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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Have you tried eating bowls of menudo to rebuild the old one? SSN Hint Of The Day: If it feels good do it. Now sod off.
  2. I think he’s always that way. Then again, could be the inbreeding as he has trouble with screw off caps...
  3. But you're only going to net $700 and a bottle of Mescal at the liquor store with it. Save your money, idjit. BTW, where's my setup? SSN Hint Of The Day: Scratch your pits whenever you want. Now sod off.
  4. Since it seems you are incapable of even throwing your hands up in the air {hint – let go of Mr. Happy first, otherwise it's just sick and wrong} when confronted by my superior CMBB scenario playing skills and defaulting to setting up a QB, I shall send something suitably....vile. Your Doom will be in your In-Box this evening.
  5. Except Beer. And Whiskey. And Scotch, Rum, Tequila, Schnapps, Vodka, etc.... And anything dalem is currently smoking. SSN Hint Of The Day: Try the expert trail the day you first put on skis. Now sod off.
  6. Hmm, I may have to reconsider. I demand the UN pay my airfare to the Antipods so I can conduct..."inspections". SSN Hint Of The Day: Pound the table. Now sod off.
  7. This just in from the Front! dalem has surrendered to the tune of 77 to 23. Does anybody know if he speaks Arabic? Cus I’m pretty sure he speaks Hookah. Plays like it anyway.
  8. This won't negatively impact taking your fellow Minnesota Cesspoolers on drunken parades around the lake, will it? </font>
  9. The Good News is that the ice is going off Lake Minnetonka even as we speak. The Bad News is a couple hundred tons of it just smeared my dock all down the shoreline. sigh...
  10. This might be the one time I actually enjoy playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" Who's got the hat pins? SSN Hint Of The Day: Keep a store of wisecracks for tense and serious occasions. Now sod off.
  11. He screamed something about "bad touch" and ran away when I mentioned your name. Kinda strange behavior for a bouncer in a S&M club, don't ya think?
  12. Man, I look good. I mean, she's not bad. But I look goooood... P.S. – handcuffs were provided at the club. SSN Hint Of The Day: Ask her if the diamond ring is real. Now sod off.
  13. No grain of any kind was processed in the making of this Thread. </font>
  14. Your wish is my command, Milady. SSN Hint Of The Day: Comment on weight gain in others. Now sod off.
  15. As an apparent newbie to the great Art of the Duel , I will discuss briefly the proper etiquette and procedures. ***snipped because I can*** </font>
  16. Quit browsing for porn and send a turn, perv. That goes for the rest of you bumsniffers too.
  17. Sorry for the slow turns this weekend lads, but it's been a busy one. First it was off to a fine Italian restaurant for several bottles of their finest. Then, the next night, the GF and I decided to go in search of my long lost Squire, Hanns. Yes, Hanns, he of the enormous size and a generous way with pitchers of beer. Turns out he still is working as a bouncer at Ground Zero (our local den of S&M perversion). He's now also running the data banks at the U for a little extra leather money and just doesn't have time to indulge in the perversion of the Cess when he's up to his neck in perversion down at Ground Zero. And Ground Zero is a very perverse place. Actually, the GF just wanted to dress up. Or down. Or just not wear very much at all, in this case. Nothing wrong with that. You should see the pictures. To bad I have no way to post them. Can't send them to Persephone, she would have to find a way to keep them out of Berli's hands. Maybe I should just send them to Seanachai, he knows what pictures from Hanns are like. Might just finish him off. Mwuhahahaha.... SSN Hint Of The Day: Talk with your mouth full. Now sod off.
  18. That is the ugliest woman I've ever seen. SSN Hint Of The Day: Leave the outdoor Christmas decorations up until March or April. Now sod off.
  19. A product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.
  20. You're doing it wrong then. SSN Hint Of The Day: Prophesy woe, financial chaos and domination by Japan. Now sod off.
  21. Very much. The demo was to show off some of the new stuff. The full version is very much a deeper experience. You should also download the CMBO demo which was a better demo from a game play perspective. Last spotted position. Fog of war can be turned on to different levels at the game setup if you always want to know where everyone is. Not till the end of the game. Maps in the full version can be quite a bit larger. The blue and red areas are where you initially set up your troops. For different views of the battlefield use the 1 – 9 keys to cycle through them.
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