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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Thanks Desert Dave. Sound's more and more like SC2 is going to be fantastic. Done yet?
  2. Well, we'll probably let Papa Kahn be the Gauls once more. He's good at collecting his 7% commission off of every damn tile. Dalem will have be the two tribes who's names I can never remember. Not that it matters. Which ever one I want to attack, it always turns out the rules say I can only attack the other one. I'll piss away Rome again. Natch. See above. And Seanachai will be the Greeks by popular acclaim. Short, stout, and there's sheep about. It's all rather academic really. I predict Papa Kahn in the 7th round. Again.
  3. Well, after thinking about it more, if you really want to script something, script the arrival of the Free French instead of the dump we get now. They should show up randomly through out the game after the Fall of France. But increasingly as time goes on, of course. Start from the 7,000 disorganized men they had in July, 1940. Maybe a token DeGaulle HQ? And perhaps throw in a Cruiser Fleet at some point to reflect when the British let them back on their interned ships. Then ramp it up to over 400,000 men by the end. Perhaps a free Army, Tank, and a Corp or two by '44. All nice little pop-ups for the Allied player. Might help balance the whole thing.
  4. Edwin, yeah, Vichy France, if anything, is under modeled in the game. Germany should get all those mpps from Vichy territory too. I always play with the Free French option on, just to make things harder, but there's no way Britain got as much help as shows up in the game from the Free French. I hope you're writing all these ideas down, cuz I really want to see your variant when the game comes out.
  5. JerseyJohn, the crucial difference is that the Vichy French government actively assisted and went out of their way to assist, while the other occupied governments did not. It wasn't just the Jews. It was the workers, the contracts, suppression of dissent, etc. In fact, after the D-Day invasion, Petain started a Vichy French government in exile. They didn't give Petain, Leval and Dernand a death sentence for nothing. They were closet fascists in that they preferred a reactionary government to a republican one. Heck, the Cagoule were attempting to overthrow the French Republican government pre-war. France had more than it's share of problems, that's for sure. Do a little digging and you'll be surprised at the names that turn up.
  6. JerseyJohn, a long read, but you might find it interesting. La collaboration d'état I'll just post the conclusion, The evidence was pretty clear. They weren't called collaborators for nothing.
  7. You've got the delaying tactics down, that's for sure. v1.02, sheesh...
  8. Er, Vichy France was an Axis partner pretty much. They gave a LOT of help to the Germans, just not military help. Even improved their economy during the war. They played their own game. I think Spain and Turkey would have come in on the Axis side because the writing would be on the wall for Britain. And with Britain out, Spain would get Gilbralter back, and you could buy off Turkey with parts of Russia and/or their old possesions in Arabia.
  9. I understand the Germans don't get their cut, but you got to balance that against whatever's left of the armies, one air fleet, and four fleets. That's a lot of mpp's right there. And at some point, you're ahead of the game with the French production added to the German. I see no valid reason to reduce the French mpps. To balance it, I think you'd have start the Soviet war clock ticking. That's the only thing that would scare the Germans. Of course, Spain and Turkey would probably jump in under this scenario on the Axis side, so you'd have to take that into account too.
  10. Just to point out, fun idea, but you're going to totally unbalance the game. France goes Axis in 1940, you'll have made up any lost plunder in 1-2 years. You'll be getting the extra for Marsielle, Syria, and Tunisia. Plus the Armies, Air Fleet, and Fleets (no way they'd go to Britain, see Oran). After 1942-43, you're money ahead every turn. And the real kicker is you'll have another nation working on tech advances. Who'd pick plunder with that option? Might be fun to see what would happen, I suppose. But I think it'll just lead to an early Axis Victory. At bare minimum, the Med becomes an Axis lake.
  11. Let's see if we can give it another night, shall we? Ahem...{is this thing on?..oh, the other button...} Held Over by Popular Demand!! - A Limited Time Rant Reading!!! - You'll Laugh!! - You'll Cry!! - You'll Wonder "Why"?!?! - Don't Miss this Fantastic Cultural Experience!!! And now, live from the magnificent ballroom of the Sands Casino... the Star of our Show... "I am the Lord and Master. You all are bastards. Believe in me, Or I'll stab your eyes till you bleed I'm the Lord and Master." Foamy the Squirrel!!!
  12. It's not just your Mom saying that. btw, sure she wasn't saying you look like a radio, blockhead?
  13. Ever seen Will & Grace? Berli ain't Will. Seanachai ain't Jack. ok, maaaaybe in his younger days, Seanachai could've been Jack.
  14. You might be a redneck if you view funerals as a dating opportunity.
  15. What e-mail addy? The one in your profile? And you've got to do something about that picture. Entirely to Young Republican. Seanachai will blow a gasket. Then again, get the wife and kids in there too. Got a dog perhaps?
  16. Actually, Iceland was invaded, er, "occupied" by the British.
  17. So, for just how long did you suffer under the delusion that you were a Catholic schoolgirl? And how did you manage to stay out of the hands of the surgeons? Or do they have to sew it back on now? {It's always troubling when a Swede posts something like this...socialized medicine, feh...}
  18. Actually, I think he looked at the Catholic Schoolgirls site and decided to take his own advice.
  19. Edwin want Casablanca Conferences. Actually, I don't think something like that would be too difficult to code. If you want the Italians to go for Egypt instead of Greece, raise the point value of Egypt in whatever algorithm the AI uses currently. Might be a lot of work to cover every option a guy could dream up though. For instance, it'd be nice if your AI Ally would give you a heads-up on what he's planning too. i.e. – "D-Day is launching in two turns, Russian Player, prepare Major Offensive in Support".
  20. I'm hoping the guy with the flamethrower in the lower right is successful at lighting off one of Seanachai's stinky farts.
  21. rune's Bridges of Le Moo is a truly vile piece of work and the author should be beaten with a sack of undeclawed cats about the nether regions.
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