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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Well yeah. Cuz it looks like learning to catch is out. What ya going to do when all you have is a pod to practice playing catch with? Not much motor skills in a pod.
  2. See? Told ya'll so. Pick your poison, puppy, and send it on over.
  3. The rematch is on. I took Germans this time. Usual opening, wacked a couple of Polish armies, driving on Warsaw, blah blah blah...
  4. rleete has been saved by a patch. I had Spain on my side, took Gibraltar too. The entire Med was an Axis lake, with the Italians headed for the Atlantic. In the East the Germans were in Smolensk and driving to Moscow. So don't listen to anything rleete has to say about how he was going to suddenly pull it out. A rematch is scheduled with sides reversed. I demand that the Opus Dei investigate Hubert Cater for this sudden release of patches. I smell a broader conspiracy than just Steve & Charles.
  5. There I was, be-boping along, merrily invading the usual suspects... ...then the damn computer turned on me. :mad: And after all I've done for it too.
  6. Say that in front of one of my Grandkids bubo! I dare you! </font>
  7. Well, then we can start the argument on women in the military. See above though. A lot of soldiers returned to duty after being wounded many times. I think the current system works fine.
  8. Actually, about 25,000 wounded were flown out too. More than enough for a cadre.
  9. Mut be? Well doen? What? English a second language with you Kiwi's?
  10. You'll have to come out again soon. See, I took a buddy out on Lake Minnetonka this weekend, and he had a beautiful 17' wood kayak. That he built himself. You and your web toes are a god to no one but the inflatable pump. Squimp, squimp squimp….
  11. Wouldn't be worth the research cost to me. But would be nice tied to Intel, as we have discussed ad nauseum.
  12. It can. Op move it. I like the weather, leave it as is. Besides, gives us all something to bitch about, just like in real life.
  13. And you were saying we don't know how to get him down, sheesh...
  14. Well, he hasn't bothered to roll stickypixie over and check yet, so I'd say no more than a strong heart medicine can support.
  15. Aaah…these are the turns wargamers dream about. I stuck the boot in so far I may not be getting it back. The rest of the trap becomes apparent. RN has snuck into the Med in force, along with the Bomber that I placed in Malta four turns ago for recon. Took a little discipline not to show my cards early with the Bomber. Results. One Italian CA sunk, Tobruk port bombed and bombarded to 0, Italian Sub in port at strength 3, remaining depleted Italian fleet that has been bombarding Alexandria now has to run the gauntlet or hole up in Greece/Crete. Africa Tank unit destroyed, other down to 2 strength, Italian Corp ignored. They're all out of supply and doomed. Axis in North Africa are kaput. On the Eastern Front, Axis launch an counterattack in the north to restore their fortunes, but the Russian line is too strong and holds easily. The Russians reply by destroying two German Armies, one Romanian Army, a German Paratrooper, and surround another German Army. Romanians on the southern front are hit to keep the pressure on. US gets Bomber 1, Infantry 1. USSR gets Production 1, Industrial 4.
  16. "The Cretans, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies!" You'd fit right in.
  17. Sounds to me like he got the job down at the Happy Bamboo Pagoda Of The Smiling Panda With the Magic Wok. Note the reference to good fortune. Bet he looks stunning in the panda suit too.
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