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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. Eric, I brought the pause between waypoints idea not even a week ago, and Mad Matt said it could still happen. They were very busy at the time, and didn't have time to answer questions. So I dropped it for the time being. I plan to ask again in a week or so. Bump.
  2. Once my cat walked into my room while I was in the middle of a CM match (must have wanted something...hmm...why was it holding its food bowl?). I turned up the sound real loud while zooming in on a 155mm arty barrage. The cat folded it's ears back and ran off as if the dogs of hell were at it's tail!
  3. Man, I wish my father was as supportive of my hobbies as you are to your son. My old man thinks all games (he actually compares CM to things like Super Mario, which was the first video game game I ever played at about 8 years old) are a great waste of time. Of course, the fact that I also read a lot and do good in school helps him stand my gaming habits. Too bad we don't see eye to eye, a game like CM could do wonders for father-son bonds. Keep at it, Warren!
  4. To quote that weird guy from the godawful drek most of us known as Adam Sandler movies, "You can doo et!" Yub, as CMBO climbed the Top 50 chart, CMBB made itself apparent in another one of PCG's features, where readers send in e-mail about which game they are anticipating. If you think CMBB can "doo et!" all the way up to first place (currently claimed by something called Shadowbane), send an e-mail to eyewitness@pcgamer.com with "Waiting is the Hardest Part" in the subject line. [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  5. Would be interesting, but you would first need to find a way to pit Soviet tanks versus American ones. Plus the weaponry was somewhat different. Plus having Korean soldiers armed with MP-44's or PPSh's would seem a bit odd. Would be cool if BTS opened up the code so we could eliminate such problems, but until then...
  6. I agree with you, Panzer76. However, many people on this board have only average PC's. By the time CMII, the graphic rewrite comes along, many may still have the same machines they have today. If you're new to wargaming, as I was when I first came here, you're probably amazed at how these people can go without any upgrades for years on end. It's important to realise that the people playing CM are not hard core gamers. At least most of them are not. Since they arent game junkies, they dont squeeze every extra penny into upgrading their machine like I did and still do on occasion. Many people here are computer laymen, quite content with an aging machine because besides CM and 2d wargames that dont require much computing power, they dont play other games. Also, most people here aren't computer whiz-kids or do not know anyone who is. Thus, unlike me and many other gamers, they pass by on gradualy updating one's machine piece by piece. They buy entire packages because its a no hassle deal. Hell, many of the people here probably have the PC on a 4 year payment plan, and don't plan on a new one until that plan wears out. Quite frankly, for the engine rewrite, I myself would like to see a minimum 800Mhz requirment. We're looking at years from now, and personally I feel by then, an 800Mhz processor would cost you as much as a used tie. Did I mention that some people here are cheap and bite your head of for mentioning it? Well now I did *ducks to avoid flame thrower burst* EDIT: Forgot to add my machine is as follows: AMD 1Ghz, 256RAM, 30Gig HD, NVIDIA TNT2 Pro powered. I plan on upgrading some parts too. pricewatch.com is a god send! [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  7. I think you were under the influence of serious narcotics, ASL Vet. Next youre going to tell us CMBB will have running MG42's Seriously though, partisans are in. I haven't heard anything about motorbikes.
  8. Yes, you read that right. #50, behind such classics like *cough* Beavis and Buthead, Panzer General, Red Alert, and the #1 Best game of All Time, *apchoo!* Half Life! Oh well, nice to see BTS made it! Hooray for BTS!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Anyone who thinks they know what a horse can or can't do in battle hasn't read FACE OF BATTLE by John Keegan. The part about cavalry charges was very enlightening - he tells us that you can't get horses to penetrate lines of infantry, using Waterloo and modern sources to discuss it. It's the only intelligent discussion of what a horse is actually capable of doing in a battle that I've ever read. Anyone who thinks they know what a cavalry charge is like should read this book; it was quite eye opening to me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Read and enjoyed the book, Michael. However, we must remember that the Germans no longer formed up in neat little square formations upon seeing cavalry. If they had time, they grabed the MG42's, but no squares. So cossacks, when they had the advantage of surprise, too the liberty of riding in upon confused masses of germans and sabering/shooting them. The Germans did not form tight lines, so the horses had no trouble riding in between them, as they did with charging a solid mass of bodies during Waterloo or other battles from the age of muskets. On a lighter note (well, its pretty gruesome actually), Italian troops did form square once under a certain commander in Italy (or perhaps this was Africa, Im getting this info from another thread) to recieve armored cars. You can imagine the results. Since you mention a book for reference, let me mention a new book titled "Russia's Heroes". It has a chapter devoted to cossacks. I read some of it in the book store (didn't have the dough to buy the book, but I plan to soon) and it had an interview with a cossack general. Also several eye witness accounts of cossacks raiding German supply lines and detachments on horse back. One account mentions a cossack regiment having to cross a frozen river during night time to get behind German lines. Another account tells how the cossacks were taught to "...slice the invader from the shoulder to the groin with one's saber, as in days of old...".\ When I buy the book I'll post some more accounts. Only read a few pages in the book shop.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: Lewis, there are 6600 registered members on the forum, most of whom (we hope) bought the game. I wonder how many people have the game but aren't on the forum? Of course, it'd be sacrilege (or somefink) to play the game but not be part of the in crowd :cool: That's meant as an honest question BTW; I've often wondered how many people play CM with no connection to this forum. DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The best answer anyone can give you is "most". I know quite a few people who never even heard of this forum, much less post here. Many of the players on the ladders never even post here, and thats only a tiny portion of the CM community. I would guess for every person who is registered here, we can safely assume 2 or 3 never post, arent registered, and dont participate in the community whatsoever.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Y'all figured it out. In fact horsies and motorcycles were in the original game engine, working just perfectly (as one would expect), and were very pretty to watch, too. Then Steve & Charles asked me what my opinion was, and I asked them to take them out because I simply don't like them. You see, I was out walking with my horse in the deep woods one day, pushing my motorcycle, and I heard an 8mm bolt-action rifle shot nearby. I went to ground promptly and stayed there for eight years and two months. While I was face down in the dirt the motorcycle fell on top of me and the horse ate my shoes, nibbling my toes off in the process. So as you can see, I have a well-deserved hatred for both horses and motorcycles and can't stand to have them in any game of any kind ever. So it's pretty much my fault. -dale<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: I would think the problem is not with coding as much as with personal biases. As I see it the horse units are basically no different from infantry units. They just can carry more stuff and they are a bit faster and a bit better at handling tiredness. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not exactly. A human loaded down with a pack and a rifle can run, at full speed, at about 6 miles an hour max, I would guess. A horse, ladden down with packs and a 200 pound human, can gallop at over 20 miles an hour, depending on ground conditions and the fitness of the horse in question. Also, after about 2 minutes of full speed running with a pack and rifle, even the fittest of humans tire. A horse, to my best knowledge, ladden with packs and a 200 pound human can gallop for upwards of half an hour or more, once again depending on terrain conditions and the fitness of the animal in question. Oh, and common, admit it, in the back of your mind somewhere, in the dark subconsciosness known only as the inner tero, you know you always wanted to see a cavalry charge. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: What makes it SO difficult to model them using an infantry unit as a base and assigning it with a few altered specs like load carrying variables and new graphics ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The seperate coding first of all. Also the fact that using a human model to represent cavalry won't appeal to many, visually speaking. [ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: It would be rare to find horses in the frontline.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> On the western/african/pacific fronts, yes. On the Eastern front, we have a whole nother story. Actually, I would even agree with you that on the frontlines they weren't present much, except in major offensives. However, they did conduct many combat operations behind enemy lines. Since CM models all battlefield operations (or has the ability to, at least) I see the exclusion of horses from CM2 purely as a physical problem, not a historical one. If the ability to code them in was there, Im pretty sure BTS would agree that they would be worth modeling. As it stands though, Im still hoping to see them in CMII perhaps, with the engine rewrite. Lots of possibilities for that game, like all the fronts of WW2 in one beautiful package *drool*
  14. Is "RIVE" a seperate company or part of NVIDIA? I wish I knew which drivers I had before. Ill try different ones, thanks for the advice!
  15. I just installed the newest driver that NVIDIA offers for all their products on its website, and it didnt work. Same old flickering squares upon minimizing and maximizing the game.
  16. Im d/l ing a new driver as I type this. I figured that this was probobly the only thing that can be responsible from your last messege. My TNT2 Pro is Nvidia Riva TNT2
  17. I did not have this problem before the hard drive suffered physical damaged and had to be repaired. I use Esc to minimize. However, I just did a test run, and alt tab produces the same exact results. Im not sure what exactly the shop did. The data on my PC wasn't recoverable (lost all 60+ megs of CMBO mods ). The computer was returned to me with Windows having been reinstalled. My HD is from a company called Samasung. I dont think I have any warranties, but its worth checking out. Hopefully Ill cough up the dough to replace it pretty soon.
  18. I am using Windows 98. My video card drivers were not changed or upgraded. Nor was the video card overclocked or anything done about the video card whatsoever that I know of. Today I had an advancement. When I opend the game, everything was as normal. I ran a test scenario, and it opened normally. Everything was working. The graphics were as they should be. Then I minimized the game and opened it again. Bam, there go the shifting texture squares on a black background again. I did this several times by shutting the game down and opening it again, with the same results. Game opens as normal, runs well, but after being minimized, it messes up once more. Thanks for trying to help, Schrullenhaft!
  19. This faust-talk got me all fired up, so I went and installed CC2. One of its most memorable features for me was how an Allied tank in close quarters had a snowball's chance in hell of getting through the mission alive if there was even a single German Hamstertruppen within a 10 city block area! All I had to do was run a puny 3 man Scout team inside a building next to which a Sherm76 was parked. Second later, the Sherm goes up. I tried the same thing in CMBO, and my men fired once out of the 5 times I ran the test. Probably the only thing I miss about CC, unrealistic as it probably was, lol...
  20. Hey Tripps, what was the experience level of those troops?
  21. Dont forget experience levels. Anyone remember that Fionn vs. Someone else AAR where Fionn made an example of using all infantry against a combined armed attack? His Germans killed the enemy Shermans from what must have been at least 60 metres, and they did it when ordered to. More then once! They were Elite, I believe.
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