine. It's a miracle!

    -- Nikos Kazantzakis, Greek poet and writer (1885 - 1957)

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx:

    I might be missing something here?

    I see that i have been accepted in this tournament and i have been recieving E-Mails from various blokes in here but......I haven't recieved any E-Mail etc from Treeburst or WineCape. Has anyone else actually been "Notified" as to whats going on?


    OK, the 24 lucky combatants have been "notified" via a formal letter, signed by the Consulate Generals of each participant's nationality represented here in South Africa. ;)


    Charl Theron



    A bottle of good wine, like a good act, shines ever in the retrospect.

    -- Robert L. Stevenson, Scottish writer (1850 - 1894)

  9. Naturally, I will recommend these excellent Chardonnay's too if the winner so chooses!

    In fact, one of my favourites is the Glen Carlou 99 Chardonnay mentioned there - very chalky, "pebbly" in style that contrast to the richer, fatter (buttery) style chardonnays found elsewhere. The writer of the above article DID his homework, as these Chardonnay are some of the top ones in South Africa for quite a while now. Good to see.

    Sidenote: Mike Dobrovic from Mulderbosch, as mentioned in the above article, is probably one of the most interesting winemakers in South Africa. Plays music to his maturing vats!

    John Kettler, thanks for pointing this article out. BTW, Rusteburg made a beaut, a red wine to be released in the trade (I get only a few cases allocation) soon. It is called the John X. Merriman 1999 - a blend - and it was the best wine that I've tasted this year (out of 40-50 estates' wines) at the Cape Waterfront Wine Festival.

    Again, this wine will/should be recommended to the winner of the WB RoW Tourney, no doubt! smile.gif


    Charl Theron



    Fish must swim thrice - once in the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach.

    -- John Ray, English naturalist (1627 - 1705)

  10. Just a reminder to all "star" participants:

    The wine you are all fighting over can be found/seen here, page 1&2 of the thread.

    Had to fend off some snoopy ,though knowledgable, European wine customers (tour group actually) a few days ago when they saw the bottles earmarked for this tourney standing in their shipping boxes, ready to be send to the winner of this Tourney.

    I had offers to sell them...and then SOME offer from them to buy the lot!! Seems that, according to them, a French wine magazine has named 4 of the 6 bottles up for grabs as examples of "New World wine icons" produced.

    Did I say the 6 bottles were "good" wines? ;)

    Kingfish, to paraphrase somebody here on the board, my comment to you being one syllable only -- "GACK!" :rolleyes:

    Regards and keep the battles coming,




    The discovery of a new vineyard does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a new star.

    -- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French gastronome (1755 - 1826)

  11. A toast to a great utility!

    Say, when I go to CMMOS buildings Tab, everything is blocked out with a red circle. Now I assume that is because I have not downloaded Duplessis's, Tanks a lot, Tremblett's, Gunslinger's etc. version of the CMMOS compatible mods.

    Next question: Are these CMMOS building mods available for d/l already?

    Kind regards and brilliant work Gordon & Co.

    Charl Theron



    Home is where the wine is.

    -- Michael Caine, English actor and restaurateur

  12. Treeburst,

    Have the following gentleman (Mr Spkr, Ben Galanti, Sten Friberg, Robert Hall, Adam Lloyd and Ari Maenpaa) started any PBEM games so far?

    Regards (while I twiddle my thumbs in Namibia awaiting Saturday's match)

    b]Charl Theron



    You can't be a wine snob. You have to keep your mind open. You have no idea where the next great wine you drink will come from!

    -- Francis Ford Coppola, American film director

  13. It seems that I'm gonna need KiwiJoe's delivery address details very soon! smile.gif


    Charl Theron



    Some of these vintages won't be ready to drink for a long time. If we wait much longer, our kids will be toasting us over our graves! Let's drink up what we have, and let them buy their own.

    -- Burgess Meredith, American actor (1909 - 1997) to film director John Huston (1906 - 1987)

  14. Gentleman,

    I have just been informed by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) that I will be out of my country during the days 28 Aug. --> 2 Sept. for officiating duties. I have anticipated this departure, and have graded the 24 top applications as well as the 3 standby players below.

    Sorry to jump this gun, but rather put the names on the Forum now then after due date of September 1st. This will give the 24 participants some extra days to start winding down their current PBEM games so as to concentrate on this Tourney. I expect Wild Bill and his lead testers to be finished with their scenarios roundabout middle September. Wild Bill, and only he, can give us the go-ahead to start once he is sure that we have 8 polished scenarios in our hands. It might be that he needs more time or less. Treeburst will let all the participants know.

    Now, without further ado, we present the 24 combatants (in 3 sections) for the WILD BILL RUMBLINGS of WAR Tourney


    1. <LI> "Warren Miron" k.lan@roadrunner.nf.net
      <LI> "Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita" jsalmenk@pp.htv.fi
      <LI> "Wade Moore" wadepm@ce.mediaone.net
      <LI> "Jon Sowden" J.Sowden@ucol.ac.nz
      <LI> "Greg Redeker " redeker@maxinet.com
      <LI> "Ted Sullivan" sullivantm@starpower.net
      <LI> "Scot Johnson" mPisi@flash.net
      <LI> "Bertram" BORedmeijer@home.nl


    1. <LI> "Kingfish" SC112565@aol.com
      <LI> "Tom" TGHCGN@aol.com
      <LI> "Stix" stix243@fan.net.au
      <LI> "John Kettler" kettler@relaypoint.net
      <LI> "von Lucke" blane2@flash.net
      <LI> "Peter Svensson" petersve@speakeasy.org
      <LI> "Georges" georges@speakeasy.org
      <LI> "Holien" Holien@BTInternet.com


    1. <LI> "Tony Zalewski" tonyzal@umahexagon.com
      <LI> "Everett thiele" rett@telia.com
      <LI> "Chuck Rohde" chucknsue@yahoo.com
      <LI> "Leonard Dickens" leonard@dc.net
      <LI> "Enoch" nickel@softhome.net
      <LI> "Juha Ahoniemi" juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi
      <LI> "Andrej Gaspari" aeg@computer.net
      <LI> "Rob Davidson" TABPUB@aol.com

    The 3 STANDBY PLAYERS -- these 3 will each have a 33% chance (or greater) of entering the RoW Tourney if 1/more of the above 24 players default for whatever reason.

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> "Jason Barnes" jbarnes7@kc.rr.com

    <LI> "Terence McLaughlan" terry@public.sta.net.cn

    <LI> "Thomas Travisano" ttravisano@stny.rr.com

    Treeburst, the combatants above are now in your capable hands.

    Kind regards (and good luck!) from a sunny Cape,

    Charl Theron


  15. Dear Wild Bill's RoW participants to-be,

    The application deadline has been reached. Below are all the applications received for consideration to decide which 24 (+ 3) players will participate in this Tourney. Announcement date = 1 September. The list below is in no particular order, btw. I will start grading the received applications in the coming week -- though I have done quite a bit of that already so far.

    Sidenote on grading applications:

    Treeburst, our Tourney Manager, had posed some question in the applications. The idea simply was to see what effort you are putting in your answers. The last question: Describing a WWII battle of any theatre that is the most interesting to you and tell us WHY it is so interesting to you" - is IMO, the one that counts at least 80-90% in the final grading; the last question also stating that you have to "give a few good paragraphs" to your reply. Some of you guys have done some beautiful detailed work (with *some* research work done!), especially with the last question. Others have only put in a single paragraph there. That was at your own peril…

    The questions posed were NOT to separate the ubergrogs from the uninformed. It was merely an indication to show your willingness to do some effort. WHY? Easy answer. Wild Bill and his lead testers are spending more than 100 man-hours in crafting/testing never-seen-before historical attack/defend scenario's for your enjoyment. At least we can honour/thank them for their effort by replying in kind.

    Thanks then to Wild Bill, Ted Quincey, Keith Yeats, Bill Valencia, Jeff Smith, Leland Tankersley, Timothy Orosz et al for their work - and continued work. We are awaiting your handy work in eager anticipation. Pay attention to the pre-briefings of these scenarios; clues therein and "between-the-line" reading might save your bacon. Remember, this is attack/assault vs defend scenarios. *Use* your given advantage quickly/wisely, otherwise you might find yourself under a merciless counterattack.

    OK, enough blabble. Here is the list of people that are itching to smash one another:

    1. <LI> "Greg Redeker " redeker@maxinet.com
      <LI> "Leonard Dickens" leonard@dc.net
      <LI> "Jon Sowden" J.Sowden@ucol.ac.nz
      <LI> "chuck rohde" chucknsue@yahoo.com
      <LI> "Stix" stix243@fan.net.au
      <LI> "Wade Moore" wadepm@ce.mediaone.net
      <LI> "Tom" TGHCGN@aol.com
      <LI> "Jason Barnes" jbarnes7@kc.rr.com
      <LI> "everett thiele" rett@telia.com
      <LI> "Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita" jsalmenk@pp.htv.fi
      <LI> "Tony Zalewski" tonyzal@umahexagon.com
      <LI> "Kingfish" SC112565@aol.com
      <LI> "Warren Miron" k.lan@roadrunner.nf.net
      <LI> "Thomas Travisano" ttravisano@stny.rr.com
      <LI> "Steve Dixon" skdixon@mindspring.com
      <LI> "Joe" Joe@pandemonium64.freeserve.co.uk
      <LI> "Brian Yeoh" triumvir@yahoo.com
      <LI> "Randall Sickbert" sickbert@psci.net
      <LI> "John Morse" Jdmorse@home.com
      <LI> "Urquhart, Michael" Michael.Urquhart@dowjones.com
      <LI> "Mike Campbell" mikecampbell@paradise.net.nz
      <LI> "Chris Campos" ccampos@lplsystems.com
      <LI> "Stefan Fredriksson" stefan.fredrik@telia.com
      <LI> "jK.MkIII" Jari.Kujansuu@hut.fi
      <LI> "Deke Fentle" dekefentle@mn.mediaone.net
      <LI> "ler che/White4" god_emperor_lerche@yahoo.com
      <LI> "J&MAbbott" jabbott1@carolina.rr.com
      <LI> "Peter Svensson" petersve@speakeasy.org
      <LI> "Ted Sullivan" sullivantm@starpower.net
      <LI> "Enoch" nickel@softhome.net
      <LI> "von Lucke" blane2@flash.net
      <LI> "Terence McLaughlan" terry@public.sta.net.cn
      <LI> "Surlyben" benhard@speakeasy.org
      <LI> "Marcus Bloess" mike8@mailcity.com
      <LI> "Rat" jensrat@hotmail.com
      <LI> "John Kettler" kettler@relaypoint.net
      <LI> "Craig Cummings" suntzu2k@bellsouth.net
      <LI> "Rob Davidson" TABPUB@aol.com
      <LI> "Holien" Holien@BTInternet.com
      <LI> "Bertram" BORedmeijer@home.nl
      <LI> "Andrej Gaspari" aeg@computer.net
      <LI> "Georges" georges@speakeasy.org
      <LI> "Scot Johnson" mPisi@flash.net
      <LI> "Juha Ahoniemi" juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi
      <LI> "Laura Gardner" dgardne8@tampabay.rr.com -- Yup, we have a woman (maybe an unsuspecting wife!) in our midst! smile.gif
      <LI> "Ricochet" Tramos1@ademco.com

    I thank all that responded with their applications to Wild Bill's RoW Tourney.

    Kind regards,

    Charl Theron


  16. Closing time coming up Gentleman,

    I'll lock applications early 9:00am (GMT+2) on the 25 Aug. That way I'll make sure that GMT-9 :rolleyes: hopefuls are not cut-off for entrance to Wild Bill's RoW Tourney.

    I will also publish the list of all applications received tomorrow.

    24 Participants will be chosen, 8 playing in 3 seperate sections a round robin of 7 matches each. The 3 section winners will square off against one another for the 1st price. I will also choose 3 standby players if one or more of the original 24 cannot finish any or part of their tourney games.

    These 3 will be given an equal chance to take up (their own positions) if one/more of the 3-section participants' cannot fulfil their play duties. That is, I'll alot them each a number of 1-3, and will pull a number out of a hat to see which one or more will take the place of the defaulting participant(s).

    That will give each standby player a 33% chance, a bigger chance obviously if more than 1 participant defaults for whatever reason.

    Anouncement of the 24 + 3 standby players will be on 1 September 2001.

    Good luck!

    Charl Theron


  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

    Treeburst, I'd really like to invite myself to your next invitational thingie. I'll bring a bottle of cheap wine too. :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>No need Lindan. ;)

    Apply for an application (via Treeburst) for Wild Bill's Rumblings of War Tourney and you might get a bottle of expensive wine or six if you win... a cheap 1/2 dozen if you insist! smile.gif



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