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Everything posted by JediJobu

  1. I tend to pick and choose myself. I do like the interface mod and also got grass textures, a quite a bit of vehicle mods. but haven't gotten uniform mods. I don't get the mods that you need to rename in order to use with particular sides or scenarios -- too much work
  2. Hey, I used to love global conquest also and used to play with the "dynamite timer" However, this will probably not work for CM, just because there are a lot of scenarios where one is the attacker and one defender as opposed to the spread and conquer strategy for GC. I have played many scenarios as the defender where everything is where I want it and just hit GO right away because there is nothing for me to do but just sit and wait for them to show up. This would be just to much unfairness for the attacker that has to issue orders out to everyone initially to get his plan moving. I do like the overall timer idea, but don't think the fuse will work I have yet to try TCP but will do so next week!
  3. My unbiased .02 cents on this. I am a very busy person and have limited time for games - unfortunatelly. I have to pick and choose wisely on the game that I buy, not b/c I can't afford them but b/c of my time limitations I figure I better pick the ones that would be most enjoyable. Combat mission has been one of my 2 games that I get to play and have been doing so for 3-4 months now. CM is true to the genre with great innovations in it. I have never played a war game as good a this ever. Yeah, there are always classics but this one still wins by a long haul. Never had any technical difficulties with it. Very detailed and strategically demanding - unlike other games that once a strategy is found you can use it succesfully every time. Longevity is superb with play-by-email or internet play. AI is fairly good and until you get the hang of the game, does plenty to make you reload your old saved game. Excellent support from the makers with patches to fix up very small details. In short - I has been the best $45 spent in a game for me in a long, long time. Have a nice day!
  4. I see your point Mirage2k, however, I still wonder whether it would be possible to allow area fire through smoke irregardless of unit spotting. i.e., you don;t need relative or absolute spotting for this. just click on an area on the other side of the smoke that you would normally have LOS to and fire through the smoke - taking your chances. whether there is a unit there or not. Smoke should not act like a hill or a house to keep you from shooting through it. no LOS, yes it should keep you from that, but you should be able to fire through it if you want. I'm not a programmer and woudn't know the first thing about implementation of this but think that should be made possible that smoke should block LOS but not line of fire
  5. EXACTLY!!!! I know it would be low yield, but maybe I want to give a crack at it b/c low % to hit is better than no percent
  6. Ok, I understand the bove perfectly and would not fire under those circumstances. but what about my example where you could to a "guess" shot without LOS into an area where is it your best "guess" of the unit location -- if he just wnet into the smoke, he must be right there shouldn't he...
  7. ok, maybe it just doesn't make sense to me. but let me illustrate my usual circumstance Me in tiger, other in sherman. both with LOS to each other and not obstructing obstacles nearby, on flat terrain. sherman shoots tiger and bounces off. tiger shoots sherman and missed - darn sherman & tiger keep shooting as sherman begins to go into an automatic reverse b/c the crew is messing up their pants. sherman pops smoke as he backs up as soon as the tip of the barrel finishes going into the smoke, the tiger finishes reloading but looses LOS and does not shoot any more now why can't you make the tiger shoot into the smoke a round or two (at even decreased chance of hitting) where the sherman was - kind of a "hail mary" shot to see if can score some damage on it? same goes for INF emplacement that you get smoke in front of and now cannot shot it with a SP gun or anything like that even though you know the inf is there and the only thing between it and you is a cloud of smoke?
  8. hiccup,.... Why can't you shoot thru smoke????? especially when you know the target is 2 inches inside of it? and if grazing fire is in for the MG, how do you do it, I haven't seen that ... here's a $20...don't gimme change, just keep em coming
  9. 1.) On firing through smoke at a target the you had previously been firing at but now just hid behind smoke? 2.) MG's engaging more than one target at one that are very close to each other? some other questions that I can't think about right now.. Bartender...gimme another.....
  10. I also saw this in the mag and my feelings are that any person who wargames needs to always keep in my that thought the game might be accurate, tough, challenging, etc, it will never be real life. Things will never be like they really were when playing historical scenarios. I sympathize with the veteran who wrote the letter, which I might add, was done in a very professional manner, without just flamming Trotter (he didn't just come out and day what a looser he was and so on) I think it is very important for all of us here to remember that there is a line what we will never cross when speaking to/or about people who were actually there doing what they did.. risking their lives for what they felt was the right thing to do. just my .02 cents here.
  11. Bravo, Bravo!!! read it again ya'll it grows on you
  12. Hey Madmatt and BTS crew, Any way you can work in all the games I Like!!! Wish all those other companies would follow in your footsteps. I can't tell you how many games I son't buy b/c companies have shortcutted things to make a deadline or just make a buck. Thanks all. CM is starting to be one of those games that stay in my HD forever!
  13. agree, especially since infantry tends to run away or around a known minefield
  14. Ok, maybe not so complex and what I've tried of the searches hasn't yielded much so I don't know if this has been covered or not. This is certaintly not a gripe about the game, just a though and I realize that implementation might be very difficult, but, might add some realism to the game... I'll try my best here, I'm not the world's greatest write by any stretch... I find it "unrealistic" that when say a tank at one end of the map sees an enemy unit that, every other unit on your side can see that unit. They may NOT have LOS, but for all intents and purposes, all your other units know that where that enemy unit is at. I was just trying to think if any modification of this would make any changes to gameplay? I realize that since only "one person", you, the player, is in command of everything and therefore, if you know where a unit is, then "all" your units know this. Would it make any difference that when having a particular unit selected, to change the marker of the enemy unit or even take the enemy unit of the map if your chosen unit has not done anything to identify where an enemy unit is? I feel like i'm stumbling over my own feet on what I'm trying to ask but not sure how else to ask it. just a thought... Any ideas? COmments.. Maybe I'm just having another boring day at work....Yeah, this could just be it.
  15. you know, I don't remember ever beign assimilated. I feel sort of ... left out.
  16. As I sit around at work wishing I could be playing CM, I wonder if people keep unofficial records of their PBEM's or TCP games. I have not played that many games but thinking back, my record is as follows Mayor Victoy, Minor Victory, Draw, Minor Loss, mayor loss 6-2-1-1-2 What's yours??? Just looking for something to do.... if you make stuff up, your only cheating yourself.
  17. Can you play a game from the previous beta on this version or is it like before - need to start a game in this version?
  18. It has to be there cause I got it there a few days ago. the trick is is labeled funy like "beta 1.1 patch" I beleive the the file itself is "cmpublicbeta.exe" or something the like. Can't remeber where on the site it was.
  19. I see this one heading for an early closure! Lock it up Baby!
  20. Now if an MG or a mortar, and maybe even a AFV is abandonned, would there be a chance for capture for bonus points or even use against the abandonned crew. there's not much to known how to use a .50, feed the ammo and pull the trigger... now there's a consideration.
  21. I Don't know about the system requirement or the video card but I'll tell you that if you can, there's no matching the view of it on a Mitsubishi 22" 2020u monitor. I got it for $1000 about 1 yr ago on sale at a Microcenter. It is gourgeous!
  22. Thanks for all the interest. I think I'll cap this one off for now. Later
  23. Just looking for a few more challenges, my computer CPU's are hungry for action. Will play any side, any scenario. can usually do a turn a night with more on weekends. Occasionally leave town. I do not do gamey tactics myself. Mostly play for fun. Sorry I have to post here but I figured it be the best place. Thanks
  24. I maily use #3 with Zoom X2 (1 beign the lowest to the ground) I also Use #5 (first top view one) when moving into buildings, etc.
  25. "Millions and Millions served..." or was that McDonals? nah, it was CM
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