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Posts posted by Chupacabra

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball:

    Are you really a student? What are you studying? I hope it's easy to spell or you're in real trouble.


    Maybe that's how to improve the UK's schools, offer A levels in l337 and h4xx0r1ng. All exam answers must be submitted via texting. Extra credit if you can name a national figure that's neither David Beckham nor the Queen Mum.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman:

    Coding the engine to check an HQ unit for "actual leader dude losses" after every casualty would result in excessive turn-crunching times.


    Hmm. I've gotta disagree with you on that. Since CM already makes internal checks to determine if, for example, the LMG gunner was hit rather than Joe Rifleman, it doesn't seem like it'd be any more work to figure out if that was the LT or the cook that just got it.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goober:

    With all the mods being developed on various sites how hard would it be to come up with these two units.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Pretty hard, actually. BTS only allowed for customers to mod .bmp and .wav files. Can't add new units or change the performance or behavior of any of the current units. Meaning someone could probably knock together a mod that mad a truck look like a bike, but a truck with any other skin still smells as sweet, or something.

  4. Wow, um, not to bring up the obvious, but after all, this is an internet BBS. The amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth associated with this whole affair seems more in line with someone keeling over dead, not someone saying that they don't want to post to an internet forum.

    If someone gets seriously worked up about words on a screen...well, gee. I don't mean to sound condescencing or spiteful (though I'm sure someone will probably take me to task for saying this), but I'd have to have quite a lot of gin in me before getting upset about words on a screen.

  5. It's true enough that most flight-simmers prefer dogfights to ground attacks, but OTOH one of the most popular flight sims of the past few years, MiG Alley, focused heavily on ground missions, and IL2, probably the most heavily anticipated upcoming flight sim, will likewise focus heavily on tank busting and similar fun.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darsalon:

    To add another one into the mix - Marshall Budenny who managed to suffer the single worst defeat (in terms of losses) of the entire war at Kiev in '41. Something like 500,000 it is reckoned?

    Don't know the full ins and outs of the whole thing but it probably didn't help with Stalin refusing to yield ground at that time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Budenny wasn't a terrible general, really. He wasn't really a modern general, and his heyday was definitely 1919-1921. The problem definitely wasn't that he was some staff officer who'd been overpromoted; he'd been a Marshal for years, and was one of the only full Marshals to survive the purges. I'm also not sure any Soviet general could have performed much better under the circumstances immediately after Barbarossa.

    As for worst generals, I might go with McNair. I hate to be so callous, but it was probably good for the Army that the AAF dropped a short on his head.

  7. In the context I think this is legit. On such a small map, unless the attacker wanted to go over the top Somme-style, he was going to have to head towards one side or the other, and it would have been best to guard against that. It also helps, whenever possible, to keep a mobile reserve (even if it's one tank or a few halftracks) that can quickly counterattack.

    In general I do have some of the same reservations that Gyrene has. Situations such as the Ardennes in which attackers could easily sweep around defenders' flanks were the exception rather than the rule. I wonder how difficult it would be to model (probably for the rewrite of the engine) some sort of random chance of losing a few men if within a certain distance of the map edge (10, or 5, or something like that). Nothing major, but I'd imagine that would put paid to questions like this.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Oh dear, now look what I've done. It wasn't even a Monty Python reference. The Knights of the Round Table did actually exist, you know, although I doubt they were quite as amusing as their more recent incarnations.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Probably depends on whether you think dirty, drunken Saxon warlords are amusing. Personally I think it'd be worth a chuckle at least.

  9. Feedle deedle dee, you all suck so bad. God, I'd forgotten how banal you human blackheads are.

    Well, at least two of you have decent taste in music, pity one of you's a Scot and the other's a wiener.

    I'd post a picture of Mr. T with a semi-witty caption or some **** now but to be honest I can't be bothered (lingering side-effect of the British general election), so just assume one's there.

    Whatever. Updates.

    Moriarty should shake a freaking leg if he wants to take this city before the end of the war. If I wanted to see Americans walking I'd go home. If I wanted to see poorly led Americans walking I'd visit one of my old jobs. If I wanted to see poorly led Americans with guns I'd go to Texas.

    On the other hand I pretty much can't count on seeing poorly led Americans run out of burning buildings and get gunned down by Germans with submachine guns anytime soon (although it remains to be seen how Bush's European Vacation goes), so that's a plus I guess.

    PawBroon is dying a lot. For the past five turns or so his bright ideas have amounted to either parking his tanks in the open and letting me kill them or driving his tanks into ambushes and letting me kill them. Proving that the French warrior spirit lives on. He may have one of the VLs, but he sure as hell doesn't have much else anymore.

    StevetheRat walked a company or so onto my TRPs. Ha ha.

    Now piss off.

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