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Posts posted by Chupacabra

  1. Okay. Command decision.

    DATE: TUESDAY, JAN. 21st.

    TIME: 8 PM


    THE BAR'S PHONE NUMBER: 202-293-1885

    MY EMAIL: jonkoltz@hotmail.com

    If you need my phone number or if there are any other questions, shoot me an email. Otherwise, hope to see you all next Tuesday. For those who can't make it, I'll try to schedule another one next month-ish.

    [ January 14, 2003, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: Chupacabra ]

  2. Dear Sneezy:

    I never finished our game because I lost my internet connection, and I am currently on a crappy little laptop, so this forum is about as close as I get to playing CM.

    I no longer do the Peng Theng because it got boring to me. As an insult, "Sod off" loses its zest fairly quickly, at least for those of us with taste, discrimination, and an IQ above 2. Obviously it makes some of you harelipped mongrels happy, so you go for it, Trooper! That's great!

    I remain yours in disdain,


  3. Originally posted by Zitadelle:

    Count in another Northern Virginia CMBO/BB player. I live just outside the Beltway and can get vitrually anywhere in the DC/Baltimore area. Count me in for any get together.

    In fact, I got together with my old opponent and New York resident YankeeDog the week before Christmas and we caused all sorts of hell at the Lost Dog Cafe (Pizza place in Arlington with 150+ available beers). Nothing like a heavy discussion of military tactics/history and CM!

    I know that there was a small group of CMer's that got together last year in the DC area, and we should definitely do it again (I would even volunteer as the coordinator if needed). I think some of the other members at that showing included:



    Sweet. Actually, your offer to coordinate might be a very good idea, as I only have internet access at Job Number One at the moment - meaning I'm completely incommunicado every night and all day Thursday-Sunday. Depending on how soon Comcast gets off its collective butt and hooks up my house, that should change, but...

    In the meantime, should we collectively say the Brickskeller, two weeks from today, around 8ish? Gives everyone plenty of time to get over from work and Marlow can drop in half an hour later.

  4. Nice to see a few responses.

    I haven't been in town long enough to find a favorite bar (except for the sleazy biker bar five minutes from my house with $1 whiskey shots night, a bit lacking in ambiance though). I have had a couple of people recommend the Brickskeller, though. Large selection of beers, doesn't look to be hugely expensive, two blocks from the Dupont Circle metro. But if anyone knows of a better place, I will happily defer to your greater wisdom.

    Of course, there remains to set a date. I'm relatively open schedule-wise. I tend to get off work around 6ish, and Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are better nights for me to go out than Tuesdays and Thursdays, but what do the rest of you reckon?

  5. Having just moved down to the DC area (Arlington), having just noticed Rune's Chicago thread, and having the phenomenal mental ability of being able to add one and one together, it strikes me that a DC meeting would be Not A Bad Idea.

    Any of you wonks, lobbyists, lawyers, spooks, feds, puzzle palace paper pushers or other miscontents fancy grabbing a beer?

    My one caveat is that I don't have a car, so I'm limited to those places that are Metro-accessable. Other than that, I'm willing to go just about anywhere.

  6. Sorry Michael, I know I shouldn't speak for others, but sometimes I can't resist -

    Tracer - you completely missed Michael's point. The point wasn't that the Klan isn't completely bat**** loony. The point was that the Klan membership, especially in its heydays after the Civil War and in the early part of the 20th Century, wasn't all a bunch of po white trash who sat around in their trailer homes ruminating about how the neeee-gro done up and stole their jobs at the beef jerky factory. The Klan encompassed members from every segment of society. Hell, Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first Grand Wizard of the Klan.

  7. Originally posted by Compassion:

    hehe... I wonder if anyone saved that pic that someone made of the splash screen that looks like it was made by a 4 year old with crayon... Always liked that one "Combat mishun by steve and charlie" (or somesuch).

    David Aitken did that. Searching the 2000/01 archives would probably dig it up.

    And yes, I am way too lazy to do it myself.

  8. Heh, I thought I remembered Schoerner:



    The examples of Nationalsocialists that made their career in the plutocratic system: this says NOTHING about the facts of the totalitarian reeducation of the Germans.

    If by far more than 90% of a nation are identifying with a political system (the Nationalsocialism in 3.Reich), that proved it's superiority in economics, social-system, science and art, and therefore it had to be eliminated, it is impossible to eliminate all persons that made their career in the system, if you want a cow for milking.

    The german politicans know exactly: they are on the top, because the nation is held down.

    The whole political system in the western world knows: it only has the power, 'cause the the nations are kept down.

    Primarily not held down with weapons (only if it would become necessary) - held down by controlling the mass-media and giving the people bread and games - held down by the biggest force in this system: the capital.

    I hereby dub thee Commander Fruitcake.
  9. Originally posted by Shatter:

    Get me and my .308 out and I will (at the minimum) hit 8 out of 10 at 150 meters.

    Are you a) being shot at B) tired c) scared d) malnourished e) firing at targets that are moving quickly from cover to cover?

    Maybe sharpshooters are busted, I have no idea (although they've worked fine for me so far), but the "well I can do X now so the game is broke" argument just doesn't work.

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