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Posts posted by Hans

  1. Certain nameless bastards shooting at my guys - it's dang rude I tell ya

    In reality:

    Mismatch of units to the mission, terrain and enemy (lack of tactical intelligence)

    Lack of detailed planning (see above)

    Lack of patience, lack of long term fall out for defeat (actual death or relief for failure) tends to make me take chances I wouldn't in a real war - which makes me over aggressive.

    A dastardly computer or human to take advantage of the reasons above.

  2. Originally posted by junk2drive:

    I ran a test. PZVIs with HC in Dec 41, saved, changed date to June 41, HC disappears.

    If I picked a date with tungsten, set ammo to 10, then changed to May 45, tungsten stays at 10.

    Another test, JPZIVearly Jan 45, no tungsten, change to Sept 44 tungsten slot opens in editor BUT previous ammo load does not redistribute.

    I started a PBEM where the briefing stated Sept 44 battle, but the parameters were set to Jan 45. I opened the battle in the editor and changed the date, saved with a new name.

    When I read Mark's post I thought, holy crap, maybe I gave my German opponent some good stuff.

    I hope not, lol.

    Yes I ran across that problem too, the ammo seems to reset to the time period despite the vehicle remaining - I tried to give some units tungsten to represent a more power model of gun -didn't work!
  3. Originally posted by General Colt:

    Pershotraveneve Ridge

    Excruciatingly balanced scenario. Small ME on a ridge. I found it to be very tense beginning to end.


    Hey two points for spelling it right!

    Both sides have a T34 and a STUG. You can't get any more balanced then that. Yeah I know the weapons captured by the Germans function better than those operated by the Russians. But its still very balanced.

  4. Originally posted by Admiral Keth:


    At the moment, I have no intention of allowing The Scenario Depot to fall by the wayside. I have always been committed to providing a quality site for scenario exchange.

    However, I am still unemployed (<shakes fist eastward> farging East Indians) and as such my free time is filled with:

    Job hunting - Not going so well in this really soft economy. Between actual hunting, chatting up recruiters, job fairs, and interviews, this takes two days out of the week.

    Side jobs - Building and expanding existing commercial. Not getting paid at the moment, but accruing invoices which will be submitted after my unemployment insurance runs out <shhh...don't tell California>. I have committed four days of the week to two different projects.

    That leaves me with Sunday to rest and resurrect.

    Yes, I have an expanding list of things to implement at The Scenario Depot. I'm planning (you all are familiar with that mouse/man adage) to accomplish these tasks between landing a job and actually starting. As that is a nebulous date, I'm unable to give you an estimate of when the SDv3 feature set will be in place.

    I genuinely appreciate everyone who has contributed to the diversity, longevity, and financial stability of The Scenario Depot. Rest assured that I haven't given up on it yet.


    Have you done any portal development? If I remember you wanted to stay in the US of A?


  5. Originally posted by Brent Pollock:

    Have you actually tested this?

    The reason I ask is that it most certainly does NOT work if you try it with a roadblock; even a truck'll drive straight across unhindered by the roadblock. But I didn't try a minefield...

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hans:

    You can also put a daisy chain mine under a bridge (using the editor) this stops it being used by vehicles but allows foot traffic for simming lighter bridges.

  6. You can also put a daisy chain mine under a bridge (using the editor) this stops it being used by vehicles but allows foot traffic for simming lighter bridges.

    You can also use multiple mines to simulate damage or obstacles to be cleared before the bridge can be used.

    See Small Battles, Sigh Bridge 1940 for a scenario built on this method.

  7. Here is a list of accurate historical scenarios

    On the CD

    The attack on Nibeiwa Fort

    Defense of Snipe

    Melfa Bridgehead

    Sidi Nsir (operation)

    At the Depot

    Small Operations, May 15, 1940

    Small Operations, Mirbat, Oman SAS

    SO, Waalhaven Assault, 1940

    SO, Abu Agueila, 1956

    SO, Storming Ashi-Shima

    SO, Saar Bridgehead 1944

    SO Bishenpur Burma PTO

    SB, First Blood 1940

    SB, Tank Charge at Tenaru

    SB, Limbang, Royal Marines

    SB, 3RTR at Calais 1940

    SB, Block at El-Arish 1956 (based on eye-witness account)

    SB, First Kill, PTO

    SB, First Victory, PTO

    SB, Outpost Eerie, 1952

    SB, Denmark, 1940

    SB, IJA Airborne P1 PTO

    SB, Blood for Oil, PTO

    SB, Suoi Tre Vietnam

    SB, Jaffa 1948 AIW

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