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Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. How many installs per license? I have more than one mac in my house and the little mrs misses the TCP/IP goodness we used to have. I have downloaded the game but will be receiving it in the mail eventually. Can I install it on her Mac Mini and activate it or would that be verboten?

    Please advise/admonish accordingly.

  2. I'm also having a bit of difficulty with both cover and concealment in CM:Norm. I was used to CMBO, CMBB, CMAK and Farmville. As an expert in Farmville, I found that a surplus of livestock might help. I was spoiled for years with heavy forest, light forest, etc and dropping down to eye level and I could see the depressions in the ground. Its a bit more difficult for me now with CM:Norm but am hoping to adapt.

  3. Two points,

    Big thing with vehicles in bocage is to remember that they all have a turning radius. I just did this last night with some M8s. Plotted some moves and the damn things wobbled around a waypoint. Scratched my head because tracked vehicles didn't have any problems....then it hit me....no pivot turn. You really have to baby some of these vehs thru tight turns. Pain in the ass no doubt but real drivers had to as well.

    Even tracked vehicles need turning radius. It can be frustrating but then again so was bocage from all accounts.

    Second point, Bocage is puzzle combat, which makes sense because you are really fighting in a freakin maze. Not for everyone though, I for one hate Suduko with a passion but people love it. If you tire of bocage there a couple hundred QB maps out there that have no bocage on them at all, lot of room for play. I also suspect the community will start rolling out scenarios outside of bocage country soon, so lots of room for future play.

    QFT & couldn't have said it better myself.


  4. Does not work for me either.

    I have applied the hotfix as per instructions and the game seems to accept my license key ok but then the game does not load nor quit unless I force a quit.

    When I force a quit and try to re-run the game it asks for my license key again.

    btw, the text still refers to "CMSF" when you click on CMBN in the command bar. Maybe I'm playing the wrong game :)

    I learned to put in the license key, have it accept it, and then close that window. Then, I was able to start up the game. Easiest when your CM Battle for Normandy stays on the dock.

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