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Posts posted by Chupacabra

  1. Don't think I've ever bought anything heavier than a Panther in a PBEM game...never bought a Jumbo, never bought a Pershing, never bought a Jackson. I do alright.

    I don't mind setting ground rules before games, mostly because I like trying out different types of force structures. ie, using the short 75 rule doesn't just impact the kind of tanks you can buy, it also generally affects the other types of units people purchase. It's fun for me to play around with that kind of stuff.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  2. Kwazy -

    The tests I ran last night were all at close assault range: ie, the test was setup so that at least one squad would always be within 10m of the halftrack it was assaulting. But if you'll notice, except in one case out of ten, I was still getting completely exaggerated results. I'd be happy to send the specific setup I'm using, if it'd help.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  3. My test -

    1 Heer pat. 44 rifle platoon vs. 1 US M3 Halftrack, and 1 US rifle platoon vs. 1 SPW 250/1. Both groups in inescapable 20x20 pits. LATW removed from both sides. Combat and leadership bonuses removed from HQ units, morale bonus +2.

    1) M3 KO turn 3, SPW KO turn 6

    2) M3 KO turn 4, SPW KO turn 6

    3) M3 KO turn 1, SPW causes 38 infantry casualties, Allied autosurrender at end of turn 2.

    4) M3 KO turn 7, SPW KO turn 5

    5) M3 KO turn 3, SPW KO turn 4

    6) M3 KO turn 2, SPW KO turn 2

    7) M3 KO turn 3, SPW causes 36 infantry casualties, Allied autosurrender at end of turn 4.

    8) M3 KO turn 1, SPW KO turn 1

    9) M3 KO turn 2, SPW KO turn 6

    10) M3 KO turn 5, SPW KO turn 10


    On only one of those tests, (the 8th), was the result halfway predictable. The results of the other tests ran from worrisome to ridiculous (the 10th. 10 turns??!!?!?). I am going to bed at the moment, but I will repeat the test tomorrow using different vehicles. I have to say though, if there isn't a bug, then there's a whole lot more **** Happening than usual. At some point though, you've got to admit, there's a pattern.

    Edit: test performed with 1.12, btw.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

    [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 02-16-2001).]

  4. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that by the time CM2 is released, a 64mb video card will cost less than $100 US.

    I'm certainly not a hardware fascist (I'm running CM on a crappy laptop at the moment), but if your computer is towards the low end of the spectrum at the moment, I don't think it's unfair to assume that you're going to have to upgrade for CM2 (as I will).

    I DON'T think that CM2 should be accessible ONLY to those with high-end gaming rigs (which I will not have), but since BTS has ruled that out, I'm not too worried. I wouldn't be surprised if the minimum requirements were somewhere in the P2 300 range with a 16mb video card.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  5. Originally posted by Skipper:

    Speaking of mean looking, it is my firm belief smile.gif that the meanest looking bastard in the history of armored warfare, as we know it, was IS-3. As somebody said, it is "aesthetically perfect".

    Actually, for mean-looking, I'll take the KV-2. Because that is one goddamn big gun on top of it biggrin.gif


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  6. Okay, let's analyze this post in two parts.

    Originally posted by Flipper:

    Hi when I was a kid I remember seeing a movie

    titled "hitler's brain" where the russians took hitlers brain back to moscow to make tapioca or something

    Aaaand now:

    any way anyone seen this movie is it any good? thanks!

    Now read the first part. Ponder it. Now read the second part. Now ask yourself, do you really need to ask the answer to that question?


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

    [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 02-14-2001).]

  7. Originally posted by Skipper:

    but also with concentration camps, slave labour etc, was a materialization of something that western civilisation carries deep within it's soul.

    Whoa now. This is an issue which has confounded several generations of top-notch historians. To put it so matter-of-factly is vastly oversimplifying the debate. Moreover, it's not one which would be productive to get into on this BBS, so it might be wise to back off that particular line of reasoning in the future...


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  8. Originally posted by M. Bates:

    Hmmm. All I will say is this: there seems to be a "cult" made out of the German soldier or fearless panzer commander and I can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps there is nothing in it or perhaps there is, who knows.

    No more so than there is a "cult" of the hard-working, All-American Ohio boy throwing back the Huns with a Garand and a grenade (see SPR) or the fanatical Soviet defender of Stalingrad sacrificing his (or her) own life to hurl a molotov cocktail onto a Panzer's engine deck, or the grim, determined Finn, or the doughty Englishman, or, or, or... the list goes on.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  9. And seriously...

    at the risk of echoing what others have said, there is a certain amount of historical simplification we can (and should) make for the sake of simplicity.

    For example, the Vietnam War is more properly referred to as the Second Indochinese War...yet even that is a bit misleading since war was never oficially declared. Yet when was the last time you heard anyone refer to it as anything but the Vietnam War? We do so because it is convenient to do so and it does not create any confusion.

    The First Crusade was not a unified action, but took place over the span of several years, with several different groups fighting in several different places with often quite divergent goals, yet it is convenient as a point of reference to refer to it as the First Crusade.

    The Reagan Doctrine was neither universally conceived nor uniformly applied, yet it is convenient to refer to it as if it were.

    If you want to get persnickety, you can find fault with all of these terms, and probably assign some sort of ulterior motive towards doing so - ie, one could argue that referring to the Second Indochinese War as the Vietnam War ignores the earlier French efforts. Yet this is not an issue that comes up very often, simply because it is neither important nor useful to harp on it.

    Bottom line, why bother?


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  10. Jeff, you neocolonialist hegemonic patriarchal bastard, you left out the Spanish!!!

    Now pray to Gaia for forgiveness, and maybe you can have a nice echinacea smoothy for desert.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  11. Oh, files have been sent, btw.

    Scrota - Measly little fink. Has an inflated sense of his ability to actually hurt me. Is losing men quickly. Will lose more and some tanks very soon. Has poured a lot of points into armor and FlaK, which is going to bite him in the ass when he realizes all his infantry is deader than Dillinger. 'Cause we all know how good Hetzers are against infantry. Right? Huh? Who's with me YEAH!

    Boreiarty - continues his extreeeeemely sloooooooow attaaaaack.

    I admire Moriarty for trying to cultivate a Zen-like calm in all things CM, but it doesn't really work too well when you've only got 30 minutes to dig my ass out of town. Tick tock. Oh, and my guys are slaughtering his guys like mad, too. That isn't helping him any.

    Stevethesleeve Roberts

    Calls me mean for using rockets. If I'd wanted to be mean I would've made mine 300mm. Moriarty can tell you about what happens then. I think he's just mad that I can see most of his force, and he can't see any of mine. His attack so far has been very...mannered. Very British. I half expect the queen mum to turn up and knight him in the middle of the fight for dying like a propah Englishman. If the gods smile, the mortar shells I just sent winging along towards his row of parallel-parked Daimlers will make them look like Oxford Street during a Debenham's sale. Ie, super freaking ugly.

    Sneakytea persists in trying to sent me nasty corrupt files. Although he hasn't sent me one in a week or so. Maybe he's given up. Or maybe he's just a big nancyboy who wants me to twist his scrawny Enya-wannabe neck.

    PolTroon - Silly rabbit, armored cars are for Panzerfausts.


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

  12. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


    Schriben Sie daß:

    Chupacabra: Slapped down like an unwanted stepchild

    Berli (with loving help from an evil German): Victorious... natürlich

    We wuz robbed. Bah.


    Edit: extra bah added to reflect a certain... je ne said quoi... existential malaise?


    Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

    [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 02-13-2001).]

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