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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. A couple of posts back Priest proposed the idea of someone else being able to pick up the radio if the HQ section was wiped out. I had a thought that might go along with that;how about adding a platoon sergeant position to the mix? Maybe instead of having one 4 man HQ section there could be two 2 man sections,i.e. PLT ldr and his radioman,and the PLT Sgt and his runner,if the LT is killed of the Plt Sgt could take over,perhaps with less command radius or something to simulate the reduced effectivness due to the loss of the officer in charge. I don't know how feasable this with the current game engine but I thought I'd throw it out for consideration. smile.gif


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  2. There is at least a brigades worth of heavy armor in Kuwait the last I heard(this was from someone in 3rd ID from Ft. Stewart),however the personnel to man it would have be flown in from the States. There is also pre-positioned equiptment at Diego Garcia but I don't know how much. The 101st Airborne could also be there along with the units Schullenraft mentioned.

  3. My take on the crew as infantry thing is as follows,a tank crew is going to do what they have to in combat because that's what it takes to survive,be it hiding,fighting, running,whatever.But a good CO is going to do whatever it takes to accomplish his mission,to include using the crews as scouts or grunts,and barring winning a good commander is going to do whatever he can to ensure his unit survives in some sort of fighting condition so they can accomplish the next mission. Having said all that it really depends on the indivdual situation to define "gamey",I've seen some crews do some really cool stuff on thier own (read:AI).If I had ordered them to take out a vehicle would that be gamey?


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  4. I think this a good idea myself,I would like to add this:the rate of change should depend on the rating of the unit in question i.e. an elite unit would stay or come into command at a longer distance than a regular unit etc. Also a higher level of command (CO as opposed to PL for example)should factor into this somehow.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

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